commit 960b608: [Feature] Add controller endpoint for training neural

Andrew Lewis nerf at
Thu Dec 17 13:21:07 UTC 2020

Author: Andrew Lewis
Date: 2020-12-17 11:28:09 +0200
URL: (refs/pull/3570/head)

[Feature] Add controller endpoint for training neural
 - Move neural functions to library
 - Parameterise spawn_train
 - neural plugin: Fix store_pool_only when autotrain is true
 - neural plugin: Use cache_set instead of mempool
 - Add test

 lualib/plugins/neural.lua                          | 779 ++++++++++++++++++++
 rules/controller/init.lua                          |   5 +-
 rules/controller/neural.lua                        |  72 ++
 src/plugins/lua/neural.lua                         | 788 +--------------------
 .../001_autotrain.robot}                           |   0
 .../cases/330_neural/002_manualtrain.robot         |  75 ++
 .../configs/{neural.conf => neural_noauto.conf}    |   4 +-
 test/functional/lib/rspamd.robot                   |   4 +-
 test/functional/lua/neural.lua                     |  39 +-
 test/functional/util/nn_unpack.lua                 |  16 +
 10 files changed, 1028 insertions(+), 754 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lualib/plugins/neural.lua b/lualib/plugins/neural.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d4c44b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lualib/plugins/neural.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+Copyright (c) 2020, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod at>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+local fun = require "fun"
+local lua_redis = require "lua_redis"
+local lua_settings = require "lua_settings"
+local lua_util = require "lua_util"
+local meta_functions = require "lua_meta"
+local rspamd_kann = require "rspamd_kann"
+local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger"
+local rspamd_tensor = require "rspamd_tensor"
+local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util"
+local N = 'neural'
+-- Used in prefix to avoid wrong ANN to be loaded
+local plugin_ver = '2'
+-- Module vars
+local default_options = {
+  train = {
+    max_trains = 1000,
+    max_epoch = 1000,
+    max_usages = 10,
+    max_iterations = 25, -- Torch style
+    mse = 0.001,
+    autotrain = true,
+    train_prob = 1.0,
+    learn_threads = 1,
+    learn_mode = 'balanced', -- Possible values: balanced, proportional
+    learning_rate = 0.01,
+    classes_bias = 0.0, -- balanced mode: what difference is allowed between classes (1:1 proportion means 0 bias)
+    spam_skip_prob = 0.0, -- proportional mode: spam skip probability (0-1)
+    ham_skip_prob = 0.0, -- proportional mode: ham skip probability
+    store_pool_only = false, -- store tokens in cache only (disables autotrain);
+    -- neural_vec_mpack stores vector of training data in messagepack neural_profile_digest stores profile digest
+  },
+  watch_interval = 60.0,
+  lock_expire = 600,
+  learning_spawned = false,
+  ann_expire = 60 * 60 * 24 * 2, -- 2 days
+  hidden_layer_mult = 1.5, -- number of neurons in the hidden layer
+  symbol_spam = 'NEURAL_SPAM',
+  symbol_ham = 'NEURAL_HAM',
+  max_inputs = nil, -- when PCA is used
+  blacklisted_symbols = {}, -- list of symbols skipped in neural processing
+-- Rule structure:
+-- * static config fields (see `default_options`)
+-- * prefix - name or defined prefix
+-- * settings - table of settings indexed by settings id, -1 is used when no settings defined
+-- Rule settings element defines elements for specific settings id:
+-- * symbols - static symbols profile (defined by config or extracted from symcache)
+-- * name - name of settings id
+-- * digest - digest of all symbols
+-- * ann - dynamic ANN configuration loaded from Redis
+-- * train - train data for ANN (e.g. the currently trained ANN)
+-- Settings ANN table is loaded from Redis and represents dynamic profile for ANN
+-- Some elements are directly stored in Redis, ANN is, in turn loaded dynamically
+-- * version - version of ANN loaded from redis
+-- * redis_key - name of ANN key in Redis
+-- * symbols - symbols in THIS PARTICULAR ANN (might be different from set.symbols)
+-- * distance - distance between set.symbols and set.ann.symbols
+-- * ann - kann object
+local settings = {
