commit 5eb5732: [Feature] Lua_trie: More flexible API

Vsevolod Stakhov vsevolod at
Wed Sep 4 20:49:09 UTC 2019

Author: Vsevolod Stakhov
Date: 2019-09-04 18:40:48 +0100
URL: (HEAD -> master)

[Feature] Lua_trie: More flexible API

 src/lua/lua_trie.c | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 76 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/lua/lua_trie.c b/src/lua/lua_trie.c
index 456610b1f..b030c735a 100644
--- a/src/lua/lua_trie.c
+++ b/src/lua/lua_trie.c
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ lua_trie_create (lua_State *L)
 	return 1;
+/* Normal callback type */
 static gint
 lua_trie_callback (struct rspamd_multipattern *mp,
 		guint strnum,
@@ -176,18 +177,54 @@ lua_trie_callback (struct rspamd_multipattern *mp,
 	return ret;
+/* Table like callback, expect result table on top of the stack */
+static gint
+lua_trie_table_callback (struct rspamd_multipattern *mp,
+				   guint strnum,
+				   gint match_start,
+				   gint textpos,
+				   const gchar *text,
+				   gsize len,
+				   void *context)
+	lua_State *L = context;
+	/* Set table, indexed by pattern number */
+	lua_rawgeti (L, -1, strnum + 1);
+	if (lua_istable (L, -1)) {
+		/* Already have table, add offset */
+		gsize last = rspamd_lua_table_size (L, -1);
+		lua_pushinteger (L, textpos);
+		lua_rawseti (L, -2, last + 1);
+		/* Remove table from the stack */
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
+	}
+	else {
+		/* Pop none */
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
+		/* New table */
+		lua_newtable (L);
+		lua_pushinteger (L, textpos);
+		lua_rawseti (L, -2, 1);
+		lua_rawseti (L, -2, strnum + 1);
+	}
+	return 0;
  * We assume that callback argument is at pos 3 and icase is in position 4
 static gint
 lua_trie_search_str (lua_State *L, struct rspamd_multipattern *trie,
-		const gchar *str, gsize len)
+		const gchar *str, gsize len, rspamd_multipattern_cb_t cb)
 	gint ret;
 	guint nfound = 0;
 	if ((ret = rspamd_multipattern_lookup (trie, str, len,
-			lua_trie_callback, L, &nfound)) == 0) {
+			cb, L, &nfound)) == 0) {
 		return nfound;
@@ -195,12 +232,11 @@ lua_trie_search_str (lua_State *L, struct rspamd_multipattern *trie,
- * @method trie:match(input, cb[, caseless])
+ * @method trie:match(input, [cb])
  * Search for patterns in `input` invoking `cb` optionally ignoring case
  * @param {table or string} input one or several (if `input` is an array) strings of input text
  * @param {function} cb callback called on each pattern match in form `function (idx, pos)` where `idx` is a numeric index of pattern (starting from 1) and `pos` is a numeric offset where the pattern ends
- * @param {boolean} caseless if `true` then match ignores symbols case (ASCII only)
- * @return {boolean} `true` if any pattern has been found (`cb` might be called multiple times however)
+ * @return {boolean} `true` if any pattern has been found (`cb` might be called multiple times however). If `cb` is not defined then it returns a table of match positions indexed by pattern number
 static gint
 lua_trie_match (lua_State *L)
@@ -210,8 +246,16 @@ lua_trie_match (lua_State *L)
 	const gchar *text;
 	gsize len;
 	gboolean found = FALSE;
+	struct rspamd_lua_text *t;
+	rspamd_multipattern_cb_t cb = lua_trie_callback;
 	if (trie) {
+		if (lua_type (L, 3) != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
+			/* Table like match */
+			lua_newtable (L);
+			cb = lua_trie_table_callback;
+		}
 		if (lua_type (L, 2) == LUA_TTABLE) {
 			lua_pushvalue (L, 2);
 			lua_pushnil (L);
@@ -220,10 +264,19 @@ lua_trie_match (lua_State *L)
 				if (lua_isstring (L, -1)) {
 					text = lua_tolstring (L, -1, &len);
-					if (lua_trie_search_str (L, trie, text, len)) {
+					if (lua_trie_search_str (L, trie, text, len, cb)) {
 						found = TRUE;
+				else if (lua_isuserdata (L, -1)) {
+					t = lua_check_text (L, -1);
+					if (t) {
+						if (lua_trie_search_str (L, trie, t->start, t->len, cb)) {
+							found = TRUE;
+						}
+					}
+				}
 				lua_pop (L, 1);
@@ -232,18 +285,28 @@ lua_trie_match (lua_State *L)
 		else if (lua_type (L, 2) == LUA_TSTRING) {
 			text = lua_tolstring (L, 2, &len);
-			if (lua_trie_search_str (L, trie, text, len)) {
+			if (lua_trie_search_str (L, trie, text, len, cb)) {
+				found = TRUE;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (lua_type (L, 2) == LUA_TUSERDATA) {
+			t = lua_check_text (L, -1);
+			if (t && lua_trie_search_str (L, trie, t->start, t->len, cb)) {
 				found = TRUE;
-	lua_pushboolean (L, found);
+	if (lua_type (L, 3) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
+		lua_pushboolean (L, found);
+	}
 	return 1;
- * @method trie:search_mime(task, cb[, caseless])
+ * @method trie:search_mime(task, cb)
  * This is a helper mehthod to search pattern within text parts of a message in rspamd task
  * @param {task} task object
  * @param {function} cb callback called on each pattern match @see trie:match
@@ -260,6 +323,7 @@ lua_trie_search_mime (lua_State *L)
 	const gchar *text;
 	gsize len, i;
 	gboolean found = FALSE;
+	rspamd_multipattern_cb_t cb = lua_trie_callback;
 	if (trie && task) {
 		PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH (MESSAGE_FIELD (task, text_parts), i, part) {
@@ -267,7 +331,7 @@ lua_trie_search_mime (lua_State *L)
 				text = part->utf_content->data;
 				len = part->utf_content->len;
-				if (lua_trie_search_str (L, trie, text, len) != 0) {
+				if (lua_trie_search_str (L, trie, text, len, cb) != 0) {
 					found = TRUE;
@@ -300,7 +364,7 @@ lua_trie_search_rawmsg (lua_State *L)
 		text = task->msg.begin;
 		len = task->msg.len;
-		if (lua_trie_search_str (L, trie, text, len) != 0) {
+		if (lua_trie_search_str (L, trie, text, len, lua_trie_callback) != 0) {
 			found = TRUE;
@@ -338,7 +402,7 @@ lua_trie_search_rawbody (lua_State *L)
 			len = task->msg.len;
-		if (lua_trie_search_str (L, trie, text, len) != 0) {
+		if (lua_trie_search_str (L, trie, text, len, lua_trie_callback) != 0) {
 			found = TRUE;

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