commit 7f8c754: [Project] Dmarc: Add dmarc report tool (WIP)

Vsevolod Stakhov vsevolod at
Wed Aug 4 15:00:06 UTC 2021

Author: Vsevolod Stakhov
Date: 2021-08-04 14:45:08 +0100

[Project] Dmarc: Add dmarc report tool (WIP)

 lualib/rspamadm/dmarc_report.lua | 568 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 568 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lualib/rspamadm/dmarc_report.lua b/lualib/rspamadm/dmarc_report.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e895d95d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lualib/rspamadm/dmarc_report.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+Copyright (c) 2021, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod at>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+local argparse = require "argparse"
+local lua_util = require "lua_util"
+local logger = require "rspamd_logger"
+local lua_redis = require "lua_redis"
+local dmarc_common = require "plugins/dmarc"
+local lupa = require "lupa"
+local rspamd_mempool = require "rspamd_mempool"
+local rspamd_url = require "rspamd_url"
+local rspamd_text = require "rspamd_text"
+local N = 'dmarc_report'
+-- Define command line options
+local parser = argparse()
+    :name "rspamadm dmarc_report"
+    :description "Dmarc reports sending tool"
+    :help_description_margin(30)
+parser:option "-c --config"
+      :description "Path to config file"
+      :argname("<cfg>")
+      :default(rspamd_paths["CONFDIR"] .. "/" .. "rspamd.conf")
+parser:flag "-v --verbose"
+      :description "Enable dmarc specific logging"
+parser:flag "-n --no-opt"
+      :description "Do not reset reporting data/send reports"
+parser:argument "date"
+       :description "Date to process (today by default)"
+       :argname "<DDMMYYYY>"
+       :args "*"
+-- return the timezone offset in seconds, as it was on the time given by ts
+-- Eric Feliksik
+local function get_timezone_offset(ts)
+  local utcdate   ="!*t", ts)
+  local localdate ="*t", ts)
+  localdate.isdst = false -- this is the trick
+  return os.difftime(os.time(localdate), os.time(utcdate))
+local report_template = [[From: "{= from_name =}" <{= from_addr =}>
+To: {= rcpt =}
+{%+ if is_string(bcc) %}Bcc: {= bcc =}{%- endif %}
+Subject: Report Domain: {= reporting_domain =}
+	Submitter: {= submitter =}
+	Report-ID: {= report_id =}
+Date: {= report_date =}
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Message-ID: <{= message_id =}>
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
+	boundary="----=_NextPart_{= uuid =}"
+This is a multipart message in MIME format.
+------=_NextPart_{= uuid =}
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+This is an aggregate report from {= submitter =}.
+Report domain: {= reporting_domain =}
+Submitter: {= submitter =}
+Report ID: {= report_id =}
+------=_NextPart_{= uuid =}
+Content-Type: application/gzip
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+Content-Disposition: attachment;
+	filename="{= submitter =}!{= reporting_domain =}!{= report_start =}!{= report_end =}.xml.gz"
+local report_footer = [[
+------=_NextPart_{= uuid =}--]]
+local tz_offset = get_timezone_offset(os.time())
+local dmarc_settings = {}
+local redis_params
+local redis_attrs = {
+  config = rspamd_config,
+  ev_base = rspamadm_ev_base,
+  session = rspamadm_session,
+  log_obj = rspamd_config,
+  resolver = rspamadm_dns_resolver,
+local pool = rspamd_mempool.create()
+local function load_config(opts)
+  local _r,err = rspamd_config:load_ucl(opts['config'])
+  if not _r then
+    logger.errx('cannot parse %s: %s', opts['config'], err)
+    os.exit(1)
+  end
+  _r,err = rspamd_config:parse_rcl({'logging', 'worker'})
+  if not _r then
+    logger.errx('cannot process %s: %s', opts['config'], err)
+    os.exit(1)
+  end
+local function redis_prefix(...)
