[Rspamd-Users] metadata exporter with default formatter

didi rspamd at servus.at
Fri Oct 18 09:05:30 UTC 2019


After upgrading to rspamd 2.0 the following configuration for
metadata_exporter doesn't seem to work anymore:

#### begin /etc/rspamd/local.d/metadata_exporter.conf ###
rules {
       backend = "send_mail";
       smtp = "";
       mail_to = "spam at xxx.xx";
       mail_from = "spam at xxx.xx";
       helo = "xxx.xx";
       selector = "is_reject"; # could be "is_spam", ...
       formatter = "default";
### end

if formatter = "email_alert" everything is working as expected, but we
need to quarantine rejected emails.
did i something wrong/missing something? or what can i do to get the functionality back?
and yes, spam at xxx.xx is in a whitelist.

thanks in advance,

servus.at - institut für kunst & kultur im netz
A-4040 Linz, Kirchengasse 4
Tel.: +43 732 731209 301

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