[Rspamd-Users] How to define weight for BAYES_SPAM

Tino Hendricks t.hendricks at interpool.de
Thu Dec 14 13:28:35 UTC 2023

Hi list,

my bayes seems to have a good sense of knowing what is SPAM and what is not so I would like my rspamd to listen to it more. ;-)

I put 

> symbols {
>   "BAYES_HAM" {
>     weight = 1.0; # Define your weight
>   }
>   "BAYES_SPAM" {
>     weight = 9.0; # Define your weight
>   }
> }

in my…/local.d/groups.conf

But that doesn’t seem to be the right place nor way.

Thank you for a short hint (or maybe a link where to learn such things).
Obviously https://rspamd.com/doc/faq.html#how-to-change-score-for-some-symbol is not sufficient for me.

Thanks a lot


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