commit 2fbfb7c: [Fix] remove obsolete rspamd-redirector files

Duncan Bellamy dunk at
Mon Apr 17 19:42:03 UTC 2023

Author: Duncan Bellamy
Date: 2023-03-05 10:53:43 +0000
URL: (refs/pull/4422/head)

[Fix] remove obsolete rspamd-redirector files
* fixes #4421

 freebsd/ |  33 ---
 utils/   | 576 -----------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 609 deletions(-)

diff --git a/freebsd/ b/freebsd/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9540e352f..000000000
--- a/freebsd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# PROVIDE: rspamd_redirector
-# KEYWORD: shutdown
-# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable countd:
-# rspamd-redirector (bool):          Set to "NO" by default.
-#                          Set it to "YES" to enable redirector.
-. /etc/rc.subr
-load_rc_config $name
-: ${rspamd_redirector_enable="NO"}
-: ${rspamd_redirector_pidfile="/var/run/rspamd/"}
-stop_postcmd="rm -f $rspamd_redirector_pidfile"
-run_rc_command "$1"
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
deleted file mode 100755
index fb57bf597..000000000
--- a/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-# Required ports:
-# www/p5-POE-Component-Client-HTTP
-# www/p5-POE-Component-Server-HTTP
-# dns/p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS
-# databases/p5-Cache-Memcached-Fast
-# devel/p5-Proc-Daemon
-# sysutils/p5-Proc-PidUtil
-# POE::Component::Client::HTTP uses HTTP::Request and response
-# objects.
-use POSIX qw(strftime);
-use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET POST);
-use HTTP::Response;
-use URI::Escape qw(uri_unescape);
-use Sys::Syslog qw/:standard :macros setlogsock/;
-use HTML::HeadParser;
-use Digest;
-use Proc::Daemon;
-use Proc::PidUtil;
-use POE qw(@POE_LOOP@ Component::Server::TCP Filter::HTTPD Component::Client::HTTP);
-use Redis::Fast;
-my $with_swf = 1;
-my $swf_parser;
-my $saved_swf_url = "";
-eval "require SWF::Element" or $with_swf = 0;    # p5-SWF-File
-my $DEBUG = grep { $_ eq '-debug' } @ARGV;
-our %cfg = (
-    port         => 8080,
-    max_size     => 102400,
-    http_timeout => 5,
-    max_rec      => 5,
-    pidfile      => '/tmp/',
-    do_log       => 0,
-    debug        => 0,
-    redis_server => 'localhost:6379',
-    facility     => LOG_LOCAL3,                                            # syslog facility
-    log_level    => LOG_INFO,
-    digest_bits  => 256,
-    cache_expire => 3600,
-    user         => '@RSPAMD_USER@',
-    group        => '@RSPAMD_GROUP@',
-    cfg_file     => '@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@/etc/rspamd-redirector.conf',
-our $do_reopen_log = 0;
-our $redis_conn;
-############################################ Subs ########################################
-# Read file into string
-sub read_file {
-    my ($file) = @_;
-    open( IN, $file ) or _log( LOG_ALERT, "Can't open $file: $!" );
-    local $/;
-    my $content = <IN>;
-    close IN;
-    return $content;
-# Write log line:
-sub _log {
-    my ( $l, $w, @s ) = @_;
-    if ($DEBUG) {
-        printf STDERR $w . "\n", @s;
-    }
-    else {
-        syslog( $l, $w . "\n", @s ) if ( $l <= $cfg{'log_level'} );
-    }
-    if ( $l == LOG_ALERT ) {
-        die $w;
-    }
-# Init swf parser
-sub swf_init_parser {
-    if ($with_swf) {
-        $swf_parser = SWF::Parser->new( 'tag-callback' => \&swf_tag_callback );
-    }
-# Checking for SWF url
-sub swf_search_get_url {
-    my $actions        = shift;
-    my $saved_pool_str = "";
-    for my $action (@$actions) {
-        if ( $action->tag_name eq 'ActionConstantPool' ) {
-            my $pool = $action->ConstantPool;
-            for my $string (@$pool) {
-                if ( $string =~ /^https?:\/\// ) {
-                    $saved_pool_str = $string->value;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        elsif ( $action->tag_name eq 'ActionGetURL2' ) {
-            if ( $saved_pool_str ne "" ) {
