[Rspamd-Users] memory leak in controller?

G.W. Haywood rspamd at jubileegroup.co.uk
Mon Feb 17 15:19:17 UTC 2025

Hi there,

On Mon, 17 Feb 2025, Bastian via Users wrote:

> I am observing a memory leak on my host [1]. ...
> ...
>  1: https://t6l.de/~bastian/img/memleak.jpg
>  2: https://t6l.de/~bastian/img/memleak_rspamd.jpg
> Within those 5 days, ~90 emails have been scanned ...

> % rspamadm --version
> Rspamadm 3.11.0

You didn't say how you installed it.  Was it built from source?
You also didn't say much about customizations you may have made.

> Is this a known issue?

It's certainly known that you can *cause* memory leaks in rspamd.

> Does anybody else experience such a memleak, or am I alone?
> Should I try and dig deeper to find the reason?

I think you should.

It's my understanding that rspamd is in widespread use at many sites,
some of which handle orders of magnitude more mail than yours.

The graphs which you have shown do *look* like evidence of a bad leak,
but you could have given a lot more information than you did so it's
not easy to know for sure.

I'm not saying that there can't be any memory leaks - not even that
it's unlikely, it's a common enough problem - but if there were any as
bad as the one you seem to be seeing then I'd think there'd be a lot
more noise about it on this list than there seems to be.

Have you used a search engine for terms like "rspamd memory leak" ?

One possibility is that your own configuration is causing the issue -
perhaps you're creating lua regex objects without destroying them?

https://rspamd.com/doc/faq.html (search for 'leak').



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