[Rspamd-Users] false positive hashes in Rspamd e-mail blacklist

Tim Harman tim at muppetz.com
Tue May 21 18:29:29 UTC 2019

On 21/05/2019 10:45 pm, Sophie Loewenthal wrote:

> # dig +noadditional +noquestion +nocomments +nocmd +nostats +short
> pdj11uthygksitexhj564i1yyehsjbft.email.rspamd.com. @
> How come there is a lookup to rspamd? How does this rbl work ; Is
> rspamd.com involved in spamtrapping/robles's services and how is the
> data collected?
> Are rspamd installations email being sent to rspamd in some format,
> and if so how can this be disabled?

rspamd has some checks, yes.  See https://bl.rspamd.com

rspamd takes a _hash_ of the email and checks that hash, using dns, 
against their rbl.
rspamd also checks urls in the email and validates those against the 
rbl, again using DNS.

So, 1 way hashes of emails are being sent for checking, and urls in 
emails are being sent for checking.  The *contents* of your emails are 
Note this is how other SURBLs work too.

If you want to disable them, look at the SURBL module and disable 
"RSPAMD_URIBL" same as you'd disable any other SURBL check.

[I have nothing to do with the operation of these BLs, I'm just a user]


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