commit 416ba55: [Minor] Remove unused utility, as it has been broken for ages

Vsevolod Stakhov vsevolod at
Mon Aug 7 11:21:04 UTC 2023

Author: Vsevolod Stakhov
Date: 2023-08-07 12:19:35 +0100
URL: (HEAD -> master)

[Minor] Remove unused utility, as it has been broken for ages

 lualib/rescore_utility.lua  | 230 -----------------
 lualib/rspamadm/rescore.lua | 588 --------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 818 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lualib/rescore_utility.lua b/lualib/rescore_utility.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 01e5aabcb..000000000
--- a/lualib/rescore_utility.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-local lua_util = require "lua_util"
-local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util"
-local fun = require "fun"
-local utility = {}
-function utility.get_all_symbols(logs, ignore_symbols)
-  -- Returns a list of all symbols
-  local symbols_set = {}
-  for _, line in pairs(logs) do
-    line = lua_util.rspamd_str_split(line, " ")
-    for i = 4, (#line - 1) do
-      line[i] = line[i]:gsub("%s+", "")
-      if not symbols_set[line[i]] then
-        symbols_set[line[i]] = true
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  local all_symbols = {}
-  for symbol, _ in pairs(symbols_set) do
-    if not ignore_symbols[symbol] then
-      all_symbols[#all_symbols + 1] = symbol
-    end
-  end
-  table.sort(all_symbols)
-  return all_symbols
-function utility.read_log_file(file)
-  local lines = {}
-  local messages = {}
-  local fd = assert(, "r"))
-  local fname = string.gsub(file, "(.*/)(.*)", "%2")
-  for line in fd:lines() do
-    local start, stop = string.find(line, fname .. ':')
-    if start and stop then
-      table.insert(lines, string.sub(line, 1, start))
-      table.insert(messages, string.sub(line, stop + 1, -1))
-    end
-  end
-  io.close(fd)
-  return lines, messages
-function utility.get_all_logs(dirs)
-  -- Reads all log files in the directory and returns a list of logs.
-  if type(dirs) == 'string' then
-    dirs = { dirs }
-  end
-  local all_logs = {}
-  local all_messages = {}
-  for _, dir in ipairs(dirs) do
-    if dir:sub(-1, -1) == "/" then
-      dir = dir:sub(1, -2)
-      local files = rspamd_util.glob(dir .. "/*.log")
-      for _, file in pairs(files) do
-        local logs, messages = utility.read_log_file(file)
-        for i = 1, #logs do
-          table.insert(all_logs, logs[i])
-          table.insert(all_messages, messages[i])
-        end
-      end
-    else
-      local logs, messages = utility.read_log_file(dir)
-      for i = 1, #logs do
-        table.insert(all_logs, logs[i])
-        table.insert(all_messages, messages[i])
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  return all_logs, all_messages
-function utility.get_all_symbol_scores(conf, ignore_symbols)
-  local symbols = conf:get_symbols_scores()
-  return fun.tomap(, elt)
-    return name, elt['score']
-  end, fun.filter(function(name, elt)
-    return not ignore_symbols[name]
-  end, symbols)))
-function utility.generate_statistics_from_logs(logs, messages, threshold)
-  -- Returns file_stats table and list of symbol_stats table.