-                $saved_swf_url = $saved_pool_str;
-            }
-        }
-        elsif ( $action->tag_name =~ 'ActionGetURL' ) {
-            $saved_swf_url = $action->UrlString->value;
-        }
-    }
-# SWF check tag utility
-sub swf_check_tag {
-    my ( $t, $stream ) = @_;
-    my ($tagname) = $t->tag_name;
-    for ($tagname) {
-        ( /^Do(Init)?Action$/ or /^DefineButton$/ ) and do {
-            swf_search_get_url( $t->Actions );
-            last;
-        };
-        /^PlaceObject2$/ and do {
-            for my $ca ( @{ $t->ClipActions } ) {
-                swf_search_get_url( $ca->Actions );
-            }
-            last;
-        };
-        /^DefineButton2$/ and do {
-            for my $ba ( @{ $t->Actions } ) {
-                swf_search_get_url( $ba->Actions );
-            }
-            last;
-        };
-        /^DefineSprite$/ and do {
-            for my $tag ( @{ $t->ControlTags } ) {
-                swf_search_get_url( $tag, $stream );
-            }
-            last;
-        };
-    }
-# Callback for swf parser
-sub swf_tag_callback {
-    my ( $self, $tag, $length, $stream ) = @_;
-    my $t = SWF::Element::Tag->new( Tag => $tag, Length => $length );
-    my ($tagname) = $t->tag_name;
-    return
-         unless $tagname eq 'DoAction'
-      or $tagname eq 'DoInitAction'
-      or $tagname eq 'PlaceObject2'
-      or $tagname eq 'DefineButton'
-      or $tagname eq 'DefineButton2'
-      or $tagname eq 'DefineSprite';
-    if ( $tagname eq 'DefineSprite' ) {
-        # Tags in the sprite are not unpacked here.
-        $t->shallow_unpack($stream);
-        $t->TagStream->parse( callback => \&swf_tag_callback );
-        return;
-    }
-    elsif ( $tagname eq 'PlaceObject2' ) {
-        # Most of PlaceObject2 tags don't have ClipActions.
-        $t->lookahead_Flags($stream);
-        return unless $t->PlaceFlagHasClipActions;
-    }
-    # unpack the tag and search actions.
-    $t->unpack($stream);
-    swf_check_tag($t);
-# Check url from redis cache first
-sub redis_check_url {
-    my ($url) = @_;
-    my $context = Digest->new("SHA-512");
-    $context->add($url);
-    return $redis_conn->get( $context->digest() );
-# Write url to redis key
-sub redis_cache_url {
-    my ( $url, $url_real ) = @_;
-    if ( $url ne $url_real ) {
-        my $context = Digest->new("SHA-512");
-        $context->add($url);
-        if ( !$redis_conn->setex( $context->digest(), $cfg{cache_expire}, $url_real ) ) {
-            _log( LOG_INFO, "cannot save redirect from $url to $url_real in redis" );
-        }
-    }
-sub create_response {
-    my ( $code, $uri ) = @_;
-    my $new_response;
-    if ($uri) {
-        $new_response = HTTP::Response->new( $code, 'OK' );
-        $new_response->header( "Uri", $uri );
-        $new_response->content($uri);
-        $new_response->content_length( length($uri) );
-    }
-    else {
-        $new_response = HTTP::Response->new($code);
-        $new_response->content_length(0);
-    }
-    $new_response->header( "Connection",       "Close" );
-    $new_response->header( "Proxy-Connection", "Close" );
-    return $new_response;
-# POE http client callback
-sub process_client {
-    my ( $kernel, $heap ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
-    my $http_request  = $_[ARG0]->[0];
-    my $rec           = $_[ARG0]->[1][0];
-    my $http_response = $_[ARG1]->[0];
-    my $base_url      = $_[ARG0]->[1][1];
-    $saved_swf_url = "";
-    if ( $rec == 0 ) {
-        $base_url = $http_request->uri;
-    }
-    else {
-        # Check cache for each url
-        my $redirect = redis_check_url( $http_request->uri );
-        if ($redirect) {
-            _log( LOG_INFO, "Memcached redirect from %s to %s for request from: %s",
-                $http_response->base, $redirect, $heap->{remote_ip} );
-            my $new_response = create_response( 200, $redirect );
-            # Avoid sending the response if the client has gone away.