+  return table.concat({...}, dmarc_settings.reporting.redis_keys.join_char)
+local function shuffle(tbl)
+  local size = #tbl
+  for i = size, 1, -1 do
+    local rand = math.random(size)
+    tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i]
+  end
+  return tbl
+local function get_rua(rep_key)
+  local parts = lua_util.str_split(rep_key, dmarc_settings.reporting.redis_keys.join_char)
+  if #parts >= 3 then
+    return parts[3]
+  end
+  return nil
+local function get_domain(rep_key)
+  local parts = lua_util.str_split(rep_key, dmarc_settings.reporting.redis_keys.join_char)
+  if #parts >= 3 then
+    return parts[2]
+  end
+  return nil
+local function gen_uuid()
+  local template ='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
+  return string.gsub(template, '[xy]', function (c)
+    local v = (c == 'x') and math.random(0, 0xf) or math.random(8, 0xb)
+    return string.format('%x', v)
+  end)
+local function gen_xml_grammar()
+  local lpeg = require 'lpeg'
+  local lt = lpeg.P('<') / '<'
+  local gt = lpeg.P('>') / '>'
+  local amp = lpeg.P('&') / '&'
+  local quot = lpeg.P('"') / '"'
+  local apos = lpeg.P("'") / '''
+  local special = lt + gt + amp + quot + apos
+  local grammar = lpeg.Cs((special + 1)^0)
+  return grammar
+local xml_grammar = gen_xml_grammar()
+local function escape_xml(input)
+  if type(input) == 'string' or type(input) == 'userdata' then
+    return xml_grammar:match(input)
+  else
+    input = tostring(input)
+    if input then
+      return xml_grammar:match(input)
+    end
+  end
+  return ''
+-- Enable xml escaping in lupa templates
+lupa.filters.escape_xml = escape_xml
+local function report_header(reporting_domain, report_start, report_end, domain_policy)
+  local report_id = string.format('%s.%d.%d',
+      reporting_domain, report_start, report_end)
+  local xml_template = [[
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+  <report_metadata>
+    <org_name>{= report_settings.org_name | escape_xml =}</org_name>
+    <email>{= | escape_xml =}</email>
+    <report_id>{= report_id =}</report_id>
+    <date_range>
+      <begin>{= report_start =}</begin>
+      <end>{= report_end =}</end>
+    </date_range>
+  </report_metadata>
+  <policy_published>
+    <domain>{= reporting_domain | escape_xml =}</domain>
+    <adkim>{= domain_policy.adkim | escape_xml =}</adkim>
+    <aspf>{= domain_policy.aspf | escape_xml =}</aspf>
+    <p>{= domain_policy.p | escape_xml =}</p>
+    <sp>{= domain_policy.sp | escape_xml =}</sp>
+    <pct>{= domain_policy.pct | escape_xml =}</pct>
+  </policy_published>
+  return lua_util.jinja_template(xml_template, {
+    report_settings = dmarc_settings.reporting,
+    report_id = report_id,
+    report_start = report_start,
+    report_end = report_end,
+    domain_policy = domain_policy,
+    reporting_domain = reporting_domain,
+  }, true)
+local function entry_to_xml(data)
+  local xml_template = [[<record>
+  <row>
+    <source_ip>{= data.ip =}</source_ip>
+    <count>{= data.count =}</count>
+    <policy_evaluated>
+      <disposition>{= data.disposition =}</disposition>
+      <dkim>{= data.dkim_disposition =}</dkim>
+      <spf>{= data.spf_disposition =}</spf>
+      {% if data.override and data.override ~= '' %}
+      <reason><type>{= data.override =}</type></reason>
+      {% endif %}
+    </policy_evaluated>
+  </row>
+  <identifiers>
+    <header_from>{= data.header_from =}</header_from>
+  </identifiers>
+  <auth_results>
+    {% if data.dkim_results[1] %}
+    {% for d in data.dkim_results[1] %}
+    <dkim>
+      <domain>{= d.domain =}</domain>
+      <result>{= d.result =}</result>
+    </dkim>
+    {% endfor %}
+    {% endif %}
+    <spf>
+      <domain>{= data.spf_domain =}</domain>
+      <result>{= data.spf_result =}</result>
+    </spf>
+  </auth_results>
+  return lua_util.jinja_template(xml_template, {data = data}, true)
+local function process_report_entry(data, score)
+  local split = lua_util.str_split(data, ',')
+  local row = {
+    ip = split[1],
+    spf_disposition = split[2],
+    dkim_disposition = split[3],
+    disposition = split[4],
+    override = split[5],
+    header_from = split[6],
+    dkim_results = {},
+    spf_domain = split[11],
+    spf_result = split[12],
