[Rspamd-Users] multimap: use an map if another map ismatch

rspam at padaru.com rspam at padaru.com
Mon Jan 25 11:14:24 UTC 2021

   Hey there,

   i struggeling a bit with the multimap configuration..

   I would like to implement a setup where each recipient is not scanned
   by rspam unless the recipient is in a map. All not defined receipients
   should not scanned.

   Concrete, i have two lists:


   [1]rspam at padaru.com



   Further i have this config:

   activate_scan_for_users {
   type = "rcpt";
   filter = "email"
   regexp = true;
   map = "$CONFDIR/local.d/myMaps/sers_with_activated_rspam";
   symbol = "Rspam_Activated"
   score = 0.01
   prefilter = true;

   accept_all {
   type = "rcpt";
   regexp = true;
   require_symbols = "!Rspam_Activated"
   map = "$CONFDIR/local.d/myMaps/accept_all.map";
   symbol = "acceptAll";
   action = "accept";

   Now i thought, that i can add the symbol "Rspam_Activated" before the
   rule "accept_all" is running. My rspamd Version is 2.7 btw and the
   config test accept my configuration. The actual behavior is, that all
   mails are beeing acceptet, but i want, that all mails beeing accepted
   except my 'rspam at padaru.com' so rspam only scans my mail-adress.

   Has anyone an glue, how i can realize that?


   1. mailto:rspam at padaru.com

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