[Rspamd-Users] Problem with custom symbol using regexp rule

Martin Bock sub+rspamd at mnbo.de
Tue Dec 8 12:14:28 UTC 2020

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to get a custom symbol working based on a set header.

Some users on my system use Sieve to send a copy of received emails to a
different email address on the same system.
The redirected emails are tagged by Rspamd with the "FORGED_RECIPIENTS"
symbol, apparently because the original recipient address is not the
name of their actual account.

To avoid increasing the score on these emails, I would like to create a
composite rule that matches my custom symbol and "FORGED_RECIPIENTS",
giving it -2 to neutralize the +2 from "FORGED_RECIPIENTS".

I put the following regexp rule in my rspamd.local.lua:

    config['regexp']['SIEVE_REDIRECTED'] = {
      re = 'X-Sieve-Redirected-From=/.+/Hi',
      score = 0.0,
      description = 'Redirected with Sieve',
      group = 'custom_symbols',

Unfortunately, the rule does not match the "X-Sieve-Redirected-From"
header that is present on all redirected emails.
When I tried to match something like "Date", the symbol was indeed applied.

I appreciate any feedback you might have.


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