[Rspamd-Users] How to test configuration within a contained dev environment?

David Reagan me at davidreagan.net
Mon Sep 14 15:11:42 UTC 2020

Thanks! I didn't realize extended_headers_rcpt could work just on a 
domain. Guess I was skimming more than reading when I was looking at 
that doc.

 > ... you may need to send test messages through another postfix 
instance to simulate an additional hop.

That is pretty much where I was thinking I needed to go, since my 
postfix config requires authentication. Thanks for confirming.

- David

On 9/14/20 12:34 AM, Alexander Moisseev wrote:
> 13.09.2020 21:11, David Reagan пишет:
>> The issue is that Rspamd, by design I believe, does not filter (or 
>> maybe just doesn't add the headers?) email sent by authenticated 
>> users. So every message I send is marked as clean.
> Yes, it doesn't add extended headers:
> https://rspamd.com/doc/modules/milter_headers.html#scan-results-exposure-prevention 
> You can change this behavior using extended_headers_rcpt:
> https://rspamd.com/doc/modules/milter_headers.html#extended_headers_rcpt-162 
>> Since this is a fake environment, living in a vm, I can't send email 
>> to it from outside.
>> Is there a way to override this behavior and make Rspamd treat 
>> authenticated user email the same it would external email?
>> Is there a better way to test things?
> I would remove the sender IP from local_addrs if it is there and send 
> test emails without authentication as Rspamd skips some checks for 
> authenticated senders.
> Depending on you requirements you may need to send test messages 
> through another postfix instance to simulate an additional hop.

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