commit 51903dd: [Test] Hide expensive unit tests with RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS env variable

Vsevolod Stakhov vsevolod at
Mon Dec 26 23:00:03 UTC 2022

Author: Vsevolod Stakhov
Date: 2022-12-26 22:57:19 +0000

[Test] Hide expensive unit tests with RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS env variable

 test/lua/unit/base32.lua           |  34 ++++---
 test/lua/unit/base64.lua           | 198 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 test/lua/unit/compression.lua      |  24 ++---
 test/lua/unit/fpconv.lua           |  39 ++++----
 test/lua/unit/quoted_printable.lua |  42 ++++----
 test/lua/unit/rfc2047.lua          |  46 ++++-----
 test/lua/unit/utf.lua              | 136 ++++++++++++-------------
 7 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 253 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/lua/unit/base32.lua b/test/lua/unit/base32.lua
index d6e67c06a..eb582f5ed 100644
--- a/test/lua/unit/base32.lua
+++ b/test/lua/unit/base32.lua
@@ -33,21 +33,23 @@ context("Base32 encodning", function()
-  test("Base32 fuzz test: zbase32", function()
-    for i = 1,1000 do
-      local b, l = random_buf(4096)
-      local how = math.floor(math.random(3) - 1)
-      local ben = ffi.C.rspamd_encode_base32(b, l, how)
-      local bs = ffi.string(ben)
-      local nl ="size_t [1]")
-      local nb = ffi.C.rspamd_decode_base32(bs, #bs, nl, how)
+  if os.getenv("RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS") then
+    test("Base32 fuzz test: zbase32", function()
+      for i = 1,1000 do
+        local b, l = random_buf(4096)
+        local how = math.floor(math.random(3) - 1)
+        local ben = ffi.C.rspamd_encode_base32(b, l, how)
+        local bs = ffi.string(ben)
+        local nl ="size_t [1]")
+        local nb = ffi.C.rspamd_decode_base32(bs, #bs, nl, how)
-      assert_equal(tonumber(nl[0]), l,
-          string.format("invalid size reported: %d reported vs %d expected", tonumber(nl[0]), l))
-      local cmp = ffi.C.memcmp(b, nb, l)
-      ffi.C.g_free(ben)
-      ffi.C.g_free(nb)
-      assert_equal(cmp, 0, "fuzz test failed for length: " .. tostring(l))
-    end
-  end)
+        assert_equal(tonumber(nl[0]), l,
+            string.format("invalid size reported: %d reported vs %d expected", tonumber(nl[0]), l))
+        local cmp = ffi.C.memcmp(b, nb, l)
+        ffi.C.g_free(ben)
+        ffi.C.g_free(nb)
+        assert_equal(cmp, 0, "fuzz test failed for length: " .. tostring(l))
+      end
+    end)
+  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/lua/unit/base64.lua b/test/lua/unit/base64.lua
index 43606e91e..02948e2d9 100644
--- a/test/lua/unit/base64.lua
+++ b/test/lua/unit/base64.lua
@@ -89,104 +89,106 @@ vehemence of any carnal pleasure.]]
