[Rspamd-Users] Proxy setup of rspamd web UI from another computer

Peter Reinhold peter_rspamd at reinhold.dk
Mon Feb 5 07:17:26 UTC 2024

 From https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_proxy.html#proxypass

"If the first argument ends with a trailing /, the second argument 
should also end with a trailing /, and vice versa. Otherwise, the 
resulting requests to the backend may miss some needed slashes and do 
not deliver the expected results."

Try removing the trailing slash from your destination, or add one to 
your path, depending on what you are trying to do.

Peter Reinhold

On 2024-02-04 19:02, Steve Witten wrote:
> I have an apache web server at niteflyte.net.  I would like to use it 
> to
> proxy the rspamd web UI.
> I tried this:
>      ProxyRequests Off
>      ProxyPass        /rspamd
>      ProxyPassReverse /rspamd
> This actually works but I don't get any of the Javascript goodies that 
> make
> the rspamd web UI work correctly.  Anyone have any ideas about how to 
> do
> this?
> is a private network address for the rspamd machine.  rspamd
> listens there.  The web server on rspamd.niteflyte.net proxies the web 
> UI
> this way.  The goal here is to eliminate that server.
> Thanks in advance for your kind help.
> Steve Witten

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