commit 10cd630: [Minor] Recreate drone pipeline with jsonnet

Andrew Lewis nerf at
Fri Sep 29 14:07:03 UTC 2023

Author: Andrew Lewis
Date: 2023-09-22 12:17:37 +0200

[Minor] Recreate drone pipeline with jsonnet

 .drone.jsonnet | 252 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 .drone.yml     | 559 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 2 files changed, 526 insertions(+), 285 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.drone.jsonnet b/.drone.jsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1123c25df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.drone.jsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+local docker_pipeline = {
+  kind: 'pipeline',
+  type: 'docker',
+local trigger = {
+  trigger: {
+    event: [
+      'push',
+      'tag',
+      'pull_request',
+      'custom',
+    ],
+  },
+local pipeline(arch) = {
+  local rspamd_volumes = {
+    volumes: [
+      {
+        name: 'rspamd',
+        path: '/rspamd',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  name: 'default',
+  platform: {
+    os: 'linux',
+    arch: arch,
+  },
+  steps: [
+    {
+      name: 'prepare',
+      image: 'ubuntu:22.04',
+      pull: 'if-not-exists',
+      commands: [
+        'install -d -o nobody -g nogroup /rspamd/build /rspamd/install /rspamd/fedora/build /rspamd/fedora/install',
+      ],
+    } + rspamd_volumes,
+    {
+      name: 'build',
+      image: 'rspamd/ci:ubuntu-build',
+      pull: 'always',
+      depends_on: [
+        'prepare',
+      ],
+      commands: [
+        'test "$(id -un)" = nobody',
+        'cd /rspamd/build',
+        'ncpu=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)',
+        'ninja -j $ncpu install',
+        'ninja -j $ncpu rspamd-test',
+        'ninja -j $ncpu rspamd-test-cxx',
+      ],
+    } + rspamd_volumes,
+    {
+      name: 'build-clang',
+      image: 'rspamd/ci:fedora-build',
+      pull: 'always',
+      depends_on: [
+        'prepare',
+      ],
+      commands: [
+        'test "$(id -un)" = nobody',
+        'cd /rspamd/fedora/build',
+        "export LDFLAGS='-fuse-ld=lld'",
+        'export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0',
+        'ncpu=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)',
+        'make -j $ncpu install',
+        'make -j $ncpu rspamd-test',
+        'make -j $ncpu rspamd-test-cxx',
+      ],
+    } + rspamd_volumes,
+    {
+      name: 'rspamd-test',
+      image: 'rspamd/ci:ubuntu-test',
+      pull: 'always',
+      depends_on: [
+        'build',
+      ],
+      commands: [
+        'test "$(id -un)" = nobody',
+        'ulimit -c unlimited',
+        'cd /rspamd/build/test',
+        'set +e',
+        'env RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=1 ./rspamd-test -p /rspamd/lua; EXIT_CODE=$?',
+        'set -e',
+        "if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then gdb --batch -ex 'thread apply all bt full' -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test.core ./rspamd-test; exit $EXIT_CODE; fi; if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then exit $EXIT_CODE; fi\n",
+        'luacov-coveralls -o /rspamd/build/unit_test_lua.json --dryrun',
+        'set +e',
+        './rspamd-test-cxx -s; EXIT_CODE=$?',
+        'set -e',
+        "if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then gdb --batch -ex 'thread apply all bt full' -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test-cxx.core ./rspamd-test-cxx; exit $EXIT_CODE; fi\n",
+        'exit $EXIT_CODE',
+      ],
+    } + rspamd_volumes,
+    {
+      name: 'test-fedora-clang',
+      image: 'rspamd/ci:fedora-test',
+      pull: 'always',
+      depends_on: [
+        'build-clang',
+      ],
+      commands: [
+        'test "$(id -un)" = nobody',
+        'ulimit -c 2097152',
+        'ulimit -s unlimited',
+        'export ASAN_OPTIONS="detect_leaks=0:print_stacktrace=1:disable_coredump=0"',
+        'export UBSAN_OPTIONS="print_stacktrace=1:print_summary=0:log_path=/tmp/ubsan"',
+        'cd /rspamd/fedora/build/test',
+        'set +e',
+        'env RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=1 ./rspamd-test -p /rspamd/lua; EXIT_CODE=$?',
+        'set -e',