+  rules = {},
+  prefix = 'rn', -- Neural network default prefix
+  max_profiles = 3, -- Maximum number of NN profiles stored
+-- Get module & Redis configuration
+local module_config = rspamd_config:get_all_opt(N)
+settings = lua_util.override_defaults(settings, module_config)
+local redis_params = lua_redis.parse_redis_server('neural')
+-- Lua script that checks if we can store a new training vector
+-- Uses the following keys:
+-- key1 - ann key
+-- returns nspam,nham (or nil if locked)
+local redis_lua_script_vectors_len = [[
+  local prefix = KEYS[1]
+  local locked ='HGET', prefix, 'lock')
+  if locked then
+    local host ='HGET', prefix, 'hostname') or 'unknown'
+    return string.format('%s:%s', host, locked)
+  end
+  local nspam = 0
+  local nham = 0
+  local ret ='LLEN', prefix .. '_spam')
+  if ret then nspam = tonumber(ret) end
+  ret ='LLEN', prefix .. '_ham')
+  if ret then nham = tonumber(ret) end
+  return {nspam,nham}
+-- Lua script to invalidate ANNs by rank
+-- Uses the following keys
+-- key1 - prefix for keys
+-- key2 - number of elements to leave
+local redis_lua_script_maybe_invalidate = [[
+  local card ='ZCARD', KEYS[1])
+  local lim = tonumber(KEYS[2])
+  if card > lim then
+    local to_delete ='ZRANGE', KEYS[1], 0, card - lim - 1)
+    for _,k in ipairs(to_delete) do
+      local tb = cjson.decode(k)
+'DEL', tb.redis_key)
+      -- Also train vectors
+'DEL', tb.redis_key .. '_spam')
+'DEL', tb.redis_key .. '_ham')
+    end
+'ZREMRANGEBYRANK', KEYS[1], 0, card - lim - 1)
+    return to_delete
+  else
+    return {}
+  end
+-- Lua script to invalidate ANN from redis
+-- Uses the following keys
+-- key1 - prefix for keys
+-- key2 - current time
+-- key3 - key expire
+-- key4 - hostname
+local redis_lua_script_maybe_lock = [[
+  local locked ='HGET', KEYS[1], 'lock')
+  local now = tonumber(KEYS[2])
+  if locked then
+    locked = tonumber(locked)
+    local expire = tonumber(KEYS[3])
+    if now > locked and (now - locked) < expire then
+      return {tostring(locked),'HGET', KEYS[1], 'hostname') or 'unknown'}
+    end
+  end
+'HSET', KEYS[1], 'lock', tostring(now))
+'HSET', KEYS[1], 'hostname', KEYS[4])
+  return 1
+-- Lua script to save and unlock ANN in redis
+-- Uses the following keys
+-- key1 - prefix for ANN
+-- key2 - prefix for profile
+-- key3 - compressed ANN
+-- key4 - profile as JSON
+-- key5 - expire in seconds
+-- key6 - current time
+-- key7 - old key
+-- key8 - optional PCA
+local redis_lua_script_save_unlock = [[
+  local now = tonumber(KEYS[6])
+'ZADD', KEYS[2], now, KEYS[4])
+'HSET', KEYS[1], 'ann', KEYS[3])
+'DEL', KEYS[1] .. '_spam')
+'DEL', KEYS[1] .. '_ham')
+'HDEL', KEYS[1], 'lock')
+'HDEL', KEYS[7], 'lock')
+'EXPIRE', KEYS[1], tonumber(KEYS[5]))
+  if KEYS[8] then
+'HSET', KEYS[1], 'pca', KEYS[8])
+  end
+  return 1
+local redis_script_id = {}
+local function load_scripts()
+  redis_script_id.vectors_len = lua_redis.add_redis_script(redis_lua_script_vectors_len,
+    redis_params)
+  redis_script_id.maybe_invalidate = lua_redis.add_redis_script(redis_lua_script_maybe_invalidate,
+    redis_params)
+  redis_script_id.maybe_lock = lua_redis.add_redis_script(redis_lua_script_maybe_lock,
+    redis_params)
+  redis_script_id.save_unlock = lua_redis.add_redis_script(redis_lua_script_save_unlock,
+    redis_params)
+local function create_ann(n, nlayers, rule)
+    -- We ignore number of layers so far when using kann
+  local nhidden = math.floor(n * (rule.hidden_layer_mult or 1.0) + 1.0)
+  local t = rspamd_kann.layer.input(n)
+  t = rspamd_kann.transform.relu(t)
+  t = rspamd_kann.layer.dense(t, nhidden);
+  t = rspamd_kann.layer.cost(t, 1, rspamd_kann.cost.ceb_neg)
+  return
+-- Fills ANN data for a specific settings element
+local function fill_set_ann(set, ann_key)
+  if not set.ann then
+    set.ann = {
+      symbols = set.symbols,
+      distance = 0,
+      digest = set.digest,
+      redis_key = ann_key,
+      version = 0,
+    }
+  end
+-- This function takes all inputs, applies PCA transformation and returns the final
+-- PCA matrix as rspamd_tensor
+local function learn_pca(inputs, max_inputs)
+  local scatter_matrix = rspamd_tensor.scatter_matrix(rspamd_tensor.fromtable(inputs))
+  local eigenvals = scatter_matrix:eigen()
