[Rspamd-Users] ratelimit.conf not working

Chris Kruijntjens chris at ckruijntjens.nl
Tue Apr 14 20:16:30 UTC 2020

Hi All,


I hope that someone can help me. I want to enable the ratelimit module on
rspamd. However it not seems to work. I have no config errors. This is my
/local.d/ratelimit.conf file


  rates {

  to = {

      bucket = [


        burst = 100;

        rate = "100 / 1min"; # leak 1 message per minute





  bounce_to = {

      bucket = [


        burst = 100;

        rate = "10 / 1h"; # leak 1 message per minute




  bounce_to_ip = {

      bucket = [


        burst = 100;

        rate = "5 / 1h"; # leak 1 message per minute



  to_ip = {

      bucket = [


        burst = 100;

        rate = "30 / 2min"; # leak 1 message per minute




  to_ip_from = {

      bucket = [


        burst = 100;

        rate = "20 / 1min"; # leak 1 message per minute





  user = {

      bucket = [


        burst = 1;

        rate = "1 / 10min"; # leak 1 message per minute





Vriendelijke groet,


Chris Kruijntjens

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