+        "if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then gdb --batch -ex 'bt' -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test.core ./rspamd-test; fi\n",
+        'set +e',
+        './rspamd-test-cxx -s; EXIT_CODE=$?',
+        'set -e',
+        "if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then gdb --batch -ex 'thread apply all bt full' -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test-cxx.core ./rspamd-test-cxx; exit $EXIT_CODE; fi\n",
+        'cat /tmp/ubsan.* || true',
+        'exit $EXIT_CODE',
+      ],
+    } + rspamd_volumes,
+    {
+      name: 'functional',
+      image: 'rspamd/ci:ubuntu-test-func',
+      pull: 'always',
+      depends_on: [
+        'build',
+      ],
+      commands: [
+        'cd /rspamd/build',
+        'ulimit -c unlimited',
+        'ulimit -s unlimited',
+        'umask 0000',
+        'set +e',
+        'RSPAMD_INSTALLROOT=/rspamd/install robot --removekeywords wuks --exclude isbroken $DRONE_WORKSPACE/test/functional/cases; EXIT_CODE=$?',
+        'set -e',
+        'if [ -n "$HTTP_PUT_AUTH" ]; then $DRONE_WORKSPACE/test/tools/ log.html report.html https://$DRONE_SYSTEM_HOSTNAME/testlogs/$DRONE_REPO/$DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER/; fi\n',
+        "core_files=$(find /var/tmp/ -name '*.core')",
+        "for core in $core_files; do exe=$(gdb --batch -ex 'info proc mappings' -c $core | tail -1 | awk '{print $5}'); gdb --batch -ex 'bt' -c $core $exe; echo '---'; done\n",
+        'exit $EXIT_CODE',
+      ],
+      environment: {
+        HTTP_PUT_AUTH: {
+          from_secret: 'http_put_auth',
+        },
+      },
+    } + rspamd_volumes,
+    {
+      name: 'send-coverage',
+      image: 'rspamd/ci:ubuntu-test',
+      pull: 'if-not-exists',
+      depends_on: [
+        'functional',
+        'rspamd-test',
+      ],
+      commands: [
+        'cd /rspamd/build',
+        '$DRONE_WORKSPACE/test/tools/ --exclude test --prefix /rspamd/build --prefix $DRONE_WORKSPACE --out coverage.c.json',
+        'luacov-coveralls -o coverage.functional.lua.json --dryrun',
+        '$DRONE_WORKSPACE/test/tools/ --root $DRONE_WORKSPACE --input coverage.c.json unit_test_lua.json coverage.functional.lua.json --token=$COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN',
+      ],
+      environment: {
+          from_secret: 'coveralls_repo_token',
+        },
+      },
+      when: {
+        branch: [
+          'master',
+        ],
+        event: [
+          'push',
+          'tag',
+        ],
+      },
+    } + rspamd_volumes,
+    {
+      name: 'eslint',
+      image: 'node:18-alpine',
+      pull: 'if-not-exists',
+      failure: 'ignore',
+      commands: [
+        'npm install',
+        './node_modules/.bin/eslint -v',
+        './node_modules/.bin/eslint ./',
+        './node_modules/.bin/stylelint -v',
+        'npm show stylelint-config-standard version',
+        './node_modules/.bin/stylelint ./**/*.css ./**/*.html ./**/*.js',
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'perl-tidyall',
+      image: 'rspamd/ci:perl-tidyall',
+      pull: 'if-not-exists',
+      failure: 'ignore',
+      commands: [
+        'tidyall --version',
+        'perltidy --version | head -1',
+        'tidyall --all --check-only --no-cache --data-dir /tmp/tidyall',
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'notify',
+      image: 'drillster/drone-email',
+      pull: 'if-not-exists',
+      depends_on: [
+        'rspamd-test',
+        'test-fedora-clang',
+        'functional',
+        'send-coverage',
+        'eslint',
+        'perl-tidyall',
+      ],
+      settings: {
+        from: 'noreply at',
+        host: {
+          from_secret: 'email_host',
+        },
+        username: {
+          from_secret: 'email_username',
+        },
+        password: {
+          from_secret: 'email_password',
+        },
+      },
+      when: {
+        status: [
+          'failure',
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+  ],
+  volumes: [
+    {
+      name: 'rspamd',
+      temp: {},
+    },
+  ],
+} + trigger + docker_pipeline;
+local signature = {
+  kind: 'signature',
+  hmac: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+  pipeline('amd64'),
+  signature,
