commit 4fede20: [Feature] `rspamadm clickhouse` command

Andrew Lewis nerf at
Mon Nov 23 16:49:06 UTC 2020

Author: Andrew Lewis
Date: 2020-11-23 15:27:20 +0200
URL: (refs/pull/3554/head)

[Feature] `rspamadm clickhouse` command

 lualib/rspamadm/clickhouse.lua | 268 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 268 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lualib/rspamadm/clickhouse.lua b/lualib/rspamadm/clickhouse.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8f339654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lualib/rspamadm/clickhouse.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+Copyright (c) 2020, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod at>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+local argparse = require "argparse"
+local lua_clickhouse = require "lua_clickhouse"
+local rspamd_upstream_list = require "rspamd_upstream_list"
+local ucl = require "ucl"
+-- Define command line options
+local parser = argparse()
+    :name 'rspamadm clickhouse'
+    :description 'Retrieve information from Clickhouse'
+    :help_description_margin(30)
+    :command_target('command')
+    :require_command(true)
+parser:option '-c --config'
+      :description 'Path to config file'
+      :argname('config_file')
+      :default(rspamd_paths['CONFDIR'] .. '/rspamd.conf')
+parser:option '-d --database'
+      :description 'Name of Clickhouse database to use'
+      :argname('database')
+      :default('default')
+parser:flag '--no-ssl-verify'
+      :description 'Disable SSL verification'
+      :argname('no_ssl_verify')
+parser:option '-p --password'
+      :description 'Password to use for Clickhouse'
+      :argname('password')
+parser:option '-s --server'
+      :description 'Address[:port] to connect to Clickhouse with'
+      :argname('server')
+parser:option '-u --user'
+      :description 'Username to use for Clickhouse'
+      :argname('user')
+parser:option '--use-gzip'
+      :description 'Use Gzip with Clickhouse'
+      :argname('use_gzip')
+      :default(true)
+parser:flag '--use-https'
+      :description 'Use HTTPS with Clickhouse'
+      :argname('use_https')
+local neural_profile = parser:command 'neural_profile'
+      :description 'Generate symbols profile using data from Clickhouse'
+neural_profile:option '-w --where'
+      :description 'WHERE clause for Clickhouse query'
+      :argname('where')
+parser:flag '-j --json'
+      :description 'Write output as JSON'
+      :argname('json')
+local http_params = {
+  config = rspamd_config,
+  ev_base = rspamadm_ev_base,
+  session = rspamadm_session,
+  resolver = rspamadm_dns_resolver,
+local function load_config(config_file)
+  local _r,err = rspamd_config:load_ucl(config_file)
+  if not _r then
+    io.stderr:write(string.format('cannot parse %s: %s',
+        config_file, err))
+    os.exit(1)
+  end
+local function get_excluded_symbols(res)
+  -- Walk results once to collect all symbols & count ocurrences
+  local known_symbols, remove = {}, {}
+  local symbols_count, seen_total = 1, 0
+  for _, r in ipairs(res) do
+    local is_spam = true
+    if r['Action'] == 'no action' or r['Action'] == 'greylist' then
+      is_spam = false
+    end
+    seen_total = seen_total + 1
+    for _, sym in ipairs(r['Symbols.Names']) do
+      local t = known_symbols[sym]
+      if not t then
+        local spam_count, ham_count = 0, 0
+        if is_spam then
+          spam_count = spam_count + 1
+        else
+          ham_count = ham_count + 1
+        end
+        known_symbols[sym] = {
+          id = symbols_count,
+          seen = 1,
+          seen_ham = ham_count,
+          seen_spam = spam_count,
+        }
+        symbols_count = symbols_count + 1
+      else
+        known_symbols[sym].seen = known_symbols[sym].seen + 1
+        if is_spam then
+          known_symbols[sym].seen_spam = known_symbols[sym].seen_spam + 1
+        else
+          known_symbols[sym].seen_ham = known_symbols[sym].seen_ham + 1
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  local known_symbols_list = {}
+  local composites = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('composites')
+  for k, v in pairs(known_symbols) do