-  local file_stats = {
-    no_of_emails = 0,
-    no_of_spam = 0,
-    no_of_ham = 0,
-    spam_percent = 0,
-    ham_percent = 0,
-    true_positives = 0,
-    true_negatives = 0,
-    false_negative_rate = 0,
-    false_positive_rate = 0,
-    overall_accuracy = 0,
-    fscore = 0,
-    avg_scan_time = 0,
-    slowest_file = nil,
-    slowest = 0
-  }
-  local all_symbols_stats = {}
-  local all_fps = {}
-  local all_fns = {}
-  local false_positives = 0
-  local false_negatives = 0
-  local true_positives = 0
-  local true_negatives = 0
-  local no_of_emails = 0
-  local no_of_spam = 0
-  local no_of_ham = 0
-  for i, log in ipairs(logs) do
-    log = lua_util.rspamd_str_trim(log)
-    log = lua_util.rspamd_str_split(log, " ")
-    local message = messages[i]
-    local is_spam = (log[1] == "SPAM")
-    local score = tonumber(log[2])
-    no_of_emails = no_of_emails + 1
-    if is_spam then
-      no_of_spam = no_of_spam + 1
-    else
-      no_of_ham = no_of_ham + 1
-    end
-    if is_spam and (score >= threshold) then
-      true_positives = true_positives + 1
-    elseif is_spam and (score < threshold) then
-      false_negatives = false_negatives + 1
-      table.insert(all_fns, message)
-    elseif not is_spam and (score >= threshold) then
-      false_positives = false_positives + 1
-      table.insert(all_fps, message)
-    else
-      true_negatives = true_negatives + 1
-    end
-    for j = 4, (#log - 1) do
-      if all_symbols_stats[log[j]] == nil then
-        all_symbols_stats[log[j]] = {
-          name = message,
-          no_of_hits = 0,
-          spam_hits = 0,
-          ham_hits = 0,
-          spam_overall = 0
-        }
-      end
-      local sym = log[j]
-      all_symbols_stats[sym].no_of_hits = all_symbols_stats[sym].no_of_hits + 1
-      if is_spam then
-        all_symbols_stats[sym].spam_hits = all_symbols_stats[sym].spam_hits + 1
-      else
-        all_symbols_stats[sym].ham_hits = all_symbols_stats[sym].ham_hits + 1
-      end
-      -- Find slowest message
-      if ((tonumber(log[#log]) or 0) > file_stats.slowest) then
-        file_stats.slowest = tonumber(log[#log])
-        file_stats.slowest_file = message
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  -- Calculating file stats
-  file_stats.no_of_ham = no_of_ham
-  file_stats.no_of_spam = no_of_spam
-  file_stats.no_of_emails = no_of_emails
-  file_stats.true_positives = true_positives
-  file_stats.true_negatives = true_negatives
-  if no_of_emails > 0 then
-    file_stats.spam_percent = no_of_spam * 100 / no_of_emails
-    file_stats.ham_percent = no_of_ham * 100 / no_of_emails
-    file_stats.overall_accuracy = (true_positives + true_negatives) * 100 /
-        no_of_emails
-  end
-  if no_of_ham > 0 then
-    file_stats.false_positive_rate = false_positives * 100 / no_of_ham
-  end
-  if no_of_spam > 0 then
-    file_stats.false_negative_rate = false_negatives * 100 / no_of_spam
-  end
-  file_stats.fscore = 2 * true_positives / (2
-      * true_positives
-      + false_positives
-      + false_negatives)
-  -- Calculating symbol stats
-  for _, symbol_stats in pairs(all_symbols_stats) do
-    symbol_stats.spam_percent = symbol_stats.spam_hits * 100 / no_of_spam
-    symbol_stats.ham_percent = symbol_stats.ham_hits * 100 / no_of_ham
-    symbol_stats.overall = symbol_stats.no_of_hits * 100 / no_of_emails
-    symbol_stats.spam_overall = symbol_stats.spam_percent /
-        (symbol_stats.spam_percent + symbol_stats.ham_percent)
-  end
-  return file_stats, all_symbols_stats, all_fps, all_fns
-return utility
diff --git a/lualib/rspamadm/rescore.lua b/lualib/rspamadm/rescore.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e372a419..000000000
--- a/lualib/rspamadm/rescore.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,588 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2022, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod at>
