commit fd10be5: [Feature] Add a simple dumper for bayes tokens

Vsevolod Stakhov vsevolod at
Fri Apr 23 13:56:04 UTC 2021

Author: Vsevolod Stakhov
Date: 2021-04-23 14:54:28 +0100
URL: (HEAD -> master)

[Feature] Add a simple dumper for bayes tokens

 lualib/rspamadm/statistics_dump.lua | 255 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 255 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lualib/rspamadm/statistics_dump.lua b/lualib/rspamadm/statistics_dump.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c21230a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lualib/rspamadm/statistics_dump.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+Copyright (c) 2021, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod at>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+local lua_redis = require "lua_redis"
+local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger"
+local argparse = require "argparse"
+local N = "statistics_dump"
+local E = {}
+local classifiers = {}
+-- Define command line options
+local parser = argparse()
+    :name "rspamadm statistics_dump"
+    :description "Dump/restore Rspamd statistics"
+    :help_description_margin(30)
+    :command_target("command")
+    :require_command(true)
+parser:option "-c --config"
+      :description "Path to config file"
+      :argname("<cfg>")
+      :default(rspamd_paths["CONFDIR"] .. "/" .. "rspamd.conf")
+-- Extract subcommand
+local dump = parser:command "dump d"
+                   :description "Dump bayes statistics"
+dump:flag "-s --sort"
+    :description "Sort output"
+dump:flag "-c --compress"
+    :description "Compress output"
+dump:option "-b --batch-size"
+    :description "Number of entires to process at once"
+    :argname("<elts>")
+    :convert(tonumber)
+    :default(1000)
+-- Restore
+local restore = parser:command "restore r"
+                      :description "Restore bayes statistics"
+restore:argument "file"
+       :description "Input file to process"
+       :argname "<file>"
+       :args "+"
+local function load_config(opts)
+  local _r,err = rspamd_config:load_ucl(opts['config'])
+  if not _r then
+    rspamd_logger.errx('cannot parse %s: %s', opts['config'], err)
+    os.exit(1)
+  end
+  _r,err = rspamd_config:parse_rcl({'logging', 'worker'})
+  if not _r then
+    rspamd_logger.errx('cannot process %s: %s', opts['config'], err)
+    os.exit(1)
+  end
+local function check_redis_classifier(cls, cfg)
+  -- Skip old classifiers
+  if cls.new_schema then
+    local symbol_spam, symbol_ham
+    -- Load symbols from statfiles
+    local function check_statfile_table(tbl, def_sym)
+      local symbol = tbl.symbol or def_sym
+      local spam
+      if tbl.spam then
+        spam = tbl.spam
+      else
+        if string.match(symbol:upper(), 'SPAM') then
+          spam = true
+        else
+          spam = false
+        end
+      end
+      if spam then
+        symbol_spam = symbol
+      else
+        symbol_ham = symbol
+      end
+    end
+    local statfiles = cls.statfile
+    if statfiles[1] then
+      for _,stf in ipairs(statfiles) do
+        if not stf.symbol then
+          for k,v in pairs(stf) do
+            check_statfile_table(v, k)
+          end
+        else
+          check_statfile_table(stf, 'undefined')
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      for stn,stf in pairs(statfiles) do
+        check_statfile_table(stf, stn)
+      end
+    end
+    local redis_params
+    redis_params = lua_redis.try_load_redis_servers(cls,
+        rspamd_config, false, 'bayes')
+    if not redis_params then
+      redis_params = lua_redis.try_load_redis_servers(cfg[N] or E,
+          rspamd_config, false, 'bayes')
+      if not redis_params then
+        redis_params = lua_redis.try_load_redis_servers(cfg[N] or E,
+            rspamd_config, true)
+        if not redis_params then
+          return false
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    table.insert(classifiers, {
+      symbol_spam = symbol_spam,
+      symbol_ham = symbol_ham,
+      redis_params = redis_params,
+    })
+  end
+local function dump_handler(opts)
+  for _,cls in ipairs(classifiers) do
+    local res,conn = lua_redis.redis_connect_sync(cls.redis_params, false)
+    if not res then
+      rspamd_logger.errx("cannot connect to redis server: %s", cls.redis_params)
+      os.exit(1)
+    end
+    local cursor = 0
+    repeat
+      conn:add_cmd('SCAN', {tostring(cursor),
+                            'MATCH', 'RS*_*',
+                            'COUNT', tostring(opts.batch_size)})
+      local ret, results = conn:exec()
+      if not ret then
+        rspamd_logger.errx("cannot connect execute scan command: %s", results)
+        os.exit(1)
+      end
+      cursor = tonumber(results[1])
+      local elts = results[2]
+      local tokens = {}
+      for _,e in ipairs(elts) do
+        conn:add_cmd('HGETALL', {e})
+      end
+      -- This function returns many results, each for each command
+      -- So if we have batch 1000, then we would have 1000 tables in form
+      -- [result, {hash_content}]
+      local all_results = {conn:exec()}
+      for i=1,#all_results,2 do
+        local r, hash_content = all_results[i], all_results[i + 1]
+        if r then
+          tokens[elts[(i + 1)/2]] = hash_content
+        end
+      end
+      for hkey,tok in pairs(tokens) do
+        rspamd_logger.messagex('%s: %s', hkey, tok)
+      end
+    until cursor == 0
+  end
+local function restore_handler(opts)
+local function handler(args)
+  local opts = parser:parse(args)
+  local command = opts.command
+  load_config(opts)
+  rspamd_config:init_subsystem('stat')
+  local obj = rspamd_config:get_ucl()
+  local classifier = obj.classifier
+  if classifier then
+    if classifier[1] then
+      for _,cls in ipairs(classifier) do
+        if cls.bayes then cls = cls.bayes end
+        if cls.backend and cls.backend == 'redis' then
+          check_redis_classifier(cls, obj)
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      if classifier.bayes then
+        classifier = classifier.bayes
+        if classifier[1] then
+          for _,cls in ipairs(classifier) do
+            if cls.backend and cls.backend == 'redis' then
+              check_redis_classifier(cls, obj)
+            end
+          end
+        else
+          if classifier.backend and classifier.backend == 'redis' then
+            check_redis_classifier(classifier, obj)
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if type(opts.file) == 'string' then
+    opts.file = {opts.file}
+  elseif type(opts.file) == 'none' then
+    opts.file = {}
+  end
+  if command == 'dump' then
+    dump_handler(opts)
+  elseif command == 'restore' then
+    restore_handler(opts)
+  else
+    parser:error('command %s is not implemented', command)
+  end
+return {
+  name = 'statistics_dump',
+  aliases = {'stat_dump', 'bayes_dump'},
+  handler = handler,
+  description = parser._description
\ No newline at end of file

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