+    count = tonumber(score),
+  }
+  -- Process dkim entries
+  local function dkim_entries_process(dkim_data, result)
+    if dkim_data and dkim_data ~= '' then
+      local dkim_elts = lua_util.str_split(dkim_data, '|')
+      for _, d in ipairs(dkim_elts) do
+        table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = result})
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  dkim_entries_process(split[7], 'pass')
+  dkim_entries_process(split[8], 'fail')
+  dkim_entries_process(split[9], 'temperror')
+  dkim_entries_process(split[9], 'permerror')
+  return row
+local function process_rua(reporting_domain, rua)
+  local parts = lua_util.str_split(rua, ',')
+  -- Remove size limitation, as we don't care about them
+  local addrs = {}
+  for _,a in ipairs(parts) do
+    local u = rspamd_url.create(pool, a:gsub('!%d+[kmg]?$', ''))
+    if u then
+      -- Check each address for sanity
+      if u:get_tld() == reporting_domain then
+        -- Same domain - always include
+        table.insert(addrs, u)
+      else
+        -- We need to check authority
+        local resolve_str = string.format('%s._report._dmarc.%s',
+            reporting_domain, u:get_tld())
+        local is_ok, results = rspamd_dns.request({
+          config = rspamd_config,
+          session = rspamadm_session,
+          type = 'txt',
+          name = resolve_str,
+        })
+        if not is_ok then
+          logger.errx('cannot resolve %s: %s; exclude %s', reporting_domain, results, a)
+        else
+          local found = false
+          for _,t in ipairs(results) do
+            if string.match(t, 'v=DMARC1') then
+              found = true
+              break
+            end
+          end
+          if not found then
+            logger.errx('%s is not authorized to process reports on %s', reporting_domain, u:get_tld())
+          else
+            -- All good
+            table.insert(addrs, u)
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if #addrs > 0 then
+    return addrs
+  end
+  return nil
+local function validate_reporting_domain(reporting_domain)
+  local rspamd_dns = require "rspamd_dns"
+  -- Now check the domain policy
+  local is_ok, results = rspamd_dns.request({
+    config = rspamd_config,
+    session = rspamadm_session,
+    type = 'txt',
+    name = '_dmarc.' .. reporting_domain ,
+  })
+  if not is_ok then
+    logger.errx('cannot resolve _dmarc.%s: %s', reporting_domain, results)
+    return nil
+  end
+  for _,r in ipairs(results) do
+    local processed,rec = dmarc_common.dmarc_check_record(rspamd_config, r, false)
+    if processed and rec.rua then
+      -- We need to check or alter rua if needed
+      local processed_rua = process_rua(reporting_domain, rec.rua)
+      if processed_rua then
+        rec = rec.raw_elts
+        rec.rua = processed_rua
+        -- Fill defaults in a record to avoid nils in a report
+        rec['pct'] = rec['pct'] or 100
+        rec['adkim'] = rec['adkim'] or 'r'
+        rec['aspf'] = rec['aspf'] or 'r'
+        rec['p'] = rec['p'] or 'none'
+        rec['sp'] = rec['sp'] or 'none'
+        return rec
+      end
+      return nil
+    end
+  end
+  return nil
+local function prepare_report(opts, start_time, rep_key)
+  local rua = get_rua(rep_key)
+  local reporting_domain = get_domain(rep_key)
+  if not rua then
+    logger.errx('report %s has no valid rua, skip it', rep_key)
+    return nil
+  end
+  if not reporting_domain then
+    logger.errx('report %s has no valid reporting_domain, skip it', rep_key)
+    return nil
+  end
+  local ret, results = lua_redis.request(redis_params, redis_attrs,
+      {'EXISTS', rep_key})
+  if not ret or not results or results == 0 then
+    return nil
+  end
+  -- Rename report key to avoid races
+  if not opts.no_opt then
+    lua_redis.request(redis_params, redis_attrs,
+        {'RENAME', rep_key, rep_key .. '_processing'})
+    rep_key = rep_key .. '_processing'
+  end
+  local dmarc_record = validate_reporting_domain(reporting_domain)
+  lua_util.debugm(N, 'process reporting domain %s: %s', reporting_domain, dmarc_record)
+  if not dmarc_record then
+    if not opts.no_opt then
+      lua_redis.request(redis_params, redis_attrs,
+          {'DEL', rep_key})
+    end