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-local lua_util = require "lua_util"
-local ucl = require "ucl"
-local logger = require "rspamd_logger"
-local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util"
-local argparse = require "argparse"
-local rescore_utility = require "rescore_utility"
-local opts
-local ignore_symbols = {
-  ['DATE_IN_PAST'] =true,
-  ['DATE_IN_FUTURE'] = true,
-local parser = argparse()
-    :name "rspamadm rescore"
-    :description "Estimate optimal symbol weights from log files"
-    :help_description_margin(37)
-parser:option "-l --log"
-      :description "Log file or files (from rescore)"
-      :argname("<log>")
-      :args "*"
-parser:option "-c --config"
-      :description "Path to config file"
-      :argname("<file>")
-      :default(rspamd_paths["CONFDIR"] .. "/" .. "rspamd.conf")
-parser:option "-o --output"
-      :description "Output file"
-      :argname("<file>")
-      :default("new.scores")
-parser:flag "-d --diff"
-      :description "Show differences in scores"
-parser:flag "-v --verbose"
-      :description "Verbose output"
-parser:flag "-z --freq"
-      :description "Display hit frequencies"
-parser:option "-i --iters"
-      :description "Learn iterations"
-      :argname("<n>")
-      :convert(tonumber)
-      :default(10)
-parser:option "-b --batch"
-      :description "Batch size"
-      :argname("<n>")
-      :convert(tonumber)
-      :default(100)
-parser:option "-d --decay"
-      :description "Decay rate"
-      :argname("<n>")
-      :convert(tonumber)
-      :default(0.001)
-parser:option "-m --momentum"
-      :description "Learn momentum"
-      :argname("<n>")
-      :convert(tonumber)
-      :default(0.1)
-parser:option "-t --threads"
-      :description "Number of threads to use"
-      :argname("<n>")
-      :convert(tonumber)
-      :default(1)
-parser:option "-o --optim"
-      :description "Optimisation algorithm"
-      :argname("<alg>")
-      :convert {
-        LBFGS = "LBFGS",
-        ADAM = "ADAM",
-        ADAGRAD = "ADAGRAD",
-        SGD = "SGD",
-        NAG = "NAG"
-      }
-      :default "ADAM"
-parser:option "--ignore-symbol"
-      :description "Ignore symbol from logs"
-      :argname("<sym>")
-      :args "*"
-parser:option "--penalty-weight"
-      :description "Add new penalty weight to test"
-      :argname("<n>")
-      :convert(tonumber)
-      :args "*"
-parser:option "--learning-rate"
-      :description "Add new learning rate to test"
-      :argname("<n>")
-      :convert(tonumber)
-      :args "*"
-parser:option "--spam_action"
-      :description "Spam action"
-      :argname("<act>")
-      :default("reject")
-parser:option "--learning_rate_decay"
-      :description "Learn rate decay (for some algs)"
-      :argname("<n>")
-      :convert(tonumber)
-      :default(0.0)
-parser:option "--weight_decay"
-      :description "Weight decay (for some algs)"
-      :argname("<n>")
-      :convert(tonumber)
-      :default(0.0)
-parser:option "--l1"
-      :description "L1 regularization penalty"
-      :argname("<n>")
-      :convert(tonumber)
-      :default(0.0)
-parser:option "--l2"
-      :description "L2 regularization penalty"
-      :argname("<n>")
-      :convert(tonumber)
-      :default(0.0)
-local function make_dataset_from_logs(logs, all_symbols, spam_score)
-  local inputs = {}
-  local outputs = {}
-  for _, log in pairs(logs) do
-    log = lua_util.rspamd_str_split(log, " ")
-    if log[1] == "SPAM" then
-      outputs[#outputs+1] = 1
-    else
-      outputs[#outputs+1] = 0
-    end
-    local symbols_set = {}
-    for i=4,#log do
-      if not ignore_symbols[ log[i] ] then
-        symbols_set[log[i] ] = true
-      end
-    end
-    local input_vec = {}
-    for index, symbol in pairs(all_symbols) do
-      if symbols_set[symbol] then
