[Rspamd-Users] rspamd_update module

Gerald Galster list+rspamd at gcore.biz
Thu Aug 29 21:06:52 UTC 2024

> thanks, does rspamd_update module supports "rbls" as well ?
> On my rules.ucl I have a "rbls" stanza but it seems to be ignored.
>> Besides there is always the option to retrieve any public
>> resource and transform it into a suitable form, e.g. by using
>> cron and scripting (bash/perl/php/curl/...) which can then
>> be deployed on a web-/ansible-server under your management.
> I will probably go that way so that I can also gpg sign rules.

I prefer to store these configs locally and load dynamic content
from remote locations only. This simplifies debugging for me in
case of problems. As I've never used rbls with rspamd_update I
can't confirm it's working. Given that those configs don't change
that often, at least not several times a day like regular
expressions catching new spam via multimaps, the second approach
seems better suited.

Best regards,

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