commit 4dd33bb: [WebUI] Rework actions form

moisseev moiseev at
Sat Jul 11 22:21:07 UTC 2020

Author: moisseev
Date: 2020-07-11 18:41:55 +0300

[WebUI] Rework actions form

 interface/index.html       |  12 +++-
 interface/js/app/config.js | 139 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 interface/js/app/rspamd.js |   4 ++
 3 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/interface/index.html b/interface/index.html
index da5eaf351..d70c557e5 100644
--- a/interface/index.html
+++ b/interface/index.html
@@ -202,7 +202,17 @@
 						<span class="icon mr-3"><i class="fas fa-tasks"></i></span>
 						<span class="h6 font-weight-bolder my-2">Actions</span>
-					<div class="card-body actions-content" id="actionsBody"></div>
+					<div class="card-body pb-2">
+						<form id="actionsForm">
+							<fieldset id="actionsFormField" class="ro-disable"></fieldset>
+						</form>
+					</div>
+					<div class="card-footer ro-hide">
+						<div class="btn-group">
+							<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" id="saveActionsBtn">Save actions</button>
+							<button class="btn btn-warning" type="button" id="saveActionsClusterBtn">Save cluster</button>
+						</div>
+					</div>
 				<div class="card bg-light shadow my-3">
 					<div class="card-header text-secondary py-2">
diff --git a/interface/js/app/config.js b/interface/js/app/config.js
index 36cdafeea..986db5748 100644
--- a/interface/js/app/config.js
+++ b/interface/js/app/config.js
@@ -27,23 +27,10 @@ define(["jquery"],
         "use strict";
         var ui = {};
-        function loadActionsFromForm() {
-            var values = [];
-            var inputs = $("#actionsForm :input[data-id=\"action\"]");
-            // Rspamd order: [spam, rewrite_subject, probable_spam, greylist]
-            values[0] = parseFloat(inputs[3].value);
-            values[1] = parseFloat(inputs[2].value);
-            values[2] = parseFloat(inputs[1].value);
-            values[3] = parseFloat(inputs[0].value);
-            return JSON.stringify(values);
-        }
         ui.getActions = function getActions(rspamd, checked_server) {
             rspamd.query("actions", {
                 success: function (data) {
-                    $("#actionsBody").empty();
-                    $("#actionsForm").empty();
+                    $("#actionsFormField").empty();
                     var items = [];
                     $.each(data[0].data, function (i, item) {
                         var idx = -1;
@@ -64,11 +51,13 @@ define(["jquery"],
                         if (idx >= 0) {
                                 idx: idx,
-                                html: "<div class=\"form-group\">" +
-                                "<label class=\"col-form-label col-md-2 float-left\">" + label + "</label>" +
-                                "<div class=\"controls slider-controls col-md-10\">" +
-                                "<input class=\"action-scores form-control\" data-id=\"action\" type=\"number\" value=\"" + item.value + "\">" +
-                                "</div>" +
+                                html:
+                                '<div class="form-group">' +
+                                    '<label class="col-form-label col-md-2 float-left">' + label + "</label>" +
+                                    '<div class="controls slider-controls col-md-10">' +
+                                        '<input class="action-scores form-control" data-id="action" type="number" value="' +
+                                          item.value + '">' +
+                                    "</div>" +
@@ -78,62 +67,65 @@ define(["jquery"],
                         return a.idx - b.idx;
-                    $("#actionsBody").html("<form id=\"actionsForm\"><fieldset id=\"actionsFormField\">" +
-           (e) {
-                        return e.html;
-                    }).join("") +
-                    "<div class=\"form-group\">" +
-                    "<div class=\"btn-group\">" +
-                    "<button class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"button\" id=\"saveActionsBtn\">Save actions</button>" +
-                    "<button class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"button\" id=\"saveActionsClusterBtn\">Save cluster</button>" +
-                    "</div></div></fieldset></form>");
-                    if (rspamd.read_only) {
-                        $("#saveActionsClusterBtn").attr("disabled", true);
-                        $("#saveActionsBtn").attr("disabled", true);
-                        $("#actionsFormField").attr("disabled", true);
-                    }
-                    function saveActions(server) {
-                        var elts = loadActionsFromForm();
-                        // String to array for comparison
-                        var eltsArray = JSON.parse(loadActionsFromForm());
-                        if (eltsArray[0] < 0) {
-                            rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Spam can not be negative");
-                        } else if (eltsArray[1] < 0) {
-                            rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Rewrite subject can not be negative");
-                        } else if (eltsArray[2] < 0) {