-        input_vec[index] = 1
-      else
-        input_vec[index] = 0
-      end
-    end
-    inputs[#inputs + 1] = input_vec
-  end
-  return inputs,outputs
-local function init_weights(all_symbols, original_symbol_scores)
-local function shuffle(logs, messages)
-  local size = #logs
-  for i = size, 1, -1 do
-    local rand = math.random(size)
-    logs[i], logs[rand] = logs[rand], logs[i]
-    messages[i], messages[rand] = messages[rand], messages[i]
-  end
-local function split_logs(logs, messages, split_percent)
-  if not split_percent then
-    split_percent = 60
-  end
-  local split_index = math.floor(#logs * split_percent / 100)
-  local test_logs = {}
-  local train_logs = {}
-  local test_messages = {}
-  local train_messages = {}
-  for i=1,split_index do
-    table.insert(train_logs, logs[i])
-    table.insert(train_messages, messages[i])
-  end
-  for i=split_index + 1, #logs do
-    table.insert(test_logs, logs[i])
-    table.insert(test_messages, messages[i])
-  end
-  return {train_logs,train_messages}, {test_logs,test_messages}
-local function stitch_new_scores(all_symbols, new_scores)
-  local new_symbol_scores = {}
-  for idx, symbol in pairs(all_symbols) do
-    new_symbol_scores[symbol] = new_scores[idx]
-  end
-  return new_symbol_scores
-local function update_logs(logs, symbol_scores)
-  for i, log in ipairs(logs) do
-    log = lua_util.rspamd_str_split(log, " ")
-    local score = 0
-    for j=4,#log do
-      log[j] = log[j]:gsub("%s+", "")
-      score = score + (symbol_scores[log[j] ] or 0)
-    end
-    log[2] = lua_util.round(score, 2)
-    logs[i] = table.concat(log, " ")
-  end
-  return logs
-local function write_scores(new_symbol_scores, file_path)
-  local file = assert(, "w"))
-  local new_scores_ucl = ucl.to_format(new_symbol_scores, "ucl")
-  file:write(new_scores_ucl)
-  file:close()
-local function print_score_diff(new_symbol_scores, original_symbol_scores)
-  logger.message(string.format("%-35s %-10s %-10s",
-  for symbol, new_score in pairs(new_symbol_scores) do
-    logger.message(string.format("%-35s %-10s %-10s",
-        symbol,
-        original_symbol_scores[symbol] or 0,
-        lua_util.round(new_score, 2)))
-  end
-  logger.message("\nClass changes \n")
-  for symbol, new_score in pairs(new_symbol_scores) do
-    if original_symbol_scores[symbol] ~= nil then
-      if (original_symbol_scores[symbol] > 0 and new_score < 0) or
-          (original_symbol_scores[symbol] < 0 and new_score > 0) then
-        logger.message(string.format("%-35s %-10s %-10s",
-            symbol,
-            original_symbol_scores[symbol] or 0,
-            lua_util.round(new_score, 2)))
-      end
-    end
-  end
-local function calculate_fscore_from_weights(logs, messages,
-                                             all_symbols,
-                                             weights,
-                                             threshold)
-  local new_symbol_scores = weights:clone()
-  new_symbol_scores = stitch_new_scores(all_symbols, new_symbol_scores)
-  logs = update_logs(logs, new_symbol_scores)
-  local file_stats, _, all_fps, all_fns =
-      rescore_utility.generate_statistics_from_logs(logs, messages, threshold)
-  return file_stats.fscore, all_fps, all_fns
-local function print_stats(logs, messages, threshold)
-  local file_stats, _ = rescore_utility.generate_statistics_from_logs(logs,
-      messages, threshold)
-  local file_stat_format = [=[
-F-score: %.2f
-False positive rate: %.2f %%
-False negative rate: %.2f %%
-Overall accuracy: %.2f %%
-Slowest message: %.2f (%s)
-  logger.message("\nStatistics at threshold: " .. threshold)
-  logger.message(string.format(file_stat_format,
-      file_stats.fscore,
-      file_stats.false_positive_rate,
-      file_stats.false_negative_rate,
-      file_stats.overall_accuracy,
-      file_stats.slowest,
