[Rspamd-Users] A question about known_senders module

Peter Reinhold peter_rspamd at reinhold.dk
Wed Jul 17 08:42:47 UTC 2024

>> Usually maildomains do have a manageable number of email accounts so 
>> you can rely on
>> ip reputation and domain reputation to help with good senders. This 
>> does not apply to
>> freemailers with millions of email accounts. The known senders module 
>> can help here.
> And this is exactly why i'm asking, i'm not sure what to make of the 
> list, should it score positive or negative if a sender is in the list?
> I have many contacts that use gmail and hotmail (my mail server users 
> are mostly normal people, and not businesses), so i'm not sure that 
> scoring their mails positively would be of much help.
> The known_senders INC_MAIL_KNOWN_GLOBALLY symbol does not have a 
> default score, so in returning to my original question, should I enable 
> it at all?

Let me answer my own question, after i've taken a look at the code.

If sender domain is in the list specified in the setup, mail gets the 
KNOWN_SENDER symbol, which has a default score of -1.

It sender domain is not in the list, it gets the UNKNOWN_SENDER symbol, 
which has a default score of 0.5.

added in cooperation with the replies module, and also has a default 
score of -1. (I'm guessing these check on the whole e-mail, not just the 

Peter Reinhold

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