diff --git a/.drone.yml b/.drone.yml
index f2221908b..4dc5b0d66 100644
--- a/.drone.yml
+++ b/.drone.yml
@@ -1,288 +1,277 @@
-kind: pipeline
-type: docker
-name: default
-  os: linux
-  - name: prepare
-    # any image with a root shell can be used here, but Ubuntu used as base
-    # image for build and test images and we need to download it anyway
-    image: ubuntu:22.04
-    pull: if-not-exists
-    volumes:
-      - name: rspamd
-        path: /rspamd
-    commands:
-      - install -d -o nobody -g nogroup /rspamd/build /rspamd/install /rspamd/fedora/build /rspamd/fedora/install
-  - name: build
-    #
-    image: rspamd/ci:ubuntu-build
-    pull: always
-    volumes:
-      - name: rspamd
-        path: /rspamd
-    depends_on: [ prepare ]
-    commands:
-      # build directories should be writable by nobody, for rspamd in functional tests
-      # works as nobody and writes coverage files there
-      - test "$(id -un)" = nobody
-      - cd /rspamd/build
-      - >
-        cmake
-        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/rspamd/install
-        -GNinja
-      - ncpu=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
-      - ninja -j $ncpu install
-      - ninja -j $ncpu rspamd-test
-      - ninja -j $ncpu rspamd-test-cxx
-  - name: build-clang
-    #
-    image: rspamd/ci:fedora-build
-    pull: always
-    volumes:
-      - name: rspamd
-        path: /rspamd
-    depends_on: [ prepare ]
-    commands:
-      - test "$(id -un)" = nobody
-      - cd /rspamd/fedora/build
-      - export LDFLAGS='-fuse-ld=lld'
-      #- export CFLAGS='-fsanitize=address,undefined,implicit-integer-truncation'
-      #- export CXXFLAGS='-fsanitize=address,undefined,implicit-integer-truncation'
-      - export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0
-      - >
-        cmake
-        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/rspamd/fedora/install
-        -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++
-        -DSANITIZE=address
-      - ncpu=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
-      - make -j $ncpu install
-      - make -j $ncpu rspamd-test
-      - make -j $ncpu rspamd-test-cxx
-  # We run rspamd-test (unit test) and functional test (runned by robot) in
-  # parallel to save time. To avoid conflict in saving lua coverage we run them
-  # from different directories. For C code coverage counters is saved to .gcda
-  # files and binary contain absolute path to them, so rspamd-test and
-  # processes started by functional test are writing to the same files. On
-  # process exit new coverage data merged with existing content of .gcda file.
-  # Race is possible if rspamd-test and some rspamd process in functional test
-  # will try to write .gcda file simultaneous.  But it is very unlikely and
-  # performance is more important then correct coverage data.
-  - name: rspamd-test
-    #
-    image: rspamd/ci:ubuntu-test
-    pull: always
-    volumes:
-      - name: rspamd
-        path: /rspamd
-    depends_on: [ build ]
-    commands:
-      - test "$(id -un)" = nobody
-      - ulimit -c unlimited
-      # rspamd-test and functional test both use luacov.stats.out file and should be started from
-      # different directories (if started in parallel)
-      - cd /rspamd/build/test
-      - set +e
-      - env RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=1 ./rspamd-test -p /rspamd/lua; EXIT_CODE=$?
-      - set -e
-      # shell sets exit status of a process terminated by a signal to '128 + signal-number'
-      # if rspamd-test was terminated by a signal it should be SIGSEGV or SIGABRT, try to examine core
-      - >
-        if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then
-        gdb --batch -ex 'thread apply all bt full' -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test.core ./rspamd-test;
-        exit $EXIT_CODE;
-        fi;
-        if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
-        exit $EXIT_CODE;
-        fi
-      # luacov-coveralls reads luacov.stats.out written by rspamd-test using luacov module
-      # and writes json report for service
-      - luacov-coveralls -o /rspamd/build/unit_test_lua.json --dryrun
-      - set +e
-      - ./rspamd-test-cxx -s; EXIT_CODE=$?
