[Rspamd-Users] rspamadm configtest errors

Chris Kruijntjens chris at ckruijntjens.nl
Tue Apr 14 20:53:39 UTC 2020

Hi All,


I need some help with this one. It seems there are some config errors. Where
can i find the file to fix these? I can not seem to find the files.


root at mail:/etc/apt/sources.list.d# rspamadm configtest

2020-04-14 22:51:05 #0(main) <hshwbj>; cfg; rspamd_init_filters: requested
unknown module spf

2020-04-14 22:51:05 #0(main) <hshwbj>; cfg; rspamd_init_filters: requested
unknown module surbl

2020-04-14 22:51:05 #0(main) <hshwbj>; lua; milter_headers.lua:592: routine
"X-Spam-Flag" does not exist

2020-04-14 22:51:05 #0(main) <hshwbj>; symcache; rspamd_symcache_post_init:
cannot register delayed dependency between LEAKED_PASSWORD_SCAM and

syntax OK




Vriendelijke groet,


Chris Kruijntjens           

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