[Rspamd-Users] Bit.ly addresses.

Bill Pye bill.pye at phoenix-systems.co.uk
Thu Jan 23 18:04:10 UTC 2020


How about an example for us novices on this list, please. :)



----- Original Message -----
> From: "Users" <users at lists.rspamd.com>
> To: "Users" <users at lists.rspamd.com>
> Cc: "Reio Remma" <reio at mrstuudio.ee>
> Sent: Thursday, 23 January, 2020 09:57:20
> Subject: Re: [Rspamd-Users] Bit.ly addresses.

> On 23/01/2020 11:19, Reio Remma via Users wrote:
>> On 23/01/2020 11:15, Alexander Moisseev via Users wrote:
>>> 23.01.2020 12:00, Reio Remma via Users пишет:
>>>> On 23/01/2020 10:29, Reio Remma wrote:
>>>>> Hello!
>>>>> Can anyone tell me if bit.ly short URLs are processed by Rspamd?
>>>>> Since the weekend one of my users has started to receive russian
>>>>> lottery spam, all of which contain a line of text in russian ending
>>>>> with bit.ly links.
>>>>> I expanded some of these links and they seemed to have URLs in them
>>>>> with TLD-s I have already penalized (however they aren't being
>>>>> scored).
>>>>> It seems someone has suddenly found a way into web servers - all
>>>>> these seems to be send from infected machines.
>>>> 2020-01-23 08:19:55 #1887(normal) <b337e5>; task;
>>>> rspamd_mime_part_detect_language: detected part language: ru
>>>> Is there anyway I can add a symbol if a specific language is
>>>> detected in a mail?
>>> https://rspamd.com/doc/lua/rspamd_mimepart.html#mb8f0b
>> Noticed that, found my way to the LUA guide now. :)
> And that's done now, thanks! Turned out to be really simple to add a
> symbol via LUA script. :)
> Good luck,
> Reio
> --
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