[Rspamd-Users] cannot parse profile schema

Fred Zinsli fred.zinsli at shooter.co.nz
Sun Oct 30 18:09:04 UTC 2022

Hello everyone

Newbie question.

I noticed this message at the bottom of the history page in the web UI. 
I don't know if it is something I should be concerned about or how to 
fix it.

10/30/2022, 12:47:00 AM	normal	30921	lua	8n8qim	cannot parse profile 
schema: extra fields: table: 0x7fb14b192f20

I did google "cannot parse profile schema: extra fields: table:". No 
results had reference to rspamd.

Debian 10 server with ISPConfig 3.2.8p2
rspamd V 3.3



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