+    logger.messagex('Cannot process reports for domain %s; invalid dmarc record', reporting_domain)
+    return 0
+  end
+  -- Get all reports for a domain
+  ret, results = lua_redis.request(redis_params, redis_attrs,
+      {'ZRANGE', rep_key, '0', '-1', 'WITHSCORES'})
+  local report_entries = {}
+  table.insert(report_entries,
+      report_header(reporting_domain, start_time, os.time(), dmarc_record))
+  for i=1,#results,2 do
+    local xml_record = entry_to_xml(process_report_entry(results[i], results[i + 1]))
+    table.insert(report_entries, xml_record)
+  end
+  table.insert(report_entries, '</feedback>')
+  local compressed_xml = rspamd_text.fromtable(report_entries)
+  lua_util.debugm(N, 'got compressed xml: %s', compressed_xml)
+  if not opts.no_opt then
+    lua_redis.request(redis_params, redis_attrs,
+        {'DEL', rep_key})
+  end
+local function process_report_date(opts, start_time, date)
+  local idx_key = redis_prefix(dmarc_settings.reporting.redis_keys.index_prefix, date)
+  local ret, results = lua_redis.request(redis_params, redis_attrs,
+      {'EXISTS', idx_key})
+  if not ret or not results or results == 0 then
+    logger.messagex('No reports for %s', date)
+    return 0
+  end
+  -- Rename index key to avoid races
+  if not opts.no_opt then
+    lua_redis.request(redis_params, redis_attrs,
+        {'RENAME', idx_key, idx_key .. '_processing'})
+    idx_key = idx_key .. '_processing'
+  end
+  ret, results = lua_redis.request(redis_params, redis_attrs,
+      {'SMEMBERS', idx_key})
+  if not ret or not results then
+    -- Remove bad key
+    if not opts.no_opt then
+      lua_redis.request(redis_params, redis_attrs,
+          {'DEL', idx_key})
+    end
+    logger.messagex('Cannot get reports for %s', date)
+    return 0
+  end
+  local reports = {}
+  for _,rep in ipairs(results) do
+    local report = prepare_report(opts, start_time, rep)
+    if report then
+      table.insert(reports, report)
+    end
+  end
+  shuffle(reports)
+  -- Remove processed key
+  if not opts.no_opt then
+    lua_redis.request(redis_params, redis_attrs,
+        {'DEL', idx_key})
+  end
+  return #reports
+local function handler(args)
+  local opts = parser:parse(args)
+  load_config(opts)
+  rspamd_url.init(rspamd_config:get_tld_path())
+  if opts.verbose then
+    lua_util.enable_debug_modules('dmarc', N)
+  end
+  dmarc_settings = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('dmarc')
+  if not dmarc_settings or not dmarc_settings.reporting or not dmarc_settings.reporting.enabled then
+    logger.errx('dmarc reporting is not enabled, exiting')
+    os.exit(1)
+  end
+  dmarc_settings = lua_util.override_defaults(dmarc_common.default_settings, dmarc_settings)
+  redis_params = lua_redis.parse_redis_server('dmarc', dmarc_settings)
+  if not redis_params then
+    logger.errx('Redis is not configured, exiting')
+    os.exit(1)
+  end
+  for _, e in ipairs({'email', 'domain', 'org_name'}) do
+    if not dmarc_settings.reporting[e] then
+      logger.errx('Missing required setting: dmarc.reporting.%s', e)
+      return
+    end
+  end
+  local ret,results = lua_redis.request(redis_params, redis_attrs, {
+    'GET', 'rspamd_dmarc_last_collection'
+  })
+  local start_time
+  if not ret or not tonumber(results) then
+    start_time = os.time() - 86400
+  else
+    start_time = tonumber(results)
+  end
+  if not or == 0 then
+ = {'!%Y%m%d', os.time())}
+  end
+  local ndates = 0
+  local nreports = 0
+  for _,date in ipairs( do
+    lua_util.debugm(N, 'Process date %s', date)
+    local nproc = process_report_date(opts, start_time, date)
+    if nproc > 0 then
+      ndates = ndates + 1
+      nreports = nreports + nproc
+    end
+  end
+  if not opts.no_opt then
+    lua_redis.request(redis_params, redis_attrs,
+        {'SETEX', 'rspamd_dmarc_last_collection', dmarc_settings.reporting.keys_expire,
+         tostring(os.time())})
+  end
+  logger.messagex('Reporting collection has finished %s dates processed, %s reports',
+      ndates, nreports)
+  pool:destroy()
+return {
+  name = 'dmarc_report',
+  aliases = {'dmarc_reporting'},
+  handler = handler,
+  description = parser._description
\ No newline at end of file

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