     assert_equal(cmp, 0)
-  test("Base64 fuzz test", function()
-    for i = 1,1000 do
-      local b, l = random_safe_buf(4096)
-      local lim = ffi.C.ottery_rand_unsigned() % 64 + 10
-      local orig = ffi.string(b)
-      local ben = util.encode_base64(orig, lim)
-      local dec = util.decode_base64(ben)
-      assert_equal(orig, tostring(dec), "fuzz test failed for length: " .. #orig)
+  if os.getenv("RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS") then
+    test("Base64 fuzz test", function()
+      for i = 1,1000 do
+        local b, l = random_safe_buf(4096)
+        local lim = ffi.C.ottery_rand_unsigned() % 64 + 10
+        local orig = ffi.string(b)
+        local ben = util.encode_base64(orig, lim)
+        local dec = util.decode_base64(ben)
+        assert_equal(orig, tostring(dec), "fuzz test failed for length: " .. #orig)
+      end
+    end)
+    test("Base64 fuzz test (ffi)", function()
+      for i = 1,1000 do
+        local b, l = random_buf(4096)
+        local nl ="size_t [1]")
+        local lim = ffi.C.ottery_rand_unsigned() % 64 + 10
+        local ben = ffi.C.rspamd_encode_base64(b, l, lim, nl)
+        local bs = ffi.string(ben)
+        local ol ="size_t [1]")
+        local nb = ffi.C.g_base64_decode(ben, ol)
+        local cmp = ffi.C.memcmp(b, nb, l)
+        ffi.C.g_free(ben)
+        ffi.C.g_free(nb)
+        assert_equal(cmp, 0, "fuzz test failed for length: " .. tostring(l))
+      end
+    end)
+    local speed_iters = 10000
+    local function perform_base64_speed_test(chunk, is_reference, line_len)
+      local ticks = ffi.C.base64_test(is_reference, speed_iters, chunk, line_len)
+      local what = 'Optimized'
+      if is_reference then
+        what = 'Reference'
+      end
+      logger.messagex("%s base64 %s chunk (%s line len): %s ticks per iter, %s ticks per byte",
+          what, chunk, line_len,
+          ticks / speed_iters, ticks / speed_iters / chunk)
+      return 1
-  end)
-  test("Base64 fuzz test (ffi)", function()
-    for i = 1,1000 do
-      local b, l = random_buf(4096)
-      local nl ="size_t [1]")
-      local lim = ffi.C.ottery_rand_unsigned() % 64 + 10
-      local ben = ffi.C.rspamd_encode_base64(b, l, lim, nl)
-      local bs = ffi.string(ben)
-      local ol ="size_t [1]")
-      local nb = ffi.C.g_base64_decode(ben, ol)
-      local cmp = ffi.C.memcmp(b, nb, l)
-      ffi.C.g_free(ben)
-      ffi.C.g_free(nb)
-      assert_equal(cmp, 0, "fuzz test failed for length: " .. tostring(l))
-    end
-  end)
-  local speed_iters = 10000
-  local function perform_base64_speed_test(chunk, is_reference, line_len)
-    local ticks = ffi.C.base64_test(is_reference, speed_iters, chunk, line_len)
-    local what = 'Optimized'
-    if is_reference then
-      what = 'Reference'
-    end
-    logger.messagex("%s base64 %s chunk (%s line len): %s ticks per iter, %s ticks per byte",
-        what, chunk, line_len,
-        ticks / speed_iters, ticks / speed_iters / chunk)
-    return 1
+    test("Base64 test reference vectors 78", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(78, true, 0)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test optimized vectors 78", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(78, false, 0)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test reference vectors 512", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(512, true, 0)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test optimized vectors 512", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(512, false, 0)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test reference vectors 512 (78 line len)", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(512, true, 78)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test optimized vectors 512 (78 line len)", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(512, false, 78)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test reference vectors 1K", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(1024, true, 0)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test