[Rspamd-Users] Email hits BAYES_* after a few times

Vsevolod Stakhov vsevolod at highsecure.ru
Tue Jun 4 10:49:46 UTC 2019

On 4 June 2019 11:55:00 James <list at xdrv.co.uk> wrote:

> On 04/06/2019 10:06, Sophie Loewenthal wrote:
>>> On 4 Jun 2019, at 10:39 am, James <list at xdrv.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> On 02/06/2019 19:47, Sophie Loewenthal wrote:
>>>> For some reason emails that come in more than twice start hitting BAYES_* 
>>>> rule, but these emails were not processed by 'rspamc learn_spam' or 'rspamc 
>>>> learn_ham', those can be discounted.  How does this email get into BAYES 
>>>> when I didn’t feed any eamils from the sender into rspamc learn_spam?
>>> See:
>>> https://github.com/rspamd/rspamd/issues/2251
>> Et voilà.  Thanks James. Wonder if I should add a MeToo Comment to the 
>> discussion.
> Pourquoi pas?  Although I don't know what is needed to get a change. I
> put a not inconsiderable amount of effort into debugging rspamd and
> writing those patches.  Whist many or even most installations will
> activate redis the default bayes backend is sqlite.  The default should
> work particularly as the default settings are more likely to be used by
> less savvy users.  I'm still happy to assist but the process came to a halt.
> --
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I will switch the default backend to Redis in the upcoming 2.0 version. 
Sqlite is still live and still used as a default backend merely for 
compatibility. I have no spare time to invest it into sqlite support I'm 

I have suggested you to open a pull request so I could review it, but it 
hasn't happened.

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