+  -- scatter matrix is not filled with eigenvectors
+  lua_util.debugm(N, 'eigenvalues: %s', eigenvals)
+  local w =, max_inputs, #scatter_matrix[1])
+  for i=1,max_inputs do
+    w[i] = scatter_matrix[#scatter_matrix - i + 1]
+  end
+  lua_util.debugm(N, 'pca matrix: %s', w)
+  return w
+-- This function is intended to extend lock for ANN during training
+-- It registers periodic that increases locked key each 30 seconds unless
+-- `set.learning_spawned` is set to `true`
+local function register_lock_extender(rule, set, ev_base, ann_key)
+  rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, 30.0,
+      function()
+        local function redis_lock_extend_cb(_err, _)
+          if _err then
+            rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot lock ANN %s from redis: %s',
+                ann_key, _err)
+          else
+            rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'extend lock for ANN %s for 30 seconds',
+                ann_key)
+          end
+        end
+        if set.learning_spawned then
+          lua_redis.redis_make_request_taskless(ev_base,
+              rspamd_config,
+              rule.redis,
+              nil,
+              true, -- is write
+              redis_lock_extend_cb, --callback
+              'HINCRBY', -- command
+              {ann_key, 'lock', '30'}
+          )
+        else
+          lua_util.debugm(N, rspamd_config, "stop lock extension as learning_spawned is false")
+          return false -- do not plan any more updates
+        end
+        return true
+      end
+  )
+local function can_push_train_vector(rule, task, learn_type, nspam, nham)
+  local train_opts = rule.train
+  local coin = math.random()
+  if train_opts.train_prob and coin < 1.0 - train_opts.train_prob then
+    rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'probabilistically skip sample: %s', coin)
+    return false
+  end
+  if train_opts.learn_mode == 'balanced' then
+    -- Keep balanced training set based on number of spam and ham samples
+    if learn_type == 'spam' then
+      if nspam <= train_opts.max_trains then
+        if nspam > nham then
+          -- Apply sampling
+          local skip_rate = 1.0 - nham / (nspam + 1)
+          if coin < skip_rate - train_opts.classes_bias then
+            rspamd_logger.infox(task,
+                'skip %s sample to keep spam/ham balance; probability %s; %s spam and %s ham vectors stored',
+                learn_type,
+                skip_rate - train_opts.classes_bias,
+                nspam, nham)
+            return false
+          end
+        end
+        return true
+      else -- Enough learns
+        rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'skip %s sample to keep spam/ham balance; too many spam samples: %s',
+            learn_type,
+            nspam)
+      end
+    else
+      if nham <= train_opts.max_trains then
+        if nham > nspam then
+          -- Apply sampling
+          local skip_rate = 1.0 - nspam / (nham + 1)
+          if coin < skip_rate - train_opts.classes_bias then
+            rspamd_logger.infox(task,
+                'skip %s sample to keep spam/ham balance; probability %s; %s spam and %s ham vectors stored',
+                learn_type,
+                skip_rate - train_opts.classes_bias,
+                nspam, nham)
+            return false
+          end
+        end
+        return true
+      else
+        rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'skip %s sample to keep spam/ham balance; too many ham samples: %s', learn_type,
+            nham)
+      end
+    end
+  else
+    -- Probabilistic learn mode, we just skip learn if we already have enough samples or
+    -- if our coin drop is less than desired probability
+    if learn_type == 'spam' then
+      if nspam <= train_opts.max_trains then
+        if train_opts.spam_skip_prob then
+          if coin <= train_opts.spam_skip_prob then
+            rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'skip %s sample probabilisticaly; probability %s (%s skip chance)', learn_type,
+                coin, train_opts.spam_skip_prob)
+            return false
+          end
+          return true
+        end
+      else