optimized vectors 1K", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(1024, false, 0)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test reference vectors 1K (78 line len)", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(1024, true, 78)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test optimized vectors 1K (78 line len)", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(1024, false, 78)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test reference vectors 10K", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(10 * 1024, true, 0)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test optimized vectors 10K", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(10 * 1024, false, 0)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test reference vectors 10K (78 line len)", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(10 * 1024, true, 78)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
+    test("Base64 test optimized vectors 10K (78 line len)", function()
+      local res = perform_base64_speed_test(10 * 1024, false, 78)
+      assert_not_equal(res, 0)
+    end)
-  test("Base64 test reference vectors 78", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(78, true, 0)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test optimized vectors 78", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(78, false, 0)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test reference vectors 512", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(512, true, 0)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test optimized vectors 512", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(512, false, 0)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test reference vectors 512 (78 line len)", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(512, true, 78)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test optimized vectors 512 (78 line len)", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(512, false, 78)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test reference vectors 1K", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(1024, true, 0)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test optimized vectors 1K", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(1024, false, 0)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test reference vectors 1K (78 line len)", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(1024, true, 78)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test optimized vectors 1K (78 line len)", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(1024, false, 78)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test reference vectors 10K", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(10 * 1024, true, 0)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test optimized vectors 10K", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(10 * 1024, false, 0)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test reference vectors 10K (78 line len)", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(10 * 1024, true, 78)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
-  test("Base64 test optimized vectors 10K (78 line len)", function()
-    local res = perform_base64_speed_test(10 * 1024, false, 78)
-    assert_not_equal(res, 0)
-  end)
diff --git a/test/lua/unit/compression.lua b/test/lua/unit/compression.lua
index 6ce5acfe8..d5c682c98 100644
--- a/test/lua/unit/compression.lua
+++ b/test/lua/unit/compression.lua
@@ -19,17 +19,19 @@ context("Rspamd compression", function()
                       expect = rspamd_text.fromstring(str .. str)})
-  local sizes = {10, 100, 1000, 10000}
-  for _,sz in ipairs(sizes) do
-    test("Compressed fuzz size: " .. tostring(sz), function()
-      for _=1,1000 do
-        local rnd = rspamd_text.randombytes(sz)
-        local cctx = rspamd_zstd.compress_ctx()
-        local dctx = rspamd_zstd.decompress_ctx()
-        assert_rspamd_eq({actual = dctx:stream(cctx:stream(rnd, 'end')),
-                          expect = rnd})
-      end
