[Rspamd-Users] Strange score URIBL_SBL

Frédéric Goudal frederic.goudal at enseirb-matmeca.fr
Tue Jun 18 07:21:07 UTC 2019


One of my mail was rejected with the following score : 

[32.50/15.00] [URIBL_SBL(32.50){discordapp.com;},MIME_BASE64_TEXT(0.10){},MIME_GOOD(-0.10){text/plain;},ARC_NA(0.00){},FROM_EQ_ENVFROM(0.00){},FROM_HAS_DN(0.00){},HAS_XOIP(0.00){},NEURAL_SPAM(0.00){1.000;0;},RCP\

The 32.50 score is strange, but… in the log I find five lines : 
019-06-17 08:37:18 #2249(normal) <387e61>; surbl; process_dns_results: <7db29c6d84374a9785ea34287e280950 at xxxx> domain [discordapp.com] is in surbl sbl.spamhaus.org(200007f)
2019-06-17 08:37:18 #2249(normal) <387e61>; surbl; process_dns_results: <7db29c6d84374a9785ea34287e280950 at xxxx> domain [discordapp.com] is in surbl sbl.spamhaus.org(200007f)
2019-06-17 08:37:18 #2249(normal) <387e61>; surbl; process_dns_results: <7db29c6d84374a9785ea34287e280950 at xxxx> domain [discordapp.com] is in surbl sbl.spamhaus.org(200007f)
2019-06-17 08:37:18 #2249(normal) <387e61>; surbl; process_dns_results: <7db29c6d84374a9785ea34287e280950 at xxxx> domain [discordapp.com] is in surbl sbl.spamhaus.org(200007f)
2019-06-17 08:37:18 #2249(normal) <387e61>; surbl; process_dns_results: <7db29c6d84374a9785ea34287e280950 at xxxxl> domain [discordapp.com] is in surbl sbl.spamhaus.org(200007f)

The score for URIBL_SBL ist 6.5 and five time is 32.6


I have another server which got the same mail with the same filve  log messages but the final score for URIBL_SBL ist 6.5 

How to explain the differnce ?


Frédéric Goudal Ingénieur Système
goudal at enseirb-matmeca.fr

Frédéric Goudal Ingénieur Système
goudal at enseirb-matmeca.fr

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