+        rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'skip %s sample; too many spam samples: %s (%s limit)', learn_type,
+            nspam, train_opts.max_trains)
+      end
+    else
+      if nham <= train_opts.max_trains then
+        if train_opts.ham_skip_prob then
+          if coin <= train_opts.ham_skip_prob then
+            rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'skip %s sample probabilisticaly; probability %s (%s skip chance)', learn_type,
+                coin, train_opts.ham_skip_prob)
+            return false
+          end
+          return true
+        end
+      else
+        rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'skip %s sample; too many ham samples: %s (%s limit)', learn_type,
+            nham, train_opts.max_trains)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  return false
+-- Closure generator for unlock function
+local function gen_unlock_cb(rule, set, ann_key)
+  return function (err)
+    if err then
+      rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot unlock ANN %s:%s at %s from redis: %s',
+          rule.prefix,, ann_key, err)
+    else
+      lua_util.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'unlocked ANN %s:%s at %s',
+          rule.prefix,, ann_key)
+    end
+  end
+-- Used to generate new ANN key for specific profile
+local function new_ann_key(rule, set, version)
+  local ann_key = string.format('%s_%s_%s_%s_%s', settings.prefix,
+      rule.prefix,, set.digest:sub(1, 8), tostring(version))
+  return ann_key
+local function redis_ann_prefix(rule, settings_name)
+  -- We also need to count metatokens:
+  local n = meta_functions.version
+  return string.format('%s%d_%s_%d_%s',
+    settings.prefix, plugin_ver, rule.prefix, n, settings_name)
+-- This function receives training vectors, checks them, spawn learning and saves ANN in Redis
+local function spawn_train(params)
+  -- Check training data sanity
+  -- Now we need to join inputs and create the appropriate test vectors
+  local n = #params.set.symbols +
+      meta_functions.rspamd_count_metatokens()
+  -- Now we can train ann
+  local train_ann = create_ann(params.rule.max_inputs or n, 3, params.rule)
+  if #params.ham_vec + #params.spam_vec < params.rule.train.max_trains / 2 then
+    -- Invalidate ANN as it is definitely invalid
+    -- TODO: add invalidation
+    assert(false)
+  else
+    local inputs, outputs = {}, {}
+    -- Used to show sparsed vectors in a convenient format (for debugging only)
+    local function debug_vec(t)
+      local ret = {}
+      for i,v in ipairs(t) do
+        if v ~= 0 then
+          ret[#ret + 1] = string.format('%d=%.2f', i, v)
+        end
+      end
+      return ret
+    end
+    -- Make training set by joining vectors
+    -- KANN automatically shuffles those samples
+    -- 1.0 is used for spam and -1.0 is used for ham
+    -- It implies that output layer can express that (e.g. tanh output)
+    for _,e in ipairs(params.spam_vec) do
+      inputs[#inputs + 1] = e
+      outputs[#outputs + 1] = {1.0}
+      --rspamd_logger.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'spam vector: %s', debug_vec(e))
+    end
+    for _,e in ipairs(params.ham_vec) do
+      inputs[#inputs + 1] = e
+      outputs[#outputs + 1] = {-1.0}
+      --rspamd_logger.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'ham vector: %s', debug_vec(e))
+    end
+    -- Called in child process
+    local function train()
+      local log_thresh = params.rule.train.max_iterations / 10
+      local seen_nan = false
+      local function train_cb(iter, train_cost, value_cost)
+        if (iter * (params.rule.train.max_iterations / log_thresh)) % (params.rule.train.max_iterations) == 0 then
+          if train_cost ~= train_cost and not seen_nan then
+            -- We have nan :( try to log lot's of stuff to dig into a problem
+            seen_nan = true
+            rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'ANN %s:%s: train error: observed nan in error cost!; value cost = %s',
+                params.rule.prefix,,
+                value_cost)
+            for i,e in ipairs(inputs) do
+              lua_util.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'train vector %s -> %s',