-      - set -e
-      # shell sets exit status of a process terminated by a signal to '128 + signal-number'
-      # if rspamd-test was terminated by a signal it should be SIGSEGV or SIGABRT, try to examine core
-      - >
-        if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then
-        gdb --batch -ex 'thread apply all bt full' -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test-cxx.core ./rspamd-test-cxx;
-        exit $EXIT_CODE;
-        fi
-      - exit $EXIT_CODE
-  - name: test-fedora-clang
-    #
-    image: rspamd/ci:fedora-test
-    pull: always
-    volumes:
-      - name: rspamd
-        path: /rspamd
-    depends_on: [ build-clang ]
-    commands:
-      - test "$(id -un)" = nobody
-      # Asan reserves 20Tb of virtual memory, limit core size to 2 Gb to avoid writing huge core
-      - ulimit -c 2097152
-      - ulimit -s unlimited
-      # disable leak sanitizer: too many leaks detected, most of them probably FP
-      - export ASAN_OPTIONS="detect_leaks=0:print_stacktrace=1:disable_coredump=0"
-      - export UBSAN_OPTIONS="print_stacktrace=1:print_summary=0:log_path=/tmp/ubsan"
-      - cd /rspamd/fedora/build/test
-      - set +e
-      - env RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=1 ./rspamd-test -p /rspamd/lua; EXIT_CODE=$?
-      - set -e
-      # shell sets exit status of a process terminated by a signal to '128 + signal-number'
-      # if rspamd-test was terminated by a signal it should be SIGSEGV or SIGABRT, try to examine core
-      - >
-        if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then
-        gdb --batch -ex 'bt' -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test.core ./rspamd-test;
-        fi
-      - set +e
-      - ./rspamd-test-cxx -s; EXIT_CODE=$?
-      - set -e
-      # shell sets exit status of a process terminated by a signal to '128 + signal-number'
-      # if rspamd-test was terminated by a signal it should be SIGSEGV or SIGABRT, try to examine core
-      - >
-        if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then
-        gdb --batch -ex 'thread apply all bt full' -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test-cxx.core ./rspamd-test-cxx;
-        exit $EXIT_CODE;
-        fi
-      - cat /tmp/ubsan.* || true
-      - exit $EXIT_CODE
-  - name: functional
-    #
-    image: rspamd/ci:ubuntu-test-func
-    pull: always
-    volumes:
-      - name: rspamd
-        path: /rspamd
-    depends_on: [ build ]
-    commands:
-      - cd /rspamd/build
-      - ulimit -c unlimited
-      - ulimit -s unlimited
-      # some rspamd processes during this test work as root and some as nobody
-      # use umask to create world-writable files so nobody can write to *.gcda files created by root
-      - umask 0000
-      - set +e
-      - RSPAMD_INSTALLROOT=/rspamd/install robot --removekeywords wuks --exclude isbroken $DRONE_WORKSPACE/test/functional/cases; EXIT_CODE=$?
