[Rspamd-Users] s/mime

Bernardo Reino reinob at bbmk.org
Wed Jul 10 14:49:41 UTC 2019

On 2019-07-10 14:32, Huber, Peter wrote:
> Hey,
> We have an issue using rspamd and s/mime singed / encrypted mails.
> Private Universit?t Witten/Herdecke gGmbH
> Alfred-Herrhausen-Stra?e 50
> [...]

This may or may not be related to your issue, but note that your headers 
state that your e-mails are:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

which is clearly false, given your use of the German Umlaut 

It may be that because of that Rspamd cannot then correctly calculate 
the DKIM signature, which fails ("body hash did not verify").

So your body signature may be causing the DKIM signature to fail, and 
perhaps also the S/MIME signature.

I'm sure Outlook is able to work with non US-ASCII 7-bit encoding, so I 
suggest you look at the settings there.

This will certainly solve *a* problem, and hopefully (also) the problem 
you've asked about.

Good luck.


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