-    end)
+  if os.getenv("RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS") then
+    local sizes = {10, 100, 1000, 10000}
+    for _,sz in ipairs(sizes) do
+      test("Compressed fuzz size: " .. tostring(sz), function()
+        for _=1,1000 do
+          local rnd = rspamd_text.randombytes(sz)
+          local cctx = rspamd_zstd.compress_ctx()
+          local dctx = rspamd_zstd.decompress_ctx()
+          assert_rspamd_eq({actual = dctx:stream(cctx:stream(rnd, 'end')),
+                            expect = rnd})
+        end
+      end)
+    end
   test("Compressed chunks", function()
diff --git a/test/lua/unit/fpconv.lua b/test/lua/unit/fpconv.lua
index 6c43eda5b..e64626f64 100644
--- a/test/lua/unit/fpconv.lua
+++ b/test/lua/unit/fpconv.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 context("Fpconv printf functions", function()
   local ffi = require("ffi")
-  local u = require "rspamd_util"
   local niter_fuzz = 100000
   local function small_double()
     return math.random()
@@ -72,25 +71,27 @@ long rspamd_printf(const char *format, ...);
       assert_equal(sbuf, c[3], c[3] .. " but test returned " .. sbuf)
-  for i,c in ipairs(benchmarks) do
-    test("Fuzz fp test " .. c[1], function()
-      for _=1,niter_fuzz do
-        local sign = 1
-        if math.random() > 0.5 then
-          sign = -1
-        end
-        local d = c[2]() * sign
-        ffi.C.snprintf(buf, 64, c[3], d)
-        ffi.C.rspamd_snprintf(buf2, 64, c[3], d)
+  if os.getenv("RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS") then
+    for _,c in ipairs(benchmarks) do
+      test("Fuzz fp test " .. c[1], function()
+        for _=1,niter_fuzz do
+          local sign = 1
+          if math.random() > 0.5 then
+            sign = -1
+          end
+          local d = c[2]() * sign
+          ffi.C.snprintf(buf, 64, c[3], d)
+          ffi.C.rspamd_snprintf(buf2, 64, c[3], d)
-        local sbuf = ffi.string(buf)
-        local sbuf2 = ffi.string(buf2)
+          local sbuf = ffi.string(buf)
+          local sbuf2 = ffi.string(buf2)
-        assert_less_than(math.abs(d -  tonumber(sbuf2))/math.abs(d),
-            0.00001,
-            string.format('rspamd emitted: %s, libc emitted: %s, original number: %g',
-              sbuf2, sbuf, d))
-      end
-    end)
+          assert_less_than(math.abs(d -  tonumber(sbuf2))/math.abs(d),
+              0.00001,
+              string.format('rspamd emitted: %s, libc emitted: %s, original number: %g',
+                  sbuf2, sbuf, d))
+        end
+      end)
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/lua/unit/quoted_printable.lua b/test/lua/unit/quoted_printable.lua
index 5a03e0b3e..99a21a175 100644
--- a/test/lua/unit/quoted_printable.lua
+++ b/test/lua/unit/quoted_printable.lua
@@ -134,29 +134,31 @@ context("Quoted-Printable encoding", function()
-  -- Fuzz testing
-  local charset = {}
-  for i = 0, 255 do table.insert(charset, string.char(i)) end
-  local function random_string(length)
+  if os.getenv("RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS") then
+    -- Fuzz testing
+    local charset = {}
+    for i = 0, 255 do table.insert(charset, string.char(i)) end
-    if length > 0 then
-      return random_string(length - 1) .. charset[math.random(1, #charset)]
-    else
-      return ""
-    end
-  end
+    local function random_string(length)
-  for _,l in ipairs({10, 100, 1000, 10000}) do
-    test("QP fuzz test max length " .. tostring(l), function()
-      for _=1,100 do
-        local inp = random_string(math.random() * l + 1)
-        local res = {
-          expect = inp,
-          actual = tostring(rspamd_util.decode_qp((rspamd_util.encode_qp(inp, 0))))
-        }
-        assert_rspamd_eq(res)
+      if length > 0 then
+        return random_string(length - 1) .. charset[math.random(1, #charset)]
+      else
+        return ""
-    end)
+    end
+    for _,l in ipairs({10, 100, 1000, 10000}) do
+      test("QP fuzz test max length " .. tostring(l), function()
+        for _=1,100 do
+          local inp = random_string(math.random() * l + 1)
