[Rspamd-Users] memory leak in controller?

Bastian bastian-spamdusers23 at t6l.de
Mon Feb 17 13:36:26 UTC 2025

I am observing a memory leak on my host [1]. I figured that the process 
with the command name 'rspamd: controller process (localhost:12323)' is 
responsible for that [2]. I might be wrong though, but my observation is 
that the process shows an increasing rss over time.

  1: https://t6l.de/~bastian/img/memleak.jpg
  2: https://t6l.de/~bastian/img/memleak_rspamd.jpg

Within those 5 days, ~90 emails have been scanned (according to the 
`rspam_scanned_total` metric), and the rss size goes up from ~150M to 
225M. This seems wrong to me.

% rspamadm --version
Rspamadm 3.11.0

Is this a known issue?
Does anybody else experience such a memleak, or am I alone?
Should I try and dig deeper to find the reason?

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