[Rspamd-Users] ARC Signature / postfix content_filter

Manuel Guesdon ml+rspamd at oxymium.net
Fri May 17 11:34:16 UTC 2019


I have the following process (rspamd 1.9.3-2):

inbound mail -> postfix with rspamd[1] -> content_filter -> postfix with

Content filter can alter mail subject; it send mail back to postfix 

rspamd[1] do the usual stuff including checking arc sign (if one) and add an
arc sign. 
rspamd[2] is only used to arc sign the mail again after

rspamd[2] behaviour is controlled by this setting:

filterback {
	priority = high;
	id = "filterback";
	ip = "";
	apply {
		enable_groups = ["arc"];
		symbols_enabled = ["ARC_SIGNED"];
	# Always add these symbols when settings rule has matched
	symbols [ "FILTERBACK" ]

If I just enable "ARC_CHECK", rspam[2] put a signature i=1 even if rspamd[1]
added an arc signature (so we now have 2 times "i=1" signatures). 

If I enable "ARC_CALLBACK" and "ARC_CHECK", rspam[2] add
ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2 (which is OK) but it put "arc=reject
(signature check failed: fail)" because of subject change I suppose is the content-filter server IP. I've added it to local_addrs but it
doesn't change the result.

How can I make rspamd[2] using previous arc signature result ?

Thx !


Manuel Guesdon - OXYMIUM

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