[Rspamd-Users] I think my spamhaus is not working....

Danjel Jungersen danjel at jungersen.dk
Wed Jan 29 17:56:42 UTC 2025

Hi there.

I have a feeling that my spamhaus setup is not working.

I looked at the default setup and to me it looks like it should work.

I have not knowingly changed anything regarding spamhaus.

But the testmails from their site comes through, and I see no mention of 
spamhaus in the logs.

I have this in rbl.conf:

   rbls {

     spamhaus {
       symbol = "SPAMHAUS"; # Augmented by prefixes
       rbl = "zen.spamhaus.org";
       # Check types
       checks = ['received', 'from'];

       symbols_prefixes = {
         received = 'RECEIVED',
         from = 'RBL',
       returncodes {
         SPAMHAUS_SBL = "";
         SPAMHAUS_CSS = "";
         SPAMHAUS_XBL = ["", "",
             "", ""];
         SPAMHAUS_PBL = ["", ""];
         SPAMHAUS_DROP = "";
         SPAMHAUS_BLOCKED= "";



And this in scores.d/rbl_group.conf:


         weight = 4.0;
         description = "From address is listed in ZEN SBL";
         groups = ["spamhaus"];
         weight = 2.0;
         description = "From address is listed in ZEN CSS";
         groups = ["spamhaus"];
         weight = 4.0;
         description = "From address is listed in ZEN XBL";
         groups = ["spamhaus"];
         weight = 4.0;
         description = "From or received address is listed in ZEN XBL 
(any list)";
         groups = ["spamhaus"];
         weight = 2.0;
         description = "From address is listed in ZEN PBL (ISP list)";
         groups = ["spamhaus"];



As I know, all defaults.

But I get no rejections, and nothing in the logs.

I think that it makes no sense to increase the scores as long as I see 
nothing about spamhaus in the logs / mail headers.

How do I find out what is wrong here?

Do I need to submit any further information?


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