+          local res = {
+            expect = inp,
+            actual = tostring(rspamd_util.decode_qp((rspamd_util.encode_qp(inp, 0))))
+          }
+          assert_rspamd_eq(res)
+        end
+      end)
+    end
diff --git a/test/lua/unit/rfc2047.lua b/test/lua/unit/rfc2047.lua
index 24a87f357..658f2020e 100644
--- a/test/lua/unit/rfc2047.lua
+++ b/test/lua/unit/rfc2047.lua
@@ -60,31 +60,33 @@ context("RFC2047 decoding", function()
-  test("Fuzz test for rfc2047 tokens", function()
-    local util = require("rspamd_util")
-    local pool = ffi.C.rspamd_mempool_new_(4096, "lua", 0, "rfc2047.lua:63")
-    local str = "Тест Тест Тест Тест Тест"
+  if os.getenv("RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS") then
+    test("Fuzz test for rfc2047 tokens", function()
+      local util = require("rspamd_util")
+      local pool = ffi.C.rspamd_mempool_new_(4096, "lua", 0, "rfc2047.lua:63")
+      local str = "Тест Тест Тест Тест Тест"
-    for i = 0,1000 do
-      local r1 = math.random()
-      local r2 = math.random()
-      local sl1 = #str / 2.0 * r1
-      local sl2 = #str / 2.0 * r2
+      for _ = 0,1000 do
+        local r1 = math.random()
+        local r2 = math.random()
+        local sl1 = #str / 2.0 * r1
+        local sl2 = #str / 2.0 * r2
-      local s1 = tostring(util.encode_base64(string.sub(str, 1, sl1)))
-      local s2 = tostring(util.encode_base64(string.sub(str, sl1 + 1, sl2)))
-      local s3 = tostring(util.encode_base64(string.sub(str, sl2 + 1)))
+        local s1 = tostring(util.encode_base64(string.sub(str, 1, sl1)))
+        local s2 = tostring(util.encode_base64(string.sub(str, sl1 + 1, sl2)))
+        local s3 = tostring(util.encode_base64(string.sub(str, sl2 + 1)))
-      if #s1 > 0 and #s2 > 0 and #s3 > 0 then
-        local s = string.format('=?UTF-8?B?%s?= =?UTF-8?B?%s?= =?UTF-8?B?%s?=',
-          s1, s2, s3)
-        local res = ffi.C.rspamd_mime_header_decode(pool, s, #s)
-        res = ffi.string(res)
-        assert_not_nil(res, "cannot decode " .. s)
-        assert_rspamd_eq({actual = res, expect = str})
+        if #s1 > 0 and #s2 > 0 and #s3 > 0 then
+          local s = string.format('=?UTF-8?B?%s?= =?UTF-8?B?%s?= =?UTF-8?B?%s?=',
+              s1, s2, s3)
+          local res = ffi.C.rspamd_mime_header_decode(pool, s, #s)
+          res = ffi.string(res)
+          assert_not_nil(res, "cannot decode " .. s)
+          assert_rspamd_eq({actual = res, expect = str})
+        end
-    end
-    ffi.C.rspamd_mempool_delete(pool)
-  end)
+      ffi.C.rspamd_mempool_delete(pool)
+    end)
+  end
diff --git a/test/lua/unit/utf.lua b/test/lua/unit/utf.lua
index 67ccfb4a7..dbdab7f86 100644
--- a/test/lua/unit/utf.lua
+++ b/test/lua/unit/utf.lua
@@ -122,83 +122,85 @@ context("UTF8 check functions", function()
-  local speed_iters = 10000
-  local function test_size(buflen, is_valid, impl)
-    local logger = require "rspamd_logger"
-    local test_str
-    if is_valid then
-      test_str = table.concat(valid_cases)
-    else
-      test_str = table.concat(valid_cases) .. table.concat(invalid_cases)
-    end
-    local buf ="char[?]", buflen)
-    if #test_str < buflen then
-      local t = {}
-      local len = #test_str
-      while len < buflen do
-        t[#t + 1] = test_str
-        len = len + #test_str
-      end
-      test_str = table.concat(t)
-    end
-    ffi.copy(buf, test_str:sub(1, buflen))
-    local tm = 0
-    for _=1,speed_iters do
-      if impl == 'ref' then
-        local t1 = ffi.C.rspamd_get_ticks(1)
-        ffi.C.rspamd_fast_utf8_validate_ref(buf, buflen)
-        local t2 = ffi.C.rspamd_get_ticks(1)
-        tm = tm + (t2 - t1)
-      elseif impl == 'sse' then
-        local t1 = ffi.C.rspamd_get_ticks(1)
-        ffi.C.rspamd_fast_utf8_validate_sse41(buf, buflen)
-        local t2 = ffi.C.rspamd_get_ticks(1)
-        tm = tm + (t2 - t1)
+  if os.getenv("RSPAMD_LUA_EXPENSIVE_TESTS") then
+    local speed_iters = 10000
+    local function test_size(buflen, is_valid, impl)
+      local logger = require "rspamd_logger"
