commit 00b2eca: [Minor] selectors: cleaner symbol extractor

rm-minus-rf rm.minus.rf at
Sat Apr 18 09:21:20 UTC 2020

Author: rm-minus-rf
Date: 2020-04-18 00:17:29 +0200
URL: (refs/pull/3336/head)

[Minor] selectors: cleaner symbol extractor
'symbol' extractor returns a table
'to_ascii' transform can handle tables

 lualib/lua_selectors/extractors.lua | 17 ++++-------------
 lualib/lua_selectors/transforms.lua | 15 +++++++++++----
 src/plugins/lua/force_actions.lua   |  1 -
 3 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lualib/lua_selectors/extractors.lua b/lualib/lua_selectors/extractors.lua
index 635972226..695371e79 100644
--- a/lualib/lua_selectors/extractors.lua
+++ b/lualib/lua_selectors/extractors.lua
@@ -419,21 +419,12 @@ The first argument must be header name.]],
   ['symbol'] = {
     ['get_value'] = function(task, args)
       local symbol = task:get_symbol(args[1])
-      if args[2] and symbol then
-	if args[2] == 'options' then
-	  -- concat options tables to avoid table representation strings produced by implicit conversion
-          return return table.concat(r[args[2]], ', ') end, symbol), 'string_list'
-	elseif args[2] == 'score' then
-	  -- only userdata_list seems to work for scores
-          return return r[args[2]] end, symbol), 'userdata_list'
-	else
-          return return r[args[2]] end, symbol), 'string_list'
-	end
+      if symbol then
+        return symbol[1],'table'
-      return symbol,'table_list'
-    ['description'] = [[Get specific symbol. The first argument must be the symbol name. If no second argument is specified, returns a list of symbol tables. Otherwise the second argument specifies the attribute which is returned as list (`options`, `score` or `group`)]],
-    ['args_schema'] = {ts.string, ts.one_of{'options','score','group'}:is_optional()}
+    ['description'] = [[Get specific symbol. The first argument must be the symbol name. Returns the symbol table. See task:get_symbol()]],
+    ['args_schema'] = {ts.string}
diff --git a/lualib/lua_selectors/transforms.lua b/lualib/lua_selectors/transforms.lua
index be896126d..b1088aa75 100644
--- a/lualib/lua_selectors/transforms.lua
+++ b/lualib/lua_selectors/transforms.lua
@@ -413,16 +413,23 @@ Empty string comes the first argument or 'true', non-empty string comes nil]],
     ['args_schema'] = {(ts.number + ts.string / tonumber),
                        (ts.number + ts.string / tonumber):is_optional()}
-  -- Returns the string with all non ascii chars replaced
+  -- Returns the string(s) with all non ascii chars replaced
   ['to_ascii'] = {
     ['types'] = {
       ['string'] = true,
+      ['list'] = true,
     ['map_type'] = 'string',
-    ['process'] = function(inp, _)
-      return string.gsub(inp, '[\128-\255]', '?'), 'string'
+    ['process'] = function(inp, _, args)
+      if type(inp) == 'table' then
+        return function(s) return string.gsub(tostring(s), '[\128-\255]', args[1] or '?') end , inp), 'string_list'
+      else 
+        return string.gsub(tostring(inp), '[\128-\255]', '?'), 'string'
+      end
-    ['description'] = 'Returns the string with all non-ascii bytes replaced with `?`',
+    ['description'] = 'Returns the string with all non-ascii bytes replaced with the character given as second argument or `?`',
+    ['args_schema'] = {ts.string:is_optional()}
diff --git a/src/plugins/lua/force_actions.lua b/src/plugins/lua/force_actions.lua
index e86892f6a..eda87ead0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lua/force_actions.lua
+++ b/src/plugins/lua/force_actions.lua
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ local function gen_cb(expr, act, pool, message, subject, raction, honor, limit,
         -- process selector expressions in the message
         message = string.gsub(message, '(${(.-)})', process_message_selectors)
         task:set_pre_result(act, message, N, nil, nil, flags)
         task:set_pre_result(act, nil, N, nil, nil, flags)

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