[Rspamd-Users] New Symbol creation

Gerald Galster list+rspamd at gcore.biz
Fri Jul 12 02:03:39 UTC 2024

[no top-posting in this list, please]

> interesting.  
> So I added your sample to my ./local.d/multimap.conf
>        type = "content";
>        filter = "oneline";
>        map = "file:///etc/rspamd/local.d/body_spam.map";
>        multi = true;
>        regexp = true;
>        score = 1.0;
> }
> And then added the entries to the .map file
> root at mail:/etc/rspamd/local.d# cat /etc/rspamd/local.d/body_spam.map
> /Trades/ BODY_SPAM:0.12
> /this_is_spam/ BODY_SPAM:5.82
> I even restarted rpsamd to be safe, 
> Yet the response of an email with the text in it doesn't show the new symbol
> in the log file.

After copy & paste and reloading rspamd the log says:

rspamd[854]: <pc7f7z>; map; rspamd_map_add: added map /etc/rspamd/local.d/body_spam.map
rspamd[854]: <v7hind>; lua; multimap.lua:1243: added multimap rule: BODY_SPAM (content)

I had not set the BODY_SPAM symbol before, so there is no interfering configuration.

Do you have any log entries containing BODY_SPAM/body_spam?

Sending an email with this_is_spam only results in:

rspamd[23451]: <xxx>; proxy; rspamd_task_write_log: id: <xxx at xxx>, qid: <xxx>,
ip:, from: <xxx at xxx>, (default: F (soft reject): [3.82/9.00]

So it basically works ...

As you have mentioned the WebUI: it has a higher priority and settings there
might mask local.d/ configs. Could that be your problem?

See: https://rspamd.com/doc/faq.html#what-are-the-locald-and-overrided-directories

Best regards,

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