[Rspamd-Users] Options for rspamc when using with per_user bayes statistic module.

P.V.Anthony anthony at mindmedia.com.sg
Mon May 6 06:05:28 UTC 2019


Currently using rspamd version 1.9.2.

Just activated statistic module.

Need to know the options to use for rspamc for per_user bayes statistic 


 From the documentation above here are the examples.
To learn specific classifier, you can use -c option for rspamc (or 
Classifier HTTP header):

rspamc -c bayes learn_spam ...
rspamc -c bayes_user -d user at example.com learn_ham ...

I am using the example for redis storage and the configuration is as per 

Am I correct to say that in redis-statistics configuration there is only 
one classifier so rspamc does not need to use the option "-c"?

Or I have to use "-c bayes_user" because it is a per_user setup?


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