[Rspamd-Users] how to disable greylisting per recipientaddress

Ronny Seffner r.seffner at seffner-schlesier.de
Fri Nov 5 12:30:13 UTC 2021

Hello again,

I got an second question as described in subject. Recipient is an mail archive mailbox filled by an o365 journal rule.

I need to get all mails in and so I found an tried (without success) some hints found by search engine:

1st) added an section to /etc/rspamd/local.d/settings.conf

no_gl {
  id = "no_gl";
  priority = high;
  rcpt = "journalo365 at domain.tld";
  rcpt = "journalO365 at domain.tld"; # do I need this case sensitive?
  want_spam = yes;
  apply {
    actions {
      add_header = 99;
      reject = 99;
      rewrite_subject = 99;
    symbols_disabled ["GREYLIST_CHECK", "GREYLIST_SAVE" ];
    symbols [ "DONT_GREYLIST" ]; # added in 2nd step
    DONT_GREYLIST = 0; # added in 2nd step

After reloading rspamd GUI history just says action "greylist" to these mails.

2nd) added an symbol (as shown before) and following option to /etc/rspamd/local.d/greylist.conf

whitelist_symbols = [

After reloading rspamd now I can see this symbol but action keeps "greylist".

How to realy disable greylisting for some recipients?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ronny Seffner

Seffner & Schlesier GmbH . Hamburger Ring 11a . 01665 Klipphausen

vertreten d. R.Seffner und N.Schlesier . Amtsgericht Dresden, HRB 39006
seffner-schlesier.de . info at seffner-schlesier.de . fon +49 35204 392050

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