[Rspamd-Users] Dynamic score by sender or hostname

Gerald Galster list+rspamd at gcore.biz
Wed May 24 17:20:15 UTC 2023

> actually I recieve a lot of spam from GMail accounts with just an URL in the body.
> The symbol HFILTER_URL_ONLY is by default set to a score of 2,200 and I like to screw that up only for those e-mails coming from GMail:
> *HFILTER_URL_ONLY (1.283333) [0.58333333333333]*
> FREEMAIL_TO (0) [hotmail.com,googlemail.com,hotmail.de,web.de]
> REDIRECTOR_URL (0) [bit.ly]

See https://rspamd.com/doc/configuration/composites.html

Maybe something like this:

   expression = "HFILTER_URL_ONLY and FREEMAIL_TO"
   score = 5.0;

or in combination with a custom multimap symbol.

Alternatively there are YARA rules in clamav:
(this rule needs complete emails including headers)

rule BitlySpam {
		descrption = "bit.ly url only"
		$a = "://bit.ly/"
		//   \r\n\r\n in hex
		$b = { 0D 0A 0D 0A }
		//   \n\n in hex
		$c = { 0A 0A }
		$a in (@b[1].. at b[1]+13) or $a in (@c[1].. at c[1]+15)


Best regards,

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