+    local lower_count, higher_count
+    if v.seen_spam > v.seen_ham then
+      lower_count = v.seen_ham
+      higher_count = v.seen_spam
+    else
+      lower_count = v.seen_spam
+      higher_count = v.seen_ham
+    end
+    if composites[k] then
+      remove[k] = 'composite symbol'
+    elseif lower_count / higher_count >= 0.95 then
+      remove[k] = 'weak ham/spam correlation'
+    elseif v.seen / seen_total >= 0.9 then
+      remove[k] = 'omnipresent symbol'
+    end
+    known_symbols_list[] = {
+      seen = v.seen,
+      name = k,
+    }
+  end
+  -- Walk results again & count correlations
+  local correlations = {}
+  for _, r in ipairs(res) do
+    for _, sym in ipairs(r['Symbols.Names']) do
+      for _, inner_sym_name in ipairs(r['Symbols.Names']) do
+        if inner_sym_name ~= sym then
+          local known_sym = known_symbols[sym]
+          local inner_sym = known_symbols[inner_sym_name]
+          if known_sym and inner_sym then
+            if not correlations[] then
+              correlations[] = {}
+            end
+            local n = correlations[][] or 0
+            n = n + 1
+            correlations[][] = n
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  -- Walk correlation matrix and check total counts
+  for sym_id, row in pairs(correlations) do
+    for inner_sym_id, count in pairs(row) do
+      local known = known_symbols_list[sym_id]
+      local inner = known_symbols_list[inner_sym_id]
+      if known and count == known.seen and not remove[] and not remove[] then
+        remove[] = string.format("overlapped by %s",
+            known_symbols_list[inner_sym_id].name)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  return remove, known_symbols
+local function handle_neural_profile(args)
+  if args.where then
+    args.where = 'WHERE ' .. args.where
+  end
+  local query = string.format(
+      "SELECT Action, Symbols.Names FROM rspamd %s", args.where or '')
+  local upstream = args.upstream:get_upstream_round_robin()
+  local err, res = lua_clickhouse.select_sync(upstream, args, http_params, query)
+  if err ~= nil then
+    io.stderr:write(string.format('Error querying Clickhouse: %s\n', err))
+    os.exit(1)
+  end
+  local remove, known_symbols = get_excluded_symbols(res)
+  if not args.json then
+    for k in pairs(known_symbols) do
+      if not remove[k] then
+        io.stdout:write(string.format('%s\n', k))
+      end
+    end
+    os.exit(0)
+  end
+  local json_output = {
+    all_symbols = {},
+    removed_symbols = {},
+    used_symbols = {},
+  }
+  for k in pairs(known_symbols) do
+    table.insert(json_output.all_symbols, k)
+    local why_removed = remove[k]
+    if why_removed then
+      json_output.removed_symbols[k] = why_removed
+    else
+      table.insert(json_output.used_symbols, k)
+    end
+  end
+  io.stdout:write(ucl.to_format(json_output, 'json'))
+local command_handlers = {
+  neural_profile = handle_neural_profile,
+local function handler(args)
+  local cmd_opts = parser:parse(args)
+  load_config(cmd_opts.config_file)
+  local cfg_opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('clickhouse')
+  local function override_settings(params)
+    for _, which in ipairs(params) do
+      if cmd_opts[which] == nil then
+        cmd_opts[which] = cfg_opts[which]
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  override_settings({
+    'database', 'no_ssl_verify', 'password', 'server',
+    'use_gzip', 'use_https', 'user',
+  })
+  local servers = cmd_opts['server'] or cmd_opts['servers']
+  if not servers then
+    parser:error("server(s) unspecified & couldn't be fetched from config")
+  end
+  cmd_opts.upstream = rspamd_upstream_list.create(rspamd_config, servers, 8123)
+  if not cmd_opts.upstream then
+    io.stderr:write(string.format("can't parse clickhouse address: %s\n", servers))
+    os.exit(1)
+  end
+  local f = command_handlers[cmd_opts.command]
+  if not f then
+    parser:error(string.format("command isn't implemented: %s",
+        cmd_opts.command))
+  end
+  f(cmd_opts)
+return {
+  handler = handler,
+  description = parser._description,
+  name = 'clickhouse'

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