-            $heap->{client}->put($new_response) if defined $heap->{client};
-            # Shut down the client's connection when the response is sent.
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    if ($do_reopen_log) {
-        $do_reopen_log = 0;
-        reopen_log();
-    }
-    if ( $rec > $cfg{max_rec} ) {
-        _log( LOG_INFO, "Max recursion exceeded: %d from %s to %s for request from: %s",
-            $rec, $base_url, $http_request->uri, $heap->{remote_ip} );
-        # Write to cache
-        redis_cache_url( $base_url, $http_request->uri );
-        my $new_response = create_response( 200, $http_request->uri );
-        # Avoid sending the response if the client has gone away.
-        $heap->{client}->put($new_response) if defined $heap->{client};
-        # Shut down the client's connection when the response is sent.
-        $kernel->yield("shutdown");
-        return;
-    }
-    # Detect HTTP redirects
-    if ( $http_response->is_redirect ) {
-        my $redirect = $http_response->header('Location');
-        if ($redirect) {
-            if ( $redirect =~ /^https?:\/\// ) {
-                _log( LOG_INFO, "HTML redirect from %s to %s for request from: %s",
-                    $http_response->base, $redirect, $heap->{remote_ip} );
-                my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET', $redirect );
-                $request->header( "Connection",       "close" );
-                $request->header( "Proxy-Connection", "close" );
-                $kernel->post( "cl", "request", "got_response", $request, [ $rec + 1, $base_url ] );
-                return;
-            }
-            else {
-                _log( LOG_INFO, "ignoring internal redirect from %s to %s for request from: %s",
-                    $http_request->uri, $redirect, $heap->{remote_ip} );
-                my $new_response = create_response( 200, $http_request->uri );
-                # Avoid sending the response if the client has gone away.
-                $heap->{client}->put($new_response) if defined $heap->{client};
-                # Shut down the client's connection when the response is sent.
-                $kernel->yield("shutdown");
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    elsif ( $http_response->code != 200 ) {
-        _log( LOG_INFO, "HTTP response was %d, for request to %s", $http_response->code, $http_request->uri );
-        my $new_response;
-        if ( $rec == 0 ) {
-            $new_response = create_response( $http_response->code );
-        }
-        else {
-            redis_cache_url( $base_url, $http_request->uri );
-            $new_response = create_response( 200, $http_request->uri );
-        }
-        # Avoid sending the response if the client has gone away.
-        $heap->{client}->put($new_response) if defined $heap->{client};
-        # Shut down the client's connection when the response is sent.
