[Rspamd-Users] Q: adjusting Subject header

P K deszcz at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 07:21:27 UTC 2023


I try to find a way to adjust header of messages that came from particular
IP address.
I set up "local.d/settings.conf" with code:

test_rule {
        id = "test_rule";
        priority = high;
        ip = "";
        score = 15
        apply {
                R_DUMMY = 999.0;
                actions {
                        action = "rewrite subject";
                        add_header = 0
                        subject = "*** 111 test *** %s";

but it does not work. rspamd is configured as a milter topostfix, and
subject is not changed.
There is the log /var/log/rspamd/rspamd.log:

2023-06-20 16:15:52 #5612(normal) <574d25>; settings; settings.lua:378:
check for settings element test_rule; result = {[checks] = {[ip] = {[check]
= function, [extract] = function}}, [expression] = (ip), [id] = 2456755778,
[apply] = {[R_D
UMMY] = 999, [actions] = {[subject] = *** 111 test *** %s, [action] =
rewrite subject, [add_header] = 0}}}
2023-06-20 16:15:52 #5612(normal) <574d25>; lua; settings.lua:390: <undef>
apply static settings test_rule (id = 2456755778); ip matched; priority high
2023-06-20 16:15:52 #5612(normal) <574d25>; task; lua_task_set_settings:
added new action subject with threshold 0.00 due to settings
2023-06-20 16:15:52 #5612(normal) <574d25>; task; lua_task_set_settings:
added new action action with threshold 0.00 due to settings

Best regards,

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