-                            rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Probable spam can not be negative");
-                        } else if (eltsArray[3] < 0) {
-                            rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Greylist can not be negative");
-                        } else if (
-                            (eltsArray[2] === null || eltsArray[3] < eltsArray[2]) &&
-                        (eltsArray[1] === null || eltsArray[2] < eltsArray[1]) &&
-                        (eltsArray[0] === null || eltsArray[1] < eltsArray[0])
-                        ) {
-                            rspamd.query("saveactions", {
-                                method: "POST",
-                                params: {
-                                    data: elts,
-                                    dataType: "json"
-                                },
-                                server: server
-                            });
-                        } else {
-                            rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Incorrect order of metric actions threshold");
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $("#saveActionsBtn").on("click", function () {
-                        saveActions();
-                    });
-                    $("#saveActionsClusterBtn").on("click", function () {
-                        saveActions("All SERVERS");
-                    });
+                    $("#actionsFormField").html(
+               (e) {
+                            return e.html;
+                        }).join(""));
                 server: (checked_server === "All SERVERS") ? "local" : checked_server
+        ui.saveActions = function (rspamd, server) {
+            function descending(arr) {
+                var desc = true;
+                var filtered = arr.filter(function (el) {
+                    return el !== null;
+                });
+                for (var i = 0; i < filtered.length - 1; i++) {
+                    if (filtered[i + 1] >= filtered[i]) {
+                        desc = false;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                return desc;
+            }
+            var elts = (function () {
+                var values = [];
+                var inputs = $("#actionsForm :input[data-id=\"action\"]");
+                // Rspamd order: [spam, rewrite_subject, probable_spam, greylist]
+                values[0] = parseFloat(inputs[3].value);
+                values[1] = parseFloat(inputs[2].value);
+                values[2] = parseFloat(inputs[1].value);
+                values[3] = parseFloat(inputs[0].value);
+                return JSON.stringify(values);
+            }());
+            // String to array for comparison
+            var eltsArray = JSON.parse(elts);
+            if (eltsArray[0] < 0) {
+                rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Spam can not be negative");
+            } else if (eltsArray[1] < 0) {
+                rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Rewrite subject can not be negative");
+            } else if (eltsArray[2] < 0) {
+                rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Probable spam can not be negative");
+            } else if (eltsArray[3] < 0) {
+                rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Greylist can not be negative");
+            } else if (descending(eltsArray)) {
+                rspamd.query("saveactions", {
+                    method: "POST",
+                    params: {
+                        data: elts,
+                        dataType: "json"
+                    },
+                    server: server
+                });
+            } else {
+                rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Incorrect order of actions thresholds");
+            }
+        };
         ui.getMaps = function (rspamd, checked_server) {
             var $listmaps = $("#listMaps");
@@ -199,6 +191,13 @@ define(["jquery"],
+            $("#saveActionsBtn").on("click", function () {
+                ui.saveActions(rspamd);
+            });
+            $("#saveActionsClusterBtn").on("click", function () {
+                ui.saveActions(rspamd, "All SERVERS");
+            });
             function saveMap(server) {
                 rspamd.query("savemap", {
                     success: function () {
diff --git a/interface/js/app/rspamd.js b/interface/js/app/rspamd.js
index be7594e30..f08363c62 100644
--- a/interface/js/app/rspamd.js
+++ b/interface/js/app/rspamd.js
@@ -276,11 +276,15 @@ function ($, D3pie, visibility, NProgress, stickyTabs, tab_stat, tab_graph, tab_
         // So when we store the boolean true or false, it actually stores the strings "true" or "false".
         ui.read_only = sessionStorage.getItem("read_only") === "true";
         if (ui.read_only) {
+            $(".ro-disable").attr("disabled", true);
+            $(".ro-hide").hide();
             $("#resetHistory").attr("disabled", true);
         } else {
+            $(".ro-disable").removeAttr("disabled", true);
+            $(".ro-hide").show();
             $("#resetHistory").removeAttr("disabled", true);

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