-        $kernel->yield("shutdown");
-        return;
-    }
-    my $response_type = $http_response->content_type();
-    if ( $response_type =~ /^text/i ) {
-        my $content = $http_response->decoded_content();
-        my $p       = HTML::HeadParser->new($http_response);
-        $p->parse($content);
-        my $expire = $http_response->header('Refresh');
-        if ( $http_response->is_redirect || $expire ) {
-            my $redirect;
-            if ($expire) {
-                $expire =~ /URL=(\S+)/;
-                $redirect = $1;
-            }
-            else {
-                $redirect = $http_response->header('Location');
-            }
-            if ($redirect) {
-                if ( $redirect =~ /^https?:\/\// ) {
-                    _log( LOG_INFO, "HTML redirect from %s to %s for request from: %s",
-                        $http_response->base, $redirect, $heap->{remote_ip} );
-                    my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET', $redirect );
-                    $request->header( "Connection",       "close" );
-                    $request->header( "Proxy-Connection", "close" );
-                    $kernel->post( "cl", "request", "got_response", $request, [ $rec + 1, $base_url ] );
-                    return;
-                }
-                else {
-                    _log( LOG_INFO, "ignoring internal redirect from %s to %s for request from: %s",
-                        $http_response->base, $redirect, $heap->{remote_ip} );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if ( $content =~ /location\s*=\s*["']*(https?:\/\/[^"'\s]+)["']*/im ) {
-            my $redir = uri_unescape($1);
-            _log( LOG_INFO, "js redirect from %s to %s for request from: %s",
-                $http_response->base, $1, $heap->{remote_ip} );
-            my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET', $redir );
-            $request->header( "Connection",       "close" );
-            $request->header( "Proxy-Connection", "close" );
-            $kernel->post( "cl", "request", "got_response", $request, [ $rec + 1, $base_url ] );
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    elsif (
-        $with_swf
-        && (
-            $response_type eq 'application/x-shockwave-flash'
-            || (   $http_request->uri =~ /\.swf(\?.*)?$/i
-                && $http_response->code == 200 )
-        )
-      )
-    {
-        my $content = $http_response->decoded_content();
-        $swf_parser->parse($content);
-        if ( $saved_swf_url ne "" ) {
-            _log( LOG_INFO, "flash redirect from %s to %s for request from: %s",
-                $http_response->base, $saved_swf_url, $heap->{remote_ip} );
-            my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET', $saved_swf_url );
-            # Reset swf redirect global variable
-            $saved_swf_url = "";
-            $request->header( "Connection",       "close" );
-            $request->header( "Proxy-Connection", "close" );
-            $kernel->post( "cl", "request", "got_response", $request, [ $rec + 1, $base_url ] );
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        _log( LOG_INFO, "response wasn't text request from: %s, response is: %s", $heap->{remote_ip}, $response_type );
-    }
-    _log( LOG_INFO, "redirect from %s to %s for request from: %s", $base_url, $http_request->uri, $heap->{remote_ip} );
-    # Write to cache
-    redis_cache_url( $base_url, $http_request->uri );
-    my $new_response = create_response( $http_response->code, $http_request->uri );
-    # Avoid sending the response if the client has gone away.
-    $heap->{client}->put($new_response) if defined $heap->{client};
-    # Shut down the client's connection when the response is sent.
-    $kernel->yield("shutdown");
-sub process_input {
-    my ( $kernel, $heap, $request ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0 ];
-    if ( $request->isa("HTTP::Response") ) {
-        $heap->{client}->put($request);
-        $kernel->yield("shutdown");
-        return;
-    }
-    my $domain;
-    if ( $request->uri =~ /^http:\/\/([^\/]+)\// ) {
-        my @parts = split( /\./, $1 );
-        my $c1    = pop @parts;
-        my $c2    = pop @parts;
-        $domain = "$c2.$c1";
-    }
-    if (
-        ( defined( $cfg{check_regexp} ) && $request->uri !~ $cfg{check_regexp} )
-        || ( defined( $cfg{check_domains} )
-            && scalar( grep { $_ eq $domain } @{ $cfg{check_domains} } ) == 0 )
-      )
-    {
-        my $new_response = create_response( 200, $request->uri );
-        # Avoid sending the response if the client has gone away.
-        $heap->{client}->put($new_response) if defined $heap->{client};
-        $kernel->yield("shutdown");
-        # Shut down the client's connection when the response is sent.
-        return;
-    }
-    # Check cache first
-    my $redirect = redis_check_url( $request->uri );
-    if ($redirect) {
-        _log( LOG_INFO, "Memcached redirect from %s to %s for request from: %s",
-            $request->uri, $redirect, $heap->{remote_ip} );
-        my $new_response = create_response( 200, $redirect );
-        # Avoid sending the response if the client has gone away.