-      file_stats.slowest_file))
--- training function
-local function train(dataset, opt, model, criterion, epoch,
-                     all_symbols, spam_threshold, initial_weights)
-local learning_rates = {
-  0.01
-local penalty_weights = {
-  0
-local function get_threshold()
-  local actions = rspamd_config:get_all_actions()
-  if opts['spam-action'] then
-    return (actions[opts['spam-action'] ] or 0),actions['reject']
-  end
-  return (actions['add header'] or actions['rewrite subject']
-      or actions['reject']), actions['reject']
-local function handler(args)
-  opts = parser:parse(args)
-  if not opts['log'] then
-    parser:error('no log specified')
-  end
-  local _r,err = rspamd_config:load_ucl(opts['config'])
-  if not _r then
-    logger.errx('cannot parse %s: %s', opts['config'], err)
-    os.exit(1)
-  end
-  _r,err = rspamd_config:parse_rcl({'logging', 'worker'})
-  if not _r then
-    logger.errx('cannot process %s: %s', opts['config'], err)
-    os.exit(1)
-  end
-  local threshold,reject_score = get_threshold()
-  local logs,messages = rescore_utility.get_all_logs(opts['log'])
-  if opts['ignore-symbol'] then
-    local function add_ignore(s)
-      ignore_symbols[s] = true
-    end
-    if type(opts['ignore-symbol']) == 'table' then
-      for _,s in ipairs(opts['ignore-symbol']) do
-        add_ignore(s)
-      end
-    else
-      add_ignore(opts['ignore-symbol'])
-    end
-  end
-  if opts['learning-rate'] then
-    learning_rates = {}
-    local function add_rate(r)
-      if tonumber(r) then
-        table.insert(learning_rates, tonumber(r))
-      end
-    end
-    if type(opts['learning-rate']) == 'table' then
-      for _,s in ipairs(opts['learning-rate']) do
-        add_rate(s)
-      end
-    else
-      add_rate(opts['learning-rate'])
-    end
-  end
-  if opts['penalty-weight'] then
-    penalty_weights = {}
-    local function add_weight(r)
-      if tonumber(r) then
-        table.insert(penalty_weights, tonumber(r))
-      end
-    end
-    if type(opts['penalty-weight']) == 'table' then
-      for _,s in ipairs(opts['penalty-weight']) do
-        add_weight(s)
-      end
-    else
-      add_weight(opts['penalty-weight'])
-    end
-  end
-  local all_symbols = rescore_utility.get_all_symbols(logs, ignore_symbols)
-  local original_symbol_scores = rescore_utility.get_all_symbol_scores(rspamd_config,
-      ignore_symbols)
-  -- Display hit frequencies
-  if opts['freq'] then
-      local _, all_symbols_stats = rescore_utility.generate_statistics_from_logs(logs,
-          messages,
-          threshold)
-      local t = {}
-      for _, symbol_stats in pairs(all_symbols_stats) do table.insert(t, symbol_stats) end
-      local function compare_symbols(a, b)
-          if (a.spam_overall ~= b.spam_overall) then
-              return b.spam_overall < a.spam_overall
-          end
-          if (b.spam_hits ~= a.spam_hits) then
-              return b.spam_hits < a.spam_hits
-          end
-          return b.ham_hits < a.ham_hits
-      end
-      table.sort(t, compare_symbols)
-      logger.message(string.format("%-40s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s",
-                     "NAME", "HITS", "HAM", "HAM%", "SPAM", "SPAM%", "S/O", "OVER%"))
-      for _, symbol_stats in pairs(t) do
-          logger.message(
-              string.format("%-40s %6d %6d %6.2f %6d %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f",
-        ,
-                  symbol_stats.no_of_hits,
-                  symbol_stats.ham_hits,
-                  lua_util.round(symbol_stats.ham_percent,2),
-                  symbol_stats.spam_hits,
-                  lua_util.round(symbol_stats.spam_percent,2),
-                  lua_util.round(symbol_stats.spam_overall,2),
-                  lua_util.round(symbol_stats.overall, 2)

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