+                  debug_vec(e), outputs[i][1])
+            end
+          end
+          rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config,
+              "ANN %s:%s: learned from %s redis key in %s iterations, error: %s, value cost: %s",
+              params.rule.prefix,,
+              params.ann_key,
+              iter,
+              train_cost,
+              value_cost)
+        end
+      end
+      lua_util.debugm(N, rspamd_config, "subprocess to learn ANN %s:%s has been started",
+          params.rule.prefix,
+      local ret,err = pcall(train_ann.train1, train_ann,
+          inputs, outputs, {
+            lr = params.rule.train.learning_rate,
+            max_epoch = params.rule.train.max_iterations,
+            cb = train_cb,
+            pca = (params.set.ann or {}).pca
+          })
+      if not ret then
+        rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, "cannot train ann %s:%s: %s",
+            params.rule.prefix,, err)
+        return nil
+      end
+      if not seen_nan then
+        local out = train_ann:save()
+        return out
+      else
+        return nil
+      end
+    end
+    params.set.learning_spawned = true
+    local function redis_save_cb(err)
+      if err then
+        rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot save ANN %s:%s to redis key %s: %s',
+            params.rule.prefix,, params.ann_key, err)
+        lua_redis.redis_make_request_taskless(params.ev_base,
+            rspamd_config,
+            params.rule.redis,
+            nil,
+            false, -- is write
+            gen_unlock_cb(params.rule, params.set, params.ann_key), --callback
+            'HDEL', -- command
+            {params.ann_key, 'lock'}
+        )
+      else
+        rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'saved ANN %s:%s to redis: %s',
+            params.rule.prefix,, params.set.ann.redis_key)
+      end
+    end
+    local function ann_trained(err, data)
+      params.set.learning_spawned = false
+      if err then
+        rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot train ANN %s:%s : %s',
+            params.rule.prefix,, err)
+        lua_redis.redis_make_request_taskless(params.ev_base,
+            rspamd_config,
+            params.rule.redis,
+            nil,
+            true, -- is write
+            gen_unlock_cb(params.rule, params.set, params.ann_key), --callback
+            'HDEL', -- command
+            {params.ann_key, 'lock'}
+        )
+      else
+        local ann_data = rspamd_util.zstd_compress(data)
+        local pca_data
+        fill_set_ann(params.set, params.ann_key)
+        if params.set.ann.pca then
+          pca_data = rspamd_util.zstd_compress(params.set.ann.pca:save())
+        end
+        -- Deserialise ANN from the child process
+        ann_trained = rspamd_kann.load(data)
+        local version = (params.set.ann.version or 0) + 1
+        params.set.ann.version = version
+        params.set.ann.ann = ann_trained
+        params.set.ann.symbols = params.set.symbols
+        params.set.ann.redis_key = new_ann_key(params.rule, params.set, version)
+        local profile = {
+          symbols = params.set.symbols,
+          digest = params.set.digest,
+          redis_key = params.set.ann.redis_key,
+          version = version
+        }
+        local ucl = require "ucl"
+        local profile_serialized = ucl.to_format(profile, 'json-compact', true)
+        rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config,
+            'trained ANN %s:%s, %s bytes (%s compressed); %s rows in pca (%sb compressed); redis key: %s (old key %s)',
+            params.rule.prefix,,
+            #data, #ann_data,
+            #(params.set.ann.pca or {}), #(pca_data or {}),
+            params.set.ann.redis_key, params.ann_key)
+        lua_redis.exec_redis_script(redis_script_id.save_unlock,
+            {ev_base = params.ev_base, is_write = true},
+            redis_save_cb,
+            {profile.redis_key,
+             redis_ann_prefix(params.rule,,
+             ann_data,
+             profile_serialized,
+             tostring(params.rule.ann_expire),
+             tostring(os.time()),
+             params.ann_key, -- old key to unlock...
