[Rspamd-Users] Upgrade from 1.8.3 to 1.9.0 broke ( Debian 9.8 )

Sophie Loewenthal sophie at klunky.co.uk
Thu Apr 4 06:45:25 UTC 2019


I have been unable to troubleshoot this. There are no errors in rspamd logs, which is unusual because the programme just dies. Any line in actions.conf causes rspamd not to start. I can put # in the file and it breaks!

I added this into actions.conf,

# cat actions.conf 
add_header = 6;

And it tried with 

# cat actions.conf 

And started rspamd and only got this each time:

# > /var/log/rspamd/rspamd.log && /etc/init.d/rspamd restart && cat /var/log/rspamd/rspamd.log
2019-04-04 06:39:02 #19652(main) <e83c3e>; main; rspamd_term_handler: catch termination signal, waiting for children
2019-04-04 06:39:02 #19680(hs_helper) <e83c3e>; main; rspamd_worker_term_handler: terminating after receiving signal Terminated
2019-04-04 06:39:02 #19652(main) <e83c3e>; main; wait_for_workers: hs_helper process 19680 terminated softly
2019-04-04 06:39:11 #19678(controller) <h53tjj>; lua; neural.lua:810: check ANN tRFANN591E4369F1C86ED0260
2019-04-04 06:39:11 #19678(controller) <h53tjj>; lua; neural.lua:822: no need to learn ANN tRFANN591E4369F1C86ED0260 28 learn vectors (1000 required)
2019-04-04 06:39:12 #19652(main) <e83c3e>; main; wait_for_workers: terminate worker rspamd_proxy(19677) with SIGKILL
2019-04-04 06:39:12 #19652(main) <e83c3e>; main; wait_for_workers: terminate worker controller(19678) with SIGKILL
2019-04-04 06:39:12 #19652(main) <e83c3e>; main; wait_for_workers: terminate worker normal(19679) with SIGKILL
2019-04-04 06:39:12 #19652(main) <e83c3e>; main; wait_for_workers: rspamd_proxy process 19677 terminated hardly
2019-04-04 06:39:12 #19652(main) <e83c3e>; main; wait_for_workers: controller process 19678 terminated hardly
2019-04-04 06:39:12 #19652(main) <e83c3e>; main; wait_for_workers: normal process 19679 terminated hardly
2019-04-04 06:39:12 #19652(main) <e83c3e>; main; main: terminating…


> On 27 Mar 2019, at 09:56, Sophie Loewenthal <sophie at klunky.co.uk> wrote:
> Thanks Alex. I'd not known this before. 
> rspamd seems to work again after throwing away most of the local.d/*.conf
> I have yet to enable the actions and spam headers config again which I'll try out this evening.
> On 27 March 2019 09:13:21 CET, Alex JOST <jost+lists at dimejo.at> wrote:
>> Am 26.03.2019 um 21:31 schrieb Sophie Loewenthal:
>>> Wrote too soon.
>>> The database now has problems: Rspamd uses Redis. Why is a reference
>> to sqlite?
>>> 2019-03-26 20:26:33 #2238(controller) <36m6q8>; controller;
>> rspamd_controller_password_sane: enable password is not set, so you
>> should filter controller availability by using of firewall or
>> `secure_ip` option
>>> 2019-03-26 20:26:33 #2237(rspamd_proxy) <36m6q8>; cfg;
>> rspamd_sqlite3_run_prstmt: failed to execute query BEGIN EXCLUSIVE
>> TRANSACTION;: 5, database is locked
>>> 2019-03-26 20:26:33 #2238(controller) <36m6q8>; cfg;
>> rspamd_sqlite3_run_prstmt: failed to execute query BEGIN EXCLUSIVE
>> TRANSACTION;: 5, database is locked
>> AFAIK, Bayes databases use SQLite.
>> -- 
>> Alex JOST
> Sent from phone, thus brief

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