[Rspamd-Users] enable slow timer delay, suggestion or informative

G.W. Haywood rspamd at jubileegroup.co.uk
Mon Jun 17 12:38:50 UTC 2024

Hi there,

On Mon, 17 Jun 2024, Peter Reinhold wrote:

> I just went through my configs and updated Spamhaus plugin, and while the 
> following log message has been in my logs ever since I started using RSpamD, 
> I wondered if this is actually a suggestion to perform, or more a piece of 
> information that "slow timer delay" has been enabled.
> proxy; finalize_item: slow rule: SPAMHAUS_SBL_URL(592): 705.82 ms; enable 
> slow timer delay
> I haven't been able to find anything about the slow timer delay anywhere, 
> other than a post to this list that is a few years old.
> So, does anyone actually know?  My system performs great, as it always has, 
> so I just got curious. :)

It's nothing to worry about.

Things will often take a while (up to perhaps several seconds) if they
involve DNS lookups.  Doing things with lists provided by Spamhaus etc.
will usually involve DNS lookups.  While it waits for the reponse from
resources like DNS servers over which it has no control, rspamd can get
on with other things so as not to slow down overall mail throughput.

If you look in


you'll see that the message "enable slow timer delay" is just logging
that rspamd is itself doing that because things are taking a while.
The message is not a direction for you to do anything to enable a
"slow timer" in the configuration, nor anything along those lines.

Bear in mind that English is not the rspamd author's first language.
If I'd written such a message in my code, I think I might have used a
phrase such as "enabling long duration timer" or something like that.



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