[Rspamd-Users] Score for RBL not persistent

Dominique Fournier CNRS dominique.fournier at grenoble.cnrs.fr
Tue Nov 8 13:54:26 UTC 2022

Hi !

I try to force the score for specific RBL to a higher value than the 
default one.

I modify the file /etc/rspamd/local.d/groups.conf with :
symbols {
     "ABUSE_SURBL" {
         weight = 9;
     "DBL_SPAM" {
         weight = 9;
         weight = 9;
         weight = 9;
         weight = 9;
     "URIBL_BLACK" {
         weight = 11;

It works, but after few days, the score go back to the default one and 
don't catch the spams anymore, because the total score is too low.

How should I define the scores to this rules but definitively ?

Thanks a lot

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