commit 49b60a3: [Project] (Re)implement hyperscan caching

Vsevolod Stakhov vsevolod at
Sun Oct 16 14:28:05 UTC 2022

Author: Vsevolod Stakhov
Date: 2022-10-16 15:22:27 +0100

[Project] (Re)implement hyperscan caching

 src/libutil/cxx/hyperscan_tools.cxx | 200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 197 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/libutil/cxx/hyperscan_tools.cxx b/src/libutil/cxx/hyperscan_tools.cxx
index 82664d810..f5086d1e4 100644
--- a/src/libutil/cxx/hyperscan_tools.cxx
+++ b/src/libutil/cxx/hyperscan_tools.cxx
@@ -20,10 +20,27 @@
 #include "contrib/ankerl/unordered_dense.h"
 #include "contrib/ankerl/svector.h"
 #include "fmt/core.h"
+#include "locked_file.hxx"
+#include "hs.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "locked_file.hxx"
 #include <glob.h> /* for glob */
-#include <sys/stat.h> /* for stat */
 #include <unistd.h> /* for unlink */
+#include <optional>
+#include "unix-std.h"
+#define msg_info_hyperscan(...)   rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, \
+        "hyperscan", "", \
+        RSPAMD_LOG_FUNC, \
+        __VA_ARGS__)
+#define msg_debug_hyperscan(...)  rspamd_conditional_debug_fast (NULL, NULL, \
+        rspamd_hyperscan_log_id, "hyperscan", "", \
+        RSPAMD_LOG_FUNC, \
+        __VA_ARGS__)
 namespace rspamd::util {
@@ -45,7 +62,7 @@ private:
 					glob_t globbuf;
 					auto glob_pattern = fmt::format("{}{}*.{}",
-							dir, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, ext);
+						dir, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, ext);
 					memset(&globbuf, 0, sizeof(globbuf));
 					if (glob(glob_pattern.c_str(), 0, nullptr, &globbuf) == 0) {
@@ -54,13 +71,20 @@ private:
 							struct stat st;
 							if (stat(path, &st) == -1) {
+								msg_debug_hyperscan("cannot stat file %s: %s",
+									path, strerror(errno));
 							if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
 								if (!known_cached_files.contains(path)) {
+									msg_info_hyperscan("remove stale hyperscan file %s", path);
+								else {
+									msg_debug_hyperscan("found known hyperscan file %s, size: %Hz",
+										path, st.st_size);
+								}
@@ -88,10 +112,180 @@ public:
 		return *singleton;
+	void add_cached_file(const raii_file &file) {
+		auto dir = file.get_dir();
+		auto ext = file.get_extension();
+		if (std::find_if(cache_dirs.begin(), cache_dirs.end(),
+			[&](const auto& item){ return item == dir; }) == std::end(cache_dirs)) {
+			cache_dirs.emplace_back(std::string{dir});
+		}
+		if (std::find_if(cache_extensions.begin(), cache_extensions.end(),
+			[&](const auto& item){ return item == ext; }) == std::end(cache_extensions)) {
+			cache_extensions.emplace_back(std::string{ext});
+		}
+		known_cached_files.insert(file.get_name());
+		msg_debug_hyperscan("added new known hyperscan file: %*s", (int)file.get_name().size(),
+			file.get_name().data());
+	}
+ * This is a higher level representation of the cached hyperscan file
+ */
+struct hs_shared_database {
+	hs_database_t *db; /**< internal database (might be in a shared memory) */
+	std::optional<raii_mmaped_file> maybe_map;
+	~hs_shared_database() {
+		if (!maybe_map) {
+			hs_free_database(db);
+		}
+		// Otherwise, handled by maybe_map dtor
+	}
+	explicit hs_shared_database(raii_mmaped_file &&map, hs_database_t *db) : db(db), maybe_map(std::move(map)) {}
+	explicit hs_shared_database(hs_database_t *db) : db(db), maybe_map(std::nullopt) {}
+static auto
+hs_shared_from_unserialized(raii_mmaped_file &&map) -> tl::expected<hs_shared_database, std::string>
+	auto ptr = map.get_map();
+	return tl::expected<hs_shared_database, std::string>{tl::in_place, std::move(map), (hs_database_t *)ptr};
+static auto
+hs_shared_from_serialized(raii_mmaped_file &&map) -> tl::expected<hs_shared_database, std::string>
+	hs_database_t *target = nullptr;
+	if (auto ret = hs_deserialize_database((const char *)map.get_map(), map.get_size(), &target); ret != HS_SUCCESS) {
+		return tl::make_unexpected("cannot deserialize database");
+	}
+	return tl::expected<hs_shared_database, std::string>{tl::in_place, target};
+auto load_cached_hs_file(const char *fname, bool need_cleanup) -> tl::expected<hs_shared_database, std::string>
+	auto &hs_cache = hs_known_files_cache::get(need_cleanup);
+	return raii_mmaped_file::mmap_shared(fname, O_RDONLY, PROT_READ)
+		.and_then([&]<class T>(T &&cached_serialized) -> tl::expected<hs_shared_database, std::string> {
