[Rspamd-Users] Virus Reject Message

Oliver rspamd at 6x13.de
Wed Jul 15 11:43:07 UTC 2020

Hello List,

I have a little problem which I can solve by myself. I have configured
rspamd to use clamav to scan emails for virus. This works fine, but if I
test it and send an E-Mail with an eicar test virus inside
rspamd/postfix replys with "5.7.1 Spam message rejected" and I don't
know why.
I have configured in local.d/antivirus.conf the following line:

"message = '${SCANNER}: virus found: "${VIRUS}"';"

In my opinion this should indroduce rspamd to reply with a "virus found"
message if clamav found a virus.

I'm working with rspamd v. 2.5 and ClamAV 0.102.3 on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS.
If you need more information please tell me.

Can anyone help me to solve this?


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