[Rspamd-Users] Discard only some Spam Emails

G.W. Haywood rspamd at jubileegroup.co.uk
Thu Sep 12 21:49:05 UTC 2024

Hi there,

On Thu, 12 Sep 2024, christian via Users wrote:

> Is there a way to not "reject" but "discard" certain incoming spam emails?

Yes, the milter protocol supported by Sendmail and Postfix offers this option.

> The reason is that some of my users have set up forwarding in gmx.de, web.de 
> or other freemailer to their email addresses on my postfix/rspamd. But spam 
> also comes in through this, which my rspamd rejects. But now this reject is 
> being used against me.

I'm puzzled.  Rejecting spam is very normal.  How is this used against you?

> Can this be solved in Rspamd or is that not the right way?

Yes and no.  I'm sure it's possible but I personally wouldn't want to do it.


Search for 'discard'.

If you accept but discard a message then the spammers (think that they)
know that they have a real email address - and will probably sell it, so
you will probably get even more spam.



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