+#if defined(HS_MAJOR) && defined(HS_MINOR) && HS_MAJOR >= 5 && HS_MINOR >= 4
+			auto unserialized_fname = fmt::format("{}.unser", fname);
+			auto unserialized_file = raii_locked_file::create(unserialized_fname.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL,
+				00644)
+				.and_then([&](auto &&new_file_locked) -> tl::expected<raii_file, std::string> {
+					auto tmpfile_pattern = fmt::format("{}{}hsmp-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
+						cached_serialized.get_file().get_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR);
+					auto tmpfile = raii_locked_file::mkstemp(, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL,
+						00644);
+					if (!tmpfile) {
+						return tl::make_unexpected(tmpfile.error());
+					}
+					else {
+						auto &tmpfile_checked = tmpfile.value();
+						std::size_t unserialized_size;
+						hs_serialized_database_size((const char *)cached_serialized.get_map(),
+							cached_serialized.get_size(), &unserialized_size);
+						msg_debug("multipattern: create new database in %s; %Hz size",
+, unserialized_size);
+						void *buf;
+						posix_memalign(&buf, 16, unserialized_size);
+						if (buf == NULL) {
+							return tl::make_unexpected("Cannot allocate memory");
+						}
+						// Store owned string
+						auto tmpfile_name = std::string{tmpfile_checked.get_name()};
+						if (auto ret = hs_deserialize_database_at((const char *)cached_serialized.get_map(),
+								cached_serialized.get_size(), (hs_database_t *) buf); ret != HS_SUCCESS) {
+							return tl::make_unexpected(
+								fmt::format("cannot deserialize hyperscan database: {}", ret));
+						}
+						else {
+							if (write(tmpfile_checked.get_fd(), buf, unserialized_size) == -1) {
+								free(buf);
+								return tl::make_unexpected(fmt::format("cannot write to {}: {}",
+									tmpfile_name, ::strerror(errno)));
+							}
+							else {
+								free(buf);
+								/*
+								 * Unlink target file before renaming to avoid
+								 * race condition.
+								 * So what we have is that `new_file_locked`
+								 * will have flock on that file, so it will be
+								 * replaced after unlink safely, and also unlocked.
+								 */
+								(void) unlink(unserialized_fname.c_str());
+								if (rename(tmpfile_name.c_str(),
+									unserialized_fname.c_str()) == -1) {
+									if (errno != EEXIST) {
+										msg_err("cannot rename %s -> %s: %s",
+											tmpfile_name.c_str(),
+											unserialized_fname.c_str(),
+											strerror(errno));
+									}
+								}
+								else {
+									/* Unlock file but mark it as immortal first to avoid deletion */
+									tmpfile_checked.make_immortal();
+									(void) tmpfile_checked.unlock();
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						/* Reopen in RO mode */
+						return raii_file::open(unserialized_fname.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
+					};
+				})
+				.or_else([&](auto unused) -> tl::expected<raii_file, std::string> {
+					// Cannot create file, so try to open it in RO mode
+					return raii_file::open(unserialized_fname.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
+				});
+			hs_cache.add_cached_file(cached_serialized.get_file());
+			if (unserialized_file.has_value()) {
+				auto &unserialized_checked = unserialized_file.value();
+				hs_cache.add_cached_file(unserialized_checked);
+				if (unserialized_checked.get_size() == 0) {
+					/*
+					 * This is a case when we have a file that is currently
+					 * being created by another process.
+					 * We cannot use it!
+					 */
+					return hs_shared_from_serialized(std::forward<T>(cached_serialized));
+				}
+				else {
+					return raii_mmaped_file::mmap_shared(std::move(unserialized_checked), PROT_READ)
+						.and_then([&]<class U>(U &&mmapped_unserialized) -> auto {
+							return hs_shared_from_unserialized(std::forward<U>(mmapped_unserialized));
+						});
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				return hs_shared_from_serialized(std::forward<T>(cached_serialized));
+			}
+#else // defined(HS_MAJOR) && defined(HS_MINOR) && HS_MAJOR >= 5 && HS_MINOR >= 4
+			hs_cache.add_cached_file(cached_serialized.get_file());
+			return hs_shared_from_serialized(std::forward<T>(cached_serialized));
+#endif // defined(HS_MAJOR) && defined(HS_MINOR) && HS_MAJOR >= 5 && HS_MINOR >= 4
+		});
 } // namespace rspamd::util
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file

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