+             pca_data
+            })
+      end
+    end
+    if params.rule.max_inputs then
+      fill_set_ann(params.set, params.ann_key)
+      -- Train PCA in the main process, presumably it is not that long
+      params.set.ann.pca = learn_pca(inputs, params.rule.max_inputs)
+    end
+    params.worker:spawn_process{
+      func = train,
+      on_complete = ann_trained,
+      proctitle = string.format("ANN train for %s/%s", params.rule.prefix,,
+    }
+    -- Spawn learn and register lock extension
+    params.set.learning_spawned = true
+    register_lock_extender(params.rule, params.set, params.ev_base, params.ann_key)
+    return
+  end
+-- This function is used to adjust profiles and allowed setting ids for each rule
+-- It must be called when all settings are already registered (e.g. at post-init for config)
+local function process_rules_settings()
+  local function process_settings_elt(rule, selt)
+    local profile = rule.profile[]
+    if profile then
+      -- Use static user defined profile
+      -- Ensure that we have an array...
+      lua_util.debugm(N, rspamd_config, "use static profile for %s (%s): %s",
+          rule.prefix,, profile)
+      if not profile[1] then profile = lua_util.keys(profile) end
+      selt.symbols = profile
+    else
+      lua_util.debugm(N, rspamd_config, "use dynamic cfg based profile for %s (%s)",
+          rule.prefix,
+    end
+    local function filter_symbols_predicate(sname)
+      if settings.blacklisted_symbols and settings.blacklisted_symbols[sname] then
+        return false
+      end
+      local fl = rspamd_config:get_symbol_flags(sname)
+      if fl then
+        fl = lua_util.list_to_hash(fl)
+        return not (fl.nostat or fl.idempotent or fl.skip or fl.composite)
+      end
+      return false
+    end
+    -- Generic stuff
+    table.sort(fun.totable(fun.filter(filter_symbols_predicate, selt.symbols)))
+    selt.digest = lua_util.table_digest(selt.symbols)
+    selt.prefix = redis_ann_prefix(rule,
+    lua_redis.register_prefix(selt.prefix, N,
+        string.format('NN prefix for rule "%s"; settings id "%s"',
+            rule.prefix,, {
+          persistent = true,
+          type = 'zlist',
+        })
+    -- Versions
+    lua_redis.register_prefix(selt.prefix .. '_\\d+', N,
+        string.format('NN storage for rule "%s"; settings id "%s"',
+            rule.prefix,, {
+          persistent = true,
+          type = 'hash',
+        })
+    lua_redis.register_prefix(selt.prefix .. '_\\d+_spam', N,
+        string.format('NN learning set (spam) for rule "%s"; settings id "%s"',
+            rule.prefix,, {
+          persistent = true,
+          type = 'list',
+        })
+    lua_redis.register_prefix(selt.prefix .. '_\\d+_ham', N,
+        string.format('NN learning set (spam) for rule "%s"; settings id "%s"',
+            rule.prefix,, {
+          persistent = true,
+          type = 'list',
+        })
+  end
+  for k,rule in pairs(settings.rules) do
+    if not rule.allowed_settings then
+      rule.allowed_settings = {}
+    elseif rule.allowed_settings == 'all' then
+      -- Extract all settings ids
+      rule.allowed_settings = lua_util.keys(lua_settings.all_settings())
+    end
+    -- Convert to a map <setting_id> -> true
+    rule.allowed_settings = lua_util.list_to_hash(rule.allowed_settings)
+    -- Check if we can work without settings
+    if k == 'default' or type(rule.default) ~= 'boolean' then
+      rule.default = true
+    end

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