[Rspamd-Users] grab.com hits BAYES_SPAM but never fed into BAYES

Sophie Loewenthal sophie at klunky.co.uk
Sat Jul 13 11:52:00 UTC 2019


How does an email get in to BAYES when no emails by the sender were learnt by rspamd?   I do not set BAYES to autolearn ( at least I don’t think so…)


Unless it’s an email from Amazon, but the domain name is still grab.com <http://grab.com/>:  ses-us-east-1.grab.com <http://ses-us-east-1.grab.com/>

I have no grab.com <http://grab.com/> emails in my spam corpus which is used to feed into BAYES.

# cat classifier-bayes.conf 
backend = "redis";
servers = "";
new_schema = true;
expire = 2144448000;
lazy = true;

# rspamadm configdump | grep -i autolearn
# nothing matches

Where should I look?  I tried Google earlier :)

Best, S.

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