[Rspamd-Users] cannot perform expiry

Bill Pye bill.pye at phoenix-systems.co.uk
Tue Nov 20 15:17:00 UTC 2018


Thanks for the recent update to 1.8.2, all is working well with a minor error message being produced. 

I run two instances of rspamd, one on my live mail server and another mirror for testing purposes - they are both currently configured the same as far as I can see. What I get on the mirror server is the following message: 

2018-11-20 16:02:18 #17292 ( controller ) < xy5s1t >; lua ; bayes_expiry.lua:336: cannot perform expiry step: ERR Error running script ( call to f_26e4e917cccb2ee577c99ab7b2ad1db2aa2a0ab6 ) : @user_script:58: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value 

These messages seem to appear every minute or two, is this a bug, do you want it posted on github or is there anything I can provide to give you more information? 



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