[Rspamd-Users] rspamd ignoring learned ham/spam from redis but shows in rspamc stat

Stefan Bauer cubewerk at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 18:52:43 UTC 2019

Hi folks,

2 rspamd systems with same redis master.
local redis as redis slave for read-only.

rspamc stat shows on both hosts the same:

Statfile: BAYES_SPAM type: redis; length: 1.90M; free blocks: 0; total
blocks: 50.09k; free: 0.00%; learned: 462; users: 3; languages: 0
Statfile: BAYES_HAM type: redis; length: 806k; free blocks: 0; total
blocks: 21.22k; free: 0.00%; learned: 25; users: 2; languages: 0
Total learns: 487

but rspamc logs on one of the hosts on new mails:

2019-09-03 20:43:06 #20029(normal) <9da39a>; task; bayes_classify: skip
classification as ham class has not enough learns: 0, 200 required

Why is it not honored/used?

The other hosts shows correctly:

2019-09-03 20:41:00 #1962(normal) <50412d>; task; bayes_classify: skip
classification as ham class has not enough learns: 25, 200 required

statistics.conf is according to

per_user is not set.

Whats wrong here?

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