-      - set -e
-      # upload test results to nginx frontent using WebDAV PUT
-      - >
-        if [ -n "$HTTP_PUT_AUTH" ]; then
-        $DRONE_WORKSPACE/test/tools/ log.html report.html https://$DRONE_SYSTEM_HOSTNAME/testlogs/$DRONE_REPO/$DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER/;
-        fi
-      # core_pattern=/var/tmp/%u.%e.core so one or two cores can be saved for each binary
-      - core_files=$(find /var/tmp/ -name '*.core')
-      # use 'info proc mappings' to find path to executable file for given core
-      # first mapping is usually program executable
-      - >
-        for core in $core_files;
-        do
-        exe=$(gdb --batch -ex 'info proc mappings' -c $core | tail -1 | awk '{print $5}');
-        gdb --batch -ex 'bt' -c $core $exe; echo '---';
-        done
-      - exit $EXIT_CODE
-    environment:
-      HTTP_PUT_AUTH: { from_secret: http_put_auth }
-  - name: send-coverage
-    image: rspamd/ci:ubuntu-test
-    pull: if-not-exists
-    volumes:
-      - name: rspamd
-        path: /rspamd
-    depends_on: [ functional, rspamd-test ]
-    commands:
-      - cd /rspamd/build
-      # extract coverage data for C code from .gcda files and save it in a format suitable for
-      - $DRONE_WORKSPACE/test/tools/ --exclude test --prefix /rspamd/build --prefix $DRONE_WORKSPACE --out coverage.c.json
-      # luacov-coveralls reads luacov.stats.out generated by functional tests
-      # (see collect_lua_coverage() in test/functional/lib/
-      # and writes json report for
-      - luacov-coveralls -o coverage.functional.lua.json --dryrun
-      # * merge coverage for C and Lua code
-      # * remove prefixes from absolute paths (in luacov-coveralls files), filter test, contrib, e. t.c
-      # * upload report to
-      - $DRONE_WORKSPACE/test/tools/ --root $DRONE_WORKSPACE --input coverage.c.json unit_test_lua.json coverage.functional.lua.json --token=$COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN
-    environment:
-      COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN: { from_secret: coveralls_repo_token }
-    when:
-      branch: [ master ]
-      # don't send coverage report for pull request
-      event: [push, tag]
-  - name: eslint
-    image: node:18-alpine
-    pull: if-not-exists
-    failure: ignore
-    commands:
-      - npm install
-      - ./node_modules/.bin/eslint -v
-      - ./node_modules/.bin/eslint ./
-      # Run stylelint checks
-      - ./node_modules/.bin/stylelint -v
-      - npm show stylelint-config-standard version
-      - ./node_modules/.bin/stylelint ./**/*.css ./**/*.html ./**/*.js
-  - name: perl-tidyall
-    #
-    image: rspamd/ci:perl-tidyall
-    pull: if-not-exists
-    failure: ignore
-    commands:
-      - tidyall --version
-      - perltidy --version | head -1
-      # checks are configured in .tidyallrc at the top of rspamd repo
-      - tidyall --all --check-only --no-cache --data-dir /tmp/tidyall
-  - name: notify
-    image: drillster/drone-email
-    pull: if-not-exists
-    depends_on:
-      - rspamd-test
-      - test-fedora-clang
-      - functional
-      - send-coverage
-      - eslint
-      - perl-tidyall
-    settings:
-      from: noreply at
-      host: { from_secret: email_host }
-      username: { from_secret: email_username }
-      password: { from_secret: email_password }
-    when:
-      status: [ failure ]
-  - name: rspamd
-    temp: {}
-  event: [push, tag, pull_request, custom]
+   "kind": "pipeline",
+   "name": "default",
+   "platform": {
+      "arch": "amd64",
+      "os": "linux"
+   },
+   "steps": [
+      {
+         "commands": [
+            "install -d -o nobody -g nogroup /rspamd/build /rspamd/install /rspamd/fedora/build /rspamd/fedora/install"
+         ],
+         "image": "ubuntu:22.04",
+         "name": "prepare",
+         "pull": "if-not-exists",
+         "volumes": [
+            {
+               "name": "rspamd",
+               "path": "/rspamd"
+            }
+         ]
+      },
+      {
+         "commands": [
+            "test \"$(id -un)\" = nobody",
+            "cd /rspamd/build",
+            "ncpu=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)",
+            "ninja -j $ncpu install",
+            "ninja -j $ncpu rspamd-test",
+            "ninja -j $ncpu rspamd-test-cxx"
+         ],
+         "depends_on": [
+            "prepare"
+         ],
+         "image": "rspamd/ci:ubuntu-build",
+         "name": "build",
+         "pull": "always",
+         "volumes": [
