[Rspamd-Users] dkim signing of non-local domains.

Andrew Lewis rspamd-users at judo.za.org
Fri Dec 6 11:30:31 UTC 2024

Hi Danjel,

On Fri, 2024-12-06 at 11:41 +0100, Danjel Jungersen via Users wrote:
> It indicates an ip, but why?

There is queue ID here; it could be used to confirm actual sending
address of the message.

>   - I may have found the answer, see further down...
> Received headers from the mail:

Yes, it looks like it has been re-injected via Sieve.

> If yes, how do I avoid these errors?

Do you need to sign unauthenticated messages from local addresses?- If
not set `sign_local = false` in dkim_signing configuration.

Do you need to sign messages from the loopback address / messages with
`X-Sieve-Redirected-From` header?- you could add a condition for the
`DKIM_SIGNED` symbol (or apply `settings` module):

-- /etc/rspamd/rspamd.local.lua
rspamd_config:add_condition('DKIM_SIGNED', function(task)
  if task:has_header('X-Sieve-Redirected-From') then
    return false
  return true



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