[Rspamd-Users] Finetune MIME_BAD_EXTENSION : reject message

Sandy Drobic rspamd at drobic.de
Thu Mar 4 21:08:20 UTC 2021

Am 02.03.2021 um 19:05 schrieb Carsten Rosenberg:
> You have to use force_actions to add a message with selectors.
> Maybe give this a try (untested):
>     action = "reject";
>     expression = "FILE_EXTENSION_BLACKLISTED";
>     # message can contain selector expressions enclosed in ${}
>     message = "attachment type ${symbol('FILE_EXTENSION_BLACKLISTED',
> 'options')} not allowed";
>   }
> https://rspamd.com/doc/modules/force_actions.html
> --
> Carsten
I don't think this is the solution, but selectors is what I had in the back of
my mind.
Thanks for the hint. I poked a bit into the documentation, but the problem is
not yet solved.

There is a multimap.conf example, so it does look promising with multimap and
But I still don't see a way to use a selector based on the triggered
extensions. The example above does not work, unfortunately.


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