+            {
+               "name": "rspamd",
+               "path": "/rspamd"
+            }
+         ]
+      },
+      {
+         "commands": [
+            "test \"$(id -un)\" = nobody",
+            "cd /rspamd/fedora/build",
+            "export LDFLAGS='-fuse-ld=lld'",
+            "export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0",
+            "ncpu=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)",
+            "make -j $ncpu install",
+            "make -j $ncpu rspamd-test",
+            "make -j $ncpu rspamd-test-cxx"
+         ],
+         "depends_on": [
+            "prepare"
+         ],
+         "image": "rspamd/ci:fedora-build",
+         "name": "build-clang",
+         "pull": "always",
+         "volumes": [
+            {
+               "name": "rspamd",
+               "path": "/rspamd"
+            }
+         ]
+      },
+      {
+         "commands": [
+            "test \"$(id -un)\" = nobody",
+            "ulimit -c unlimited",
+            "cd /rspamd/build/test",
+            "set +e",
+            "env RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=1 ./rspamd-test -p /rspamd/lua; EXIT_CODE=$?",
+            "set -e",
+            "if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then gdb --batch -ex 'thread apply all bt full' -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test.core ./rspamd-test; exit $EXIT_CODE; fi; if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then exit $EXIT_CODE; fi\n",
+            "luacov-coveralls -o /rspamd/build/unit_test_lua.json --dryrun",
+            "set +e",
+            "./rspamd-test-cxx -s; EXIT_CODE=$?",
+            "set -e",
+            "if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then gdb --batch -ex 'thread apply all bt full' -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test-cxx.core ./rspamd-test-cxx; exit $EXIT_CODE; fi\n",
+            "exit $EXIT_CODE"
+         ],
+         "depends_on": [
+            "build"
+         ],
+         "image": "rspamd/ci:ubuntu-test",
+         "name": "rspamd-test",
+         "pull": "always",
+         "volumes": [
+            {
+               "name": "rspamd",
+               "path": "/rspamd"
+            }
+         ]
+      },
+      {
+         "commands": [
+            "test \"$(id -un)\" = nobody",
+            "ulimit -c 2097152",
+            "ulimit -s unlimited",
+            "export ASAN_OPTIONS=\"detect_leaks=0:print_stacktrace=1:disable_coredump=0\"",
+            "export UBSAN_OPTIONS=\"print_stacktrace=1:print_summary=0:log_path=/tmp/ubsan\"",
+            "cd /rspamd/fedora/build/test",
+            "set +e",
+            "env RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=1 ./rspamd-test -p /rspamd/lua; EXIT_CODE=$?",
+            "set -e",
+            "if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then gdb --batch -ex 'bt' -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test.core ./rspamd-test; fi\n",
+            "set +e",
+            "./rspamd-test-cxx -s; EXIT_CODE=$?",
+            "set -e",
+            "if [ $EXIT_CODE -gt 128 ]; then gdb --batch -ex 'thread apply all bt full' -c /var/tmp/*.rspamd-test-cxx.core ./rspamd-test-cxx; exit $EXIT_CODE; fi\n",
+            "cat /tmp/ubsan.* || true",
+            "exit $EXIT_CODE"
+         ],
+         "depends_on": [
+            "build-clang"
+         ],
+         "image": "rspamd/ci:fedora-test",
+         "name": "test-fedora-clang",
+         "pull": "always",
+         "volumes": [
+            {
+               "name": "rspamd",
+               "path": "/rspamd"
+            }
+         ]
+      },
+      {
+         "commands": [
+            "cd /rspamd/build",
+            "ulimit -c unlimited",
+            "ulimit -s unlimited",
+            "umask 0000",
+            "set +e",
+            "RSPAMD_INSTALLROOT=/rspamd/install robot --removekeywords wuks --exclude isbroken $DRONE_WORKSPACE/test/functional/cases; EXIT_CODE=$?",
+            "set -e",
+            "if [ -n \"$HTTP_PUT_AUTH\" ]; then $DRONE_WORKSPACE/test/tools/ log.html report.html https://$DRONE_SYSTEM_HOSTNAME/testlogs/$DRONE_REPO/$DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER/; fi\n",
+            "core_files=$(find /var/tmp/ -name '*.core')",
+            "for core in $core_files; do exe=$(gdb --batch -ex 'info proc mappings' -c $core | tail -1 | awk '{print $5}'); gdb --batch -ex 'bt' -c $core $exe; echo '---'; done\n",

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