-        $heap->{client}->put($new_response) if defined $heap->{client};
-        $kernel->yield("shutdown");
-        # Shut down the client's connection when the response is sent.
-        return;
-    }
-    # Start http request
-    my $new_request = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET', $request->uri );
-    $new_request->header( "Connection",       "close" );
-    $new_request->header( "Proxy-Connection", "close" );
-    $kernel->post( "cl", "request", "got_response", $new_request, [ 0, "" ] );
-sub sig_DIE {
-    my ( $sig, $ex ) = @_[ ARG0, ARG1 ];
-    _log( LOG_ERR, "$$: error in $ex->{event}: $ex->{error_str}" );
-    $poe_kernel->sig_handled();
-    # Send the signal to session that sent the original event.
-    if ( $ex->{source_session} ne $_[SESSION] ) {
-        $poe_kernel->signal( $ex->{source_session}, 'DIE', $sig, $ex );
-    }
-sub sig_CLD {
-    my ( $heap, $child_pid ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG1 ];
-    return 0;
-############################### Main code fragment ##################################
-# Do daemonization
-if ( !$DEBUG ) {
-    Proc::Daemon::Init;
-    POE::Kernel->has_forked;
-    setlogsock('unix');
-    openlog( 'redirector', 'ndelay,pid', $cfg{'facility'} );
-# Try to eval config file
-if ( -f $cfg{cfg_file} ) {
-    my $config = read_file( $cfg{cfg_file} );
-    eval $config;
-_log( LOG_ALERT, "Process is already started, check $cfg{pidfile}" )
-  if Proc::PidUtil::is_running( $cfg{pidfile} );
-# Drop privileges
-if ( $> == 0 ) {
-    my $uid = getpwnam( $cfg{user} )
-      or _log( LOG_ALERT, "user $cfg{user} unknown" );
-    my $gid = getgrnam( $cfg{group} )
-      or _log( LOG_ALERT, "group $cfg{group} unknown" );
-    $< = $> = $uid;
-    $) = $( = $gid;
-if ( !$DEBUG ) {
-    _log( LOG_ALERT, "Cannot write to pidfile $cfg{pidfile}" )
-      if !open( PID, "> $cfg{pidfile}" );
-    close(PID);
-# Reopen log on SIGUSR1
-$poe_kernel->sig( DIE => \&sig_DIE );
-$poe_kernel->sig( CLD => \&sig_CLD );
-$SIG{USR1} = sub { $do_reopen_log = 1; $poe_kernel->sig_handled(); };
-$SIG{INT}  = sub { $poe_kernel->stop(); };
-$SIG{QUIT} = sub { $poe_kernel->stop(); };
-if ( !$DEBUG ) {
-    Proc::PidUtil::make_pidfile( $cfg{pidfile}, $$ )
-      or _log( LOG_ALERT, "Cannot write pidfile $cfg{pidfile}" );
-# Init redis connection
-_log( LOG_INFO, "Starting redis connection" );
-$redis_conn = Redis::Fast->new(
-    server    => $cfg{redis_server},
-    reconnect => 60,
-    every     => 500_000,
-    encoding  => undef,
-# POE part
-    Alias             => 'cl',
-    MaxSize           => $cfg{max_size},                           # Remove for unlimited page sizes
-    Timeout           => $cfg{http_timeout},
-    ConnectionManager => POE::Component::Client::Keepalive->new(
-        max_per_host => 256,
-        max_open     => 1024,
-        keep_alive   => 1,
-        timeout      => $cfg{http_timeout},
-    ),
-_log( LOG_INFO, "Starting HTTP server" );
-    Alias        => "",
-    Port         => $cfg{port},
-    ClientFilter => 'POE::Filter::HTTPD',
-    ClientInput  => \&process_input,
-    InlineStates => { got_response => \&process_client, },
-_log( LOG_NOTICE, "Starting URL resolver" );
-# Start POE.  This will run the server until it exits.
-exit 0;
-############################## Final block ####################################
-END {
-    _log( LOG_NOTICE, 'redirector stopped' );
-    closelog();

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