[Rspamd-Users] Dovecot anti-spam plugin

Sandy Drobic rspamd at drobic.de
Tue Jun 18 09:24:09 UTC 2024

The easiest way would be to actually check the log rspamd.
Another way would be to manually learn the spam mail again and see, if it is 
reporting that this mail has already been learned.

# rspamc learn_spam /tmp/spam/spammail.eml
Results for file: /tmp/spam/spammail.eml (0 seconds)
HTTP error: 401, Unauthorized

configuration error, secure ip not set.

  vi /etc/rspamd/local.d/worker-controller.inc
     secure_ip = "";
[root at mail ~]# service rspamd reload
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload rspamd.service

[root at mail ~]# rspamc learn_spam /tmp/spam/spammail.eml
Results for file: /tmp/spam/spammail.eml (0.111 seconds)
success = true;
filename = "/tmp/spam/spammail.eml";
scan_time = 0.111000;

Not it works as intended.

  rspamc learn_spam /tmp/spam/spammail.eml
Results for file: /tmp/spam/spammail.eml (0.009 seconds)
error = "<4Lz1G84by8z3Zr at middlesex.dreamhost.com> has been already learned as 
spam, ignore it";
filename = "/tmp/spam/spammail.eml";
scan_time = 0.009000;

Yet another way would be to use the webconfiguration of rspamd to learn some 
spams. It will either report that it is learned as spam or ignore it since is 
was already learned.

The result will only work if sufficient spam and ham is learned.

Am 17.06.2024 um 18:48 schrieb Curtis Maurand:
> Hello,
> I’m running version 3.8.4 on Linux.  I have the dovecot-anti spam configure as per the example.  Is there any way to get a trace to see if it’s actually working?  I have been receiving a particular set of emails from spammers for months.  10 to 20 identical emails per day.  They are automatically sent to the Junk folder by Firefox or even my macbook’s email client.  I would have figured they would have been learned as spam by now without me needing tp black list them.  Hence, the question: Is there a way to trace what is going on? I feel it might be password related, but I have no Idea at this point.
> Thanks,
> Curtis

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