[Rspamd-Users] Help for new Ratelimit-Module

Daniel Hobein hobein at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 14:48:08 UTC 2018

 Hi there,

on the old versions i have had my ratelimit working well. On the new 1.80 i
still got problems.
With my config, there is no ratelimit taken:

 rates {
    "Maximale Mailversendung pro Benutzer-Account" = {
      selector = 'user.lower';
      bucket = {
        burst = 20;
        rate = "1 / 1m"; # leak 1 message per minute
    "Maximale Anzahl an Mails pro Mailadresse" = {
      selector = 'to';
      bucket = {
        burst = 50;
        rate = "1 / 1m"; # leak 1 message per minute
    "Maximale Mailanzahl pro IP-Adresse" = {
      selector = 'smtp_from.addr.lower';
      bucket = {
        burst = 200;
        rate = "1 / 1m"; # leak 1 message per minute
    "Maximale Empfaengeranzahl pro eMail"= {
      selector = 'rcpts.take_n(25).addr';
      bucket = {
        burst = 10;
        rate = "1 / 1m"; # leak 1 message per minute
    "Maximale Bounces pro Benutzer" = {
      selector = 'bounce_to';
      bucket = {
        bucket = "10 / 1h";

Does anybody could explain me (again) how to use the ratelimit-module
correct? By some examples?

Yes, i read the manual, twice. But i think on a little thing i hung up.



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