+      local test_str
+      if is_valid then
+        test_str = table.concat(valid_cases)
-        local t1 = ffi.C.rspamd_get_ticks(1)
-        ffi.C.rspamd_fast_utf8_validate_avx2(buf, buflen)
-        local t2 = ffi.C.rspamd_get_ticks(1)
-        tm = tm + (t2 - t1)
+        test_str = table.concat(valid_cases) .. table.concat(invalid_cases)
-    end
-    logger.messagex("%s utf8 %s check (valid = %s): %s ticks per iter, %s ticks per byte",
-        impl, buflen, is_valid,
-        tm / speed_iters, tm / speed_iters / buflen)
+      local buf ="char[?]", buflen)
+      if #test_str < buflen then
+        local t = {}
+        local len = #test_str
+        while len < buflen do
+          t[#t + 1] = test_str
+          len = len + #test_str
+        end
+        test_str = table.concat(t)
+      end
+      ffi.copy(buf, test_str:sub(1, buflen))
+      local tm = 0
+      for _=1,speed_iters do
+        if impl == 'ref' then
+          local t1 = ffi.C.rspamd_get_ticks(1)
+          ffi.C.rspamd_fast_utf8_validate_ref(buf, buflen)
+          local t2 = ffi.C.rspamd_get_ticks(1)
+          tm = tm + (t2 - t1)
+        elseif impl == 'sse' then
+          local t1 = ffi.C.rspamd_get_ticks(1)
+          ffi.C.rspamd_fast_utf8_validate_sse41(buf, buflen)
+          local t2 = ffi.C.rspamd_get_ticks(1)
+          tm = tm + (t2 - t1)
+        else
+          local t1 = ffi.C.rspamd_get_ticks(1)
+          ffi.C.rspamd_fast_utf8_validate_avx2(buf, buflen)
+          local t2 = ffi.C.rspamd_get_ticks(1)
+          tm = tm + (t2 - t1)
+        end
+      end
-    return 0
-  end
+      logger.messagex("%s utf8 %s check (valid = %s): %s ticks per iter, %s ticks per byte",
+          impl, buflen, is_valid,
+          tm / speed_iters, tm / speed_iters / buflen)
-  for _,sz in ipairs({78, 512, 65535}) do
-    test(string.format("Utf8 test %s %d buffer, %s", 'ref', sz, 'valid'), function()
-      local res = test_size(sz, true, 'ref')
-      assert_equal(res, 0)
-    end)
-    test(string.format("Utf8 test %s %d buffer, %s", 'ref', sz, 'invalid'), function()
-      local res = test_size(sz, false, 'ref')
-      assert_equal(res, 0)
-    end)
+      return 0
+    end
-    if jit.arch == 'x64' then
-      test(string.format("Utf8 test %s %d buffer, %s", 'sse', sz, 'valid'), function()
-        local res = test_size(sz, true, 'sse')
-        assert_equal(res, 0)
-      end)
-      test(string.format("Utf8 test %s %d buffer, %s", 'sse', sz, 'invalid'), function()
-        local res = test_size(sz, false, 'sse')
+    for _,sz in ipairs({78, 512, 65535}) do
+      test(string.format("Utf8 test %s %d buffer, %s", 'ref', sz, 'valid'), function()
+        local res = test_size(sz, true, 'ref')
         assert_equal(res, 0)
-      test(string.format("Utf8 test %s %d buffer, %s", 'avx2', sz, 'valid'), function()
-        local res = test_size(sz, true, 'avx2')
-        assert_equal(res, 0)
-      end)
-      test(string.format("Utf8 test %s %d buffer, %s", 'avx2', sz, 'invalid'), function()
-        local res = test_size(sz, false, 'avx2')
+      test(string.format("Utf8 test %s %d buffer, %s", 'ref', sz, 'invalid'), function()
+        local res = test_size(sz, false, 'ref')
         assert_equal(res, 0)
+      if jit.arch == 'x64' then
+        test(string.format("Utf8 test %s %d buffer, %s", 'sse', sz, 'valid'), function()
+          local res = test_size(sz, true, 'sse')
+          assert_equal(res, 0)
+        end)
+        test(string.format("Utf8 test %s %d buffer, %s", 'sse', sz, 'invalid'), function()
+          local res = test_size(sz, false, 'sse')
+          assert_equal(res, 0)
+        end)
+        test(string.format("Utf8 test %s %d buffer, %s", 'avx2', sz, 'valid'), function()
+          local res = test_size(sz, true, 'avx2')
+          assert_equal(res, 0)
+        end)
+        test(string.format("Utf8 test %s %d buffer, %s", 'avx2', sz, 'invalid'), function()
+          local res = test_size(sz, false, 'avx2')
+          assert_equal(res, 0)
+        end)
+      end

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