[Rspamd-Users] Does "group" configuration is working using a socket for the controller ?

André Rodier andre at rodier.me
Fri Jun 16 19:55:18 UTC 2023

Hi all,

I am able to use a socket for the worker controller, and everything works fine, for instance, with nginx.

Debian Bullseye,
Version is 3.4.1

Here the configuration I use in local.d (or override.d):

bind_socket = "/run/rspamd/controller.sock mode=0660 owner=_rspamd group=postfix";

rspamd starts, without any error message:

2023-06-16 19:20:03 #3153190(controller) <3e8905>; main; rspamd_handle_child_fork: starting controller process 3153190 (0); listen on: /run/rspamd/controller.sock mode=0660 owner=_rspamd group=postfix

And the systemd service:

● rspamd.service - rapid spam filtering system
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rspamd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-06-16 19:51:25 UTC; 1s ago
Docs: https://rspamd.com/doc/
Main PID: 3153762 (rspamd)
Tasks: 5 (limit: 2322)
Memory: 104.1M
CPU: 664ms
CGroup: /system.slice/rspamd.service
├─3153762 rspamd: main process
├─3153773 rspamd: rspamd_proxy process (/var/spool/postfix/rspamd/rspamd.sock mode=0660 owner=_rspamd)
├─3153774 rspamd: controller process (/run/rspamd/controller.sock mode=0660 owner=_rspamd group=postfix)
├─3153775 rspamd: normal process (/run/rspamd/worker.sock mode=0660 owner=_rspamd)
└─3153776 rspamd: hs_helper process

However, here the socket, and look the group value:

srw-rw---- 1 _rspamd _rspamd 0 Jun 16 19:20 /run/rspamd/controller